X-posting this from my reddit thread, but I figure you gear heads might be able to chip in!
Hey Shreddit, I am looking for some guitars I should check out at a roughly $1000 budget....
Several weeks ago I bought an ESP Horizon Fr II at a great price, but I just wasn't "feeling" the guitar so I re-sold it. This is strange because my primary guitar is an ESP LTD MH 1000 Deluxe...
So...now I am looking to use the funds from selling the Horizon to buy a new (or used) geetar!
I have a couple of options on my radar at the moment:
1) Getting a custom made Carvin DC 600
This will probably go a little over budget, and I like the idea of choosing the aesthetics, but at the same time, I do not know about woods / and such that will give me the guitar I want sonically.
2) Chapman ML 1 or ML 1 BEA sig
http://www.chapmanguitars.co.uk/guitars/ml-1/ http://www.chapmanguitars.co.uk/guitars/ml-1-bea/
I play mostly metal (thrash or melodic death), but also like playing leads and stuff like Vai, Greg Howe, and other dreamy shredders... So I would like a guitar capable of both.
One caveat, I have always wanted a floyd rose for the tricks, but it seems each guitar I have ever played with a floyd haven't sounded as good as its fixed tremolos brethren. This makes me want to avoid it, but I do not know if I just didn't have a well setup guitar or maybe there were old strings that caused this dull problem.
Anyways, I'm open to any and all suggestions.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading!