The Chess Thread

incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5
UC - 6
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. f1-d3 d7-d5
03. b2-b3 g8-f6
04. c1-b2 d5xe4
05. d3-c4 f8-c5
06. g1-e2 o-o
07. e2-g3 a7-a6
08. o-o b7-b5
09. c4-e2 c5-d4
10. c2-c3 d4-e5
11. f2-f4 e5-d6
12. d1-c2 d6-c5+
13. g1-h1 c8-b7
14. d2-d4 c5-b6
15. b1-d2 d8-d5
16. c3-c4 b5xc4
17. b3xc4 d5-c6
18. a1-e1 b6-a5
19. f4-f5 e4-e3
20. e2-f3 c6-b6
21. d2-e4 a5xe1
22. f1xe1 f6xe4
23. f3xe4 b7xe4
24. g3xe4 e6xf5
25. e4-g5 h7-h6
26. g5-h3 b6-e6
27. h3-f4 e6-e4
28. c2xe4 f5xe4
29. e1xe3 f8-e8
30. f4-d5 a8-a7
31. g2-g4 c7-c6
32. d5-c3 a7-b7
33. b2-a3 b8-d7
34. c3xe4 g8-h8
35. a3-c1 b7-b1
incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5

V - UC
01. d2-d4 d7-d5
02. c2-c4 g8-f6
03. b1-d2 c8-f5
04. f2-f3 e7-e6
05. g2-g4 f5-g6
06. f1-g2 f8-b4
07. d1-b3 d8-e7

6SF: Gah, i give up. x.x What is it, 3-1 now? Shit, i really have to start concentrating... Ok, so:

UC - 6
01. b2-b3
incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5
11. f3xe5
incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5
11. f3xe5 c5-e7

:guh: What the fuck was i thinking? Gah, that's so unlike me... :hypno:
incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5
11. f3xe5 c5-e7
12. d1-d4

shit happens sometimes :)
V - UC
01. d2-d4 d7-d5
02. c2-c4 g8-f6
03. b1-d2 c8-f5
04. f2-f3 e7-e6
05. g2-g4 f5-g6
06. f1-g2 f8-b4
07. d1-b3 d8-e7
08. a2-a3 d5xc4
09. b3xc4

I really can't see why you did that now. Do you have some crooked plan up your sleeve? :u-huh:


incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5
11. f3xe5 c5-e7
12. d1-d4 h7-h6
13. g5-e3
Villain: Apparently i did, but i can't remember what it was. :ill:

V - UC
01. d2-d4 d7-d5
02. c2-c4 g8-f6
03. b1-d2 c8-f5
04. f2-f3 e7-e6
05. g2-g4 f5-g6
06. f1-g2 f8-b4
07. d1-b3 d8-e7
08. a2-a3 d5xc4
09. b3xc4 b4-d6

incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5
11. f3xe5 c5-e7
12. d1-d4 h7-h6
13. g5-e3 g7-g5
incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5
11. f3xe5 c5-e7
12. d1-d4 h7-h6
13. g5-e3 g7-g5
14. d5-d6
incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5
11. f3xe5 c5-e7
12. d1-d4 h7-h6
13. g5-e3 g7-g5
14. d5-d6 c7xd6
V - UC
01. d2-d4 d7-d5
02. c2-c4 g8-f6
03. b1-d2 c8-f5
04. f2-f3 e7-e6
05. g2-g4 f5-g6
06. f1-g2 f8-b4
07. d1-b3 d8-e7
08. a2-a3 d5xc4
09. b3xc4 b4-d6
10. g1-h3

Makes me think that perhaps you have too many games going at once? I know for sure that I couldn't try to play two (or three!) games of chess at the same time. Then again, real masters of the game can easily handle ten games at a time, so perhaps it is just my bad memory...

incendo - UC
01. e2-e4 e7-e6
02. d2-d4 b8-c6
03. g1-f3 b7-b6
04. a2-a3 c8-b7
05. d4-d5 e6xd5
06. e4xd5 d8-e7+
07. f1-e2 c6-e5
08. o-o o-o-o
09. b1-c3 g8-f6
10. c1-g5 e7-c5
11. f3xe5 c5-e7
12. d1-d4 h7-h6
13. g5-e3 g7-g5
14. d5-d6 c7xd6
15. c3-b5
Villain said:
Makes me think that perhaps you have too many games going at once? I know for sure that I couldn't try to play two (or three!) games of chess at the same time. Then again, real masters of the game can easily handle ten games at a time, so perhaps it is just my bad memory...


@Undo: I was thinking the same.