Houses Ov Mercury
I'm currently reading 'The Compound Effect' for work. Gotta love a good self help book.
Even if it's written by Christians
I'm currently reading 'The Compound Effect' for work. Gotta love a good self help book.
Don't worry .. I will be sure to keep it for you to read, along with the other 1,900 self help books I get from my job.
I read that Arthur Neresian book when I was about fifteen. It was one of the best books I've ever read. It goes right up there with Catcher in the Rye. I hope you enjoy it.
In my opinion it is very well written. I read the entire book within a few hours. Do you ever read any Palahniuk by any chance?
I've read Choke and Fight Club. This day in age, that question is like asking someone if they have 10 fingers.
Even if it's written by Christians![]()
Is it impossible that a Christian could write a decent self help book?
I seriously can't stand some of the anti-Christian sentiment that goes on on this forum. People seem to think it's okay, whereas anti-Semitism is unthinkable. It's terribly hypocritical, in my opinion.
1). It's not impossible, but it is improbable. Very many Christian doctrines focus on non-science and very platitudinous ways of "helping" yourself, most of which are just feel good bullshit (which, maybe, is the point of self-help books) but I feel like they should at least appeal to people in a secular way so as not to marginalize consumers. I don't like professed Christian anything, just as I don't like professed Atheist anything. It's equal on both sides. I don't really understand where your anger/ire is coming from.
2). From anti-Semitism, things such as National Socialism or Fascism (or whatever you equate with Hitler I suppose) seem to logically or illogically follow. Thinking a Christian most probably cannot write a self help book worth a goddamn if it professes Christian belief systems or professes Christian dogma in an overt, irritating way is not 1-to-1 equivalent to "anti-Semitism", and it's mildly amusing that you'd even post this.