Deadnight Reaper
- Jul 21, 2010
- 57
- 0
- 6 you get hold of an Lee Jackson today?
There are many people selling that unit nowdays. you get hold of an Lee Jackson today?
do you know if they sound totally different? or is the marshall voiced "better"?
I´m really interested in the Lee Jackson GP-1000. I consider to buy one in a couple of month..
I think here are some guitar players who use the GP-1000. Are you happy with the tone? Is there something comparably out today?
Marshall voiced GP sounds hotter. Both Alexi and Roope used thoose.
ok- thanks.
and which preamps with which serial number are the marhsall voiced?
Okey, so he uses Kerry Kings signature head. Do you got any idea what cabinetts he use?