The coolest thing now in your life?

California- most notably San Diego- had some of the best looking girls I've ever seen in real life haha.

You guys have it pretty good out there ...except for the whole money thing hahaha

Let's be sure to separate San Diego/SoCal from California. The interior SF Bay Area is made up of the smartest, ugliest people on the planet, myself included.
Last year I did FOH for the opening band for Testament and Megadeth, 40.000 people. Huge place and huge day for me.


40.000 people??? :rolleyes: you wish. There was 13.000 people at best.
This weekend i punched a "friend" that made out with my (ex)gf like 2 months before i found out in the face as many times as i could before someone pulled me off.
Now that shit feels good, i'll tell you that.
Got him a blue eye, couple a bruises/bumps and a swollen cheek.

That same night i got a nice amount of cash for a live sound gig, went into the city with my friends, and hooked up with a gorgeous german chick which gave me her phonenumber and which i'll see in a while.
I'm nervous as fuck for every sms i get, but it feels good after your first relation ship that its possible to have the same for someone else aswell :)
Öwen;8547475 said:
Go on! Dig the knife in! You put him in his place! :goggly:

I was there. I don't know who the guy is, but he's not telling the truth. I don't like liers.

BTW, there was an opening band only for Testament, the band's name is Paul Gillman. The guy who did FOH for them was not him either.

There was some local bands playing in the mourning, maybe he did FOH for them. If my memory serves me well by that time there was less than 500 people.
Well college is severely depressing me(:erk:), but I just hung out with an old friend the other day, plus visiting friends in college seems to make things temporarily better!
Well, i am losing weight like a mofo - 20 pounds in less than a year (but that icludes stomach problems) wife pregnancy (but that also includes her mood...) and my daughter.
Wow, at Uni we just got to listen thru a $10k 5.1 system.

And then at the end I plugged my iPod in and blasted Gojira and shit and found out my tutor loves them too. :D
And then I tried my mix through it and its seriously the best guitar tone I've ever heard for rock (ty Ryan + Greg).

But now I'm really going to struggle going back to stereo..
Well tomorrow is my b-day so Im getting laid wohoooo!!

But then again... i get laid every week haha no surprise.. but still wohooo!!!:kickass:
I've been getting one blow-job everyday for the past 1 week. Now, how cool is that?

*Seriously, I counted.*

now THAT'S cool. I love blowjobs. Actually I just had one last night, I love those things. But I guess you'r girl lets you.... finish on her? mine won't, but you can't have all in life I guess

40.000 people??? :rolleyes: you wish. There was 13.000 people at best.

You're venezuelan? I was there too, and for testament I can be sure there were at least 30.000 people, megadeth maybe a bit less cause it wasn't free like testament, but really 13.000? I could see a lot more, but I won't discuss cause I don't have the real numbers.
This guys is one of the most known and respected metal audio engineers in Venezuela, he's done many good albums and a million live shows on FOH and monitors. Not that I respect him that much, I'm convinced he sabotaged the sound on a show I had because for some reason the organizers hated us after they asked us to play in their show. Any AE who sabotages band's sound just cause the one who's paying you told to do so has none of my respect. And then one of the guys was claiming that all other bands sounded great, that maybe it's cause our instruments are crap and we don't know how to play. Some people are just worthless pieces of shit
You're venezuelan?


I was there too, and for testament I can be sure there were at least 30.000 people, megadeth maybe a bit less cause it wasn't free like testament, but really 13.000? I could see a lot more, but I won't discuss cause I don't have the real numbers.

Bueno, tal ves habia mas de 13.000 personas, pero de ahi a decir 40.000 personas ya es exagerar. Cuando toco Megadeth, se lleno un poco mas de la mitad del estadio y no habia mucha gente en las gradas.

De todas formas, si el hizo sonido a alguna banda, tuvo que haber sido a las bandas locales el primer dia en la mañana y si es asi, entonces cuando el hizo sonido a penas tenia como publico no mas de 1000 personas, y eso es siendo generoso.

This guys is one of the most known and respected metal audio engineers in Venezuela, he's done many good albums and a million live shows on FOH and monitors.

De conocido, la verdad no se, primera vez que escucho de el, pero investigando un poco logre dar con su myspace, a grabado varias bandas de Falcon que conozco. Varias grabaciones que hizo las habia escuchado, no sabia que eran de el, pero tampoco es que sean muy buenas que se diga. Mejores ingenieros hay en Venezuela y por cantidad industrial.

Not that I respect him that much, I'm convinced he sabotaged the sound on a show I had because for some reason the organizers hated us after they asked us to play in their show. Any AE who sabotages band's sound just cause the one who's paying you told to do so has none of my respect. And then one of the guys was claiming that all other bands sounded great, that maybe it's cause our instruments are crap and we don't know how to play. Some people are just worthless pieces of shit

Si eso que dices es cierto, es muy lamentable y deplorable.

Mi intencion no es manchar la imagen de esta persona, lo que no me gusto fue (en mi opinion) la mentira. Tal vez fue que no supo expresar las palabras al traducir al ingles.

Pero bueno, que bien que uno se pueda conseguir otros venezolanos en este foro.