Accidents are for people who are not careful when they drive.
I'd say that accidents are for everybody at some point or another. Driving is one of the most dangerous activities that people take part in, and it's done almost every day. And there are so many people on the road that it's almost inevitable. It's just that inexperienced drivers don't know how to read road conditions as well. At least, that's what I've noticed in my own driving. I just kind of know where to look and when and it's easier to know what I need to concentrate on at a given moment than when I first started driving. But if you've already been driving for 3 years, then I'd say you're already past the whole "you're a new driver so get ready for an accident" stage. =)
I say this all the time. There is a
huge difference between being a careful driver and a good driver.
Nah, it's not the bike, it's the rider. I rode a 125cc bike for 4 months because I thought the same thing. I was scared of the engine size, the size of the bike etc, but when I got a 600, I couldn't believe how much easier it was to ride around town, and how managable the power was.
The forward lean angle of a sport bike is odd to some people, but I wouldn't own any other bike that isn't that way. I can't stand sitting upright, it's 'boring'. My wrists ached for like the first week because I was using them to take my weight. When you get used to it, you'll learn to shift your hips forward, sit more upright, and use your stomach and legs to take the weight. I even let my mate have a go down a straight empty road and he did 70 with no problems at all, only ever ridden a 125 in his life.
Seriously, if you want a Gixer 600, go for it, you'll never have more fun.
Actually I did buy the gsxr back in march, and I haven't had any problems at all riding it. It's way easy. Going on long trips is kind of a hassle though, as my back gets tired kind of quick and I gotta wear a backpack if I wanna carry anything. You're definitely right about your wrists, though- mine used to get real achy. If I'm working the clutch a lot then my scrawny ass left wrist still does, though. XD
Stupid law, no arguments there.
I actually like that law, even though I do think it's dangerous as shit. XD
Id argue the point, why didnt the cyclist use some common sense and give a wide birth for an opening car door, or drive at a speed where they can slow down in time.
Why? Because that particular cyclist was also a fucking tard. Being the smaller, more difficult to see, and much, much more likely of the two getting injured in the event of a collision- the cyclist should have certainly been more careful. But I still firmly believe that you should
always look before you open the door. I mean, the mirror's right there, anyway.
Not all of the time. Accidents are caused because there are multiple types of drivers: Inexperienced, inexperienced driving too fast/outside their capabilities, experienced, aggressive, slow etc. People doing unpredictable things on the roads, and those who dont predict said things. UK as an example, its real problem is that there is too many people on our roads. Everyone has a car, we have a population higher than California on our tiny island.
I agree entirely. I'm an aggressive driver. I tailgate a lot. I should stop, but I probably wont until my insurance rates get too high or something, haha. That's an interesting thought about UK having more people and more cars than California, too. Cali has a shitload of cars. o_o
Actually I almost hit some 15 year old biker dick (without helmet) with my car

And it was his fault because he just jumped on the main street from nowhere. One of the most scariest things ever happend to me, just like in the movies, my car stopped not even one meter away from him
And here's proof that if you can't drive a car for shit, you most certainly shouldn't be on a bike
I'm going to repeat this 'cause I think it's an important point. Being a good driver is entirely different from being a cautious driver. I have a good friend who epitomizes this point, haha.
I would also like to say don't drive too slow. It causes road rage among people like me who have places to be. If you're not in a hurry, then that's fine. But you can be sure that somebody behind you is. So be considerate and either give it a little more gas, or move into the next lane. Thanks for your time. =)