the chuck schuldiner memorial thread

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Chuck Schuldiner died of AIDS
Just like the men he'd blown
When he celebrated a faggot's death
He was talking about his own

Chuck Schuldiner died of AIDS
The 'brain tumor' was just a lie
Chuck Schuldiner died of AIDS
That he got butt fucking guys

His music sucked
He died of AIDS
His mom's a cunt
And Death was gay

Chuck Schuldiner died of AIDS
Just like Eazy-E
All his shirts were stained with semen
And his breath smelled just like pee

His music sucked
He died of AIDS
His mom's a cunt
And Death is gay!

I see what you did there.
Basically, Chuck left the rest of the band to pay for HIS money losing tour idea, to fill out the contracted dates that HE had arranged. The bullshit about 'personal problems' doesn't wash: he didn't go home and deal with private issues, he went home and almost immediately started writing and recording Human. There's no universe in which Chuck is anything but the bad guy of this story, and for that alone, he pretty much deserved exactly what he got: death by AIDS.

have you idiots actually started to believe this aids nonsense?
The 'idiots' are the ones who think you can live with inoperable brain stem cancer for 5 years. There's only one disease that takes that long to kill, and it ain't one with tumors.

why would they lie about that? was AIDs still seen as a "gay" disease in the late 1990s?

was Chuck really gay? the manner in which he spoke is kind of suspicious
why would they lie about that? was AIDs still seen as a "gay" disease in the late 1990s?

AIDS was and still IS a 'gay' disease in the US. Men who don't fuck other men and don't use IV drugs don't get AIDS in America, and they didn't in the late 1990s either. The metal scene is not exactly gay friendly, so that would have been a motivation for hiding it for sure. Besides, Chuck spent those last years with his hand out. It's a lot easier to rustle up charity donations for cancer than it is for a guy whose disease was self-inflicted.
Whatever. Brain stem cancers usually kill within a matter of weeks, not years. The dude didn't die of cancer.

You can't do a simple fucking google search?

Also, having an inoperable tumor does not mean that you have a few weeks to live. There are a wide array of treatments that prolong life. And after his original diagnosis, he had the cancer removed. It came back two years later and died about a half a year later.

Nice use of misinformation as propaganda though, but I prefer facts. I don't give a fuck about Death or Chuck, but spreading propaganda like this is childish.
how can somebody be this fucking stupid? are you suggesting it can't be transmitted from female to male?

It can be, but it mostly isn't. Absent the sort of concurrency networks that characterize sexual behavior in large swaths of Africa or the large scale 'sex tourism' that drives up HIV rates in Russia and Southeast Asia, HIV/AIDS remains primarily a problem of gay men and injection drug users. 68% of all new HIV cases in the US for the last year for which statistics are available (2005) were people who contracted the disease through male-to-male sexual contact or injection drug use (source). These statistics probably undercount the actual impact of male homosexual behavior, as researchers have long noted that a fair number of self-reporting 'straight' men in some urban minority communities (chiefly black and hispanic) also have sex with men, which they do not report. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a significant percentage (perhaps more than half) of men whose official exposure category is 'heterosexual contact' actually contracted the disease through sexual contact with other men. The phenomenon of high rates of male bisexual behavior also helps explain the vastly higher rates of HIV among black and hispanic women.
You can't do a simple fucking google search?

Also, having an inoperable tumor does not mean that you have a few weeks to live. There are a wide array of treatments that prolong life. And after his original diagnosis, he had the cancer removed. It came back two years later and died about a half a year later.

Nice use of misinformation as propaganda though, but I prefer facts. I don't give a fuck about Death or Chuck, but spreading propaganda like this is childish.

A simple google search shows that brainstem gliomas of the type Chuck Schuldiner supposedly died from are among the most aggressive cancers, and the ones that kill most quickly. Again, usually within a matter of weeks or months, not years. They do not respond well to chemo and rarely go into remission temporarily.

More to the point, they almost never occur in adults - this is a disease of children, not of men in their mid-30s.
It's illogical to conclude that one could not survive longer than is normal, and certainly also illogical to conclude that he must have died of AIDS.
The original public diagnosis wasn't the brainsteam glioma of which he is widely believed to have died, so it's totally irrelevant.

And, let's be honest here. There's a difference between surviving longer than normal and surviving for an extra TWO YEARS beyond the higher end of the normal survival range. The actual facts of the case don't seem to match what we would expect given the diagnosis, so it is quite likely that the publicly stated diagnosis and the actual disease were not one and the same. And, logically speaking, the only reason to do so would be if the actual disease was potentially embarrassing - which means AIDS.
He would have lost a huge amount of weight if it was AIDS, and all the interviews he had while he had the brain cancer, he was over weight. And even if he happened to be homosexual, boo fucking hoo who gives a shit.
He would have lost a huge amount of weight if it was AIDS, and all the interviews he had while he had the brain cancer, he was over weight. And even if he happened to be homosexual, boo fucking hoo who gives a shit.

Not necessarily. With AZT and other antiretrovirals, AIDS patients often avoid the catastrophic weight loss that was the most visible emblem of the disease in the early days of the epidemic.
And Chuck would ahve had the money for this medication? Give it up, he didn't die of AIDS as much as you want him to have.
No, and he didn't have the money for the next operation, which is why he died from cancer you idiot.
No, and he didn't have the money for the next operation, which is why he died from cancer you idiot.

I'll let you in on a little secret: in the US, even if you can't pay, you still get life saving medical care. He died because you can't cure AIDS with surgery.

He should have fucked fewer guys, the filthy queer.
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