The Books/Reading Thread

Kraven's Last Hunt Deluxe Edition
has extra stories, including
Kraven's very first apearance
Spiderman seeing Vermin for the first time
and the awesome follow up story "soul of the hunter"
the extra material really truly amplifies the emotional impact of the "last hunt" story
For fans of horror, check out Paul Tremblay's Growing Things: and Other Stories. I'm about halfway through, and this collection is great. The stories oscillate from explicit supernatural horror ("The Barn in the Wild") to vaguely allegorical ("Swim Wants to Know if it's as Bad as Swim Thinks"), and from deadly serious in tone ("The Teacher") to delightful parody of Lovecraftian horror ("Our Town's Monster"). Most of the stories are set in and around Boston, which makes it more fun for me; but it also extends to New England at large, which Lovecraft fans will appreciate. Really good, intelligent writing:


It is a terrible thing to read a Paul Tremblay story.

Terrible because you know, going in, that it's probably going to mess you up. That his stories and his words have this way of getting under your skin. Of crawling inside you like bugs and just ... living there. They become indistinguishable from memory. They become a part of all the cells and goop that make you you.
Just got handed a copy of Joe Hill's NOS4A2 for Father's day. The first season of the TV show wasn't bad so hopefully the book is better and will spoil the second season of the show for me :)
It's over a year since I posted that I was reading Don Quixote (in the Movie thread). I'm still reading it. It's great, but I just don't read much. I just read a little when I go to bed sometimes, but not when I go to bed later than I wanted to (which is most of the time). It's a bit too wordy to be a real page turner, but I'm well into part 2 and it's even funnier than part 1.

I think it's a new record for the longest I've taken to read a book. Ulysses took me 12 months.
The library a couple towns over from me hosted an author event today with debut mystery author Jack Matthews. He grew up in the town and the majority of the story is set in it as well. The book is called Arte Perdida.

After listening to his engaging talk about the researching and writing of the book, I picked up a copy of the book and had it signed.
i just now re-read Brisingr
3rd book in the Eragon series

people bitched that Eragon was noticeably written by a 15-year-old while comparing it to LOTR
saying LOTR was a million times better
but, LOTR was written by a professional linguist, and it shows
it's one of those few instances where the movie was actually better than the book
LOTR was an awesome movie trilogy, even though the book was impossible to read

a fiction book should be more fun than technical
at the end of the day
i'd rather read a book that's obviously written by a 15-year-old, than a book that's obviously written by a professional linguist
the inheritance cycle book series >>> LOTR book series