The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

the bass and treeble are pulled or pushed??:notworthy:rock:

I like my bass roasted :goggly::rock::rock::notworthy:blush::zombie::Smokin::u-huh::cry:

STEP.1 - Heat the oven to gas5, 190°C, 375°F

STEP.2 - Lightly oil two baking trays. Using a sharp knife, make three slashes on one side of each fish. Place the sea bass on the baking trays.

- For the salsa verde, mix together the finely chopped parsley, basil, anchovies, capers, green chilli, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and seasoning, mix well. Spoon a teaspoon of the salsa verde into each of the slashes. Place the fish in the oven and roast for 10 minutes. Rotate the trays to ensure even cooking of the fish and roast for a further 5 minutes.

- Serve the remaining salsa in small individual bowls alongside the roasted fish.
HEy! should buy a stereo power amp to match with my GP-1000. Among Rocktron Velocity 300, and Peavey 50 50 What do you recommend? which of the two sounds is closer to the sound of Alexi:muahaha::wave:?
So now you need a power amp??

Anything with EL34's is your best bet.

EL34's are tube types, just in case you didn't know already.

If you really want Alexi's tone you will have to shell out for a VHT 50/50 or VHT 90/90. The 50/50 should do the trick.
Whatever you want to waste your money to son, but I'll give you a pro-tip: You won't sound like Alexi even if you have the same equipment.
ok but i would a stereo sound, and i want buy peavey 50 50 or rocktron intellifex 300. With my digitech rp 250 i split the mono signal of my gp-1000 in stereo signal:dopey::wave:
Alexi's never used the rocktron velocity 300, he used the 250, and that one is rear to get by. So If you can't buy that one then get the Peavey 50 50, it has EL84 tubes which basicly is smaller EL34 tubes and would sound pretty much the same.
If you have the money, buy the VHT 90/90 or ENGL e840/50, which has been alexi and roope's main tube poweramps for Bodom and Sinergy.
Oh and by the way, the first post is wrong, Alexi used the GP-1000 for Blooddrunk aswell, he only used the KK-marshall for doubling of the main guitar riffs. He did so live as well at first but had problems with the Marshalls and got rid of them. This is also the reason none of you can acclaim the Blooddrunk sound with only the KK marshall(s).