The Craziest Fucking band You know of

motley crue.

They fucked 4 trillion babes(under the influence) without catching aids, crashed cars, injected herion while already under the influence of alcohol!. Mick Mars is 150 years old.

Twisted Sister also. They had to battle christian mothers in court.

musically? Pavor

literally? Burzum, Mayhem (Euronymous era), Emperor (Faust era), Dissection.... because members of those bands have actually committed murder or done otherwise crazy things
Jean-Pierre said:
Battletorn is pretty damn nuts. Imagine if Hirax decided to start playing like Toxic Holocaust and got Sean Killian from Vio-lence's 10 year old sister to yell and shout on vocals. The songs are insanely rabid and the speed just doesn't let up. Everything is pretty much at grindcore song length, very punky in spirit.

It's as if the two guys in the band just tear you to shreds in a bloody mess wth insanity, and the chick just yells insults at you like a little kid as you lay dying.

EDIT: The ironic part is, even though lyrics aren't that big of a deal to me; Battletorns lyrics, as juvenile and crazy as the band's sound is, are incredibly well written and thought out. I was pretty surpirsed.

EDIT 2: Another crazy album (*wonders if Grimace listens to this*) would be...Dystopia's "The Aftermath..."

EDIT 3: Watchmaker as well...
Why are Battletorn not on Metal Archives?
Battletorn is horrible, with the worst singer ever. Worse than the singer from Caninus.