The Da Vinci Code


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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You know, I’m really sick of people sometimes.. should I say: the Christians who fight for their stupid cult.
The movie The Da Vinci Code, is coming out soon, and this morning on the Metro, I had the “pleasure” of hearing two old ladies discussing the PROBLEM.
It is quite obvious that a movie who puts Jesus and the church in a bad light will start the panic alarm
that *MAYBE* some people will actually believe in science and leave the church!
While those two ladies were discussing the *problem*, another man who sat behind them joined in and they were all sitting there,
talking, and before you know it: the conversation was about Christianity and how people don’t respect Jesus,
and how gay marriage and abortions ruins America…ON THE METRO!!! I’m so fucking sick of it.
Thomas Jefferson called the type of Christian who trumpets his own belief in the divinity of Jesus rather
than the morality of Jesus "pseudo-Christians." And those are the people who seem to be around me lately
those are the people I hear lately talking about the MOVIE but soon enough they’re sliding into the whole “poor us and poor Jesus fiasco”
I hear it at work, I hear it on the metro, hell, I even had to listen to a student in my English Class doing a presentation about Jesus and abortions..
(surly, she was against it, and I wanted to just smash her in front of the teacher, which by the way gave her shit about this presentation, telling her she should
never present an OPINION as an essay)… can’t those people just die? Form a colony and cocoon themselves to death?

Ok I’m done venting.
Read the book before you go to see the movie btw… its always so much better written.
It is actually a good read. I heard the movie didn't do too well at Cannes.

and god forbid if people question their beliefs!
I thought the book was a nonsensical page turner, and I'm not poking fun at anyone who liked it, but it seemed so flat and uninteresting to me.

Concept wise, it's interesting as hell - if ultimately unfounded.

I very much agree with Karen and I despise sanctimonious christians too. Up with Paganism - it's much more noble!
but the thing that gets me angry about it is when people say "oh my god, how can you believe's just a book, it's not fact based, it's purely conjecture" blah blah......when, the same people who say that, believe in Jesus for the same reasons! The bible says so! The bible is a BOOK. And it is NOT based on facts. It's hypocritical.
It's silly. It's a book of fiction and it's a movie that's supposed to be fun to watch, not a documentry. These christians must have sand in their vaginas.

While the bible is also a book of fiction, that's a different matter. :D
you know, if they would just stfu about it it wouldn't be as big of a 'problem' for them. I've read the book, it's not horrible, but it's not even a good book - just a lot of hype.

Anyhow, at least they're not rioting in the fucking streets and killing people like SOME religious groups... *cough*
The Da Vinci Code is one of those extremely rare books that should be classified as "drivel" and disposed of in the most embarrasing way.

I find it distasteful that they had a stand of these at the University Bookstore... pushing this crap at an academic bookstore.
cant wait for this movie. didnt read the book, but my brother and dad did and they liked it.

I work with a bunch of christians and it sucks ass! Nonstop bullshitting, listening to WLUJ (Lifting Up Jesus, radio) I just wanna kill them all! Or just burn a bible infront of them!
I thought this was a good read, only because I read Angels and Demons first. This shows the char build up and makes things a lil' different. If you just read Da V then prolly not as good of a read.

I am reading a similar type of book now, called "Map of Bones" by James Rollins. Same type of book, but better written IMO. There is a badass asian asasian that is a chick...shudders....yeah baby!
Souls of Black said:
I thought this was a good read, only because I read Angels and Demons first. This shows the char build up and makes things a lil' different. If you just read Da V then prolly not as good of a read.

I am reading a similar type of book now, called "Map of Bones" by James Rollins. Same type of book, but better written IMO. There is a badass asian asasian that is a chick...shudders....yeah baby!

Actually I read Angels and Demons first, then The Da Vinci Code, and I realized that THEY ARE THE SAME FUCKING BOOK.

Then I read two more of Dan Brown's novels and realized that all this man does is write the same book over and over again in different settings with different character names.
Da Vinci Code was a good read, fast and interesting. its not great literature or something, but it was entertaining and keeps you turning pages. Angels and Demons was better, but i guess scandal at the vatican would be even more controversal, and those shadowy world dominators the Illuminati wouldnt allow themselves to be exposed in such a way :)loco:).
FretsAflame said:
Then I read two more of Dan Brown's novels and realized that all this man does is write the same book over and over again in different settings with different character names.
yeh. makes you read em fast though.
MajestikMøøse said:
The Da Vinci Code is one of those extremely rare books that should be classified as "drivel" and disposed of in the most embarrasing way.

I find it distasteful that they had a stand of these at the University Bookstore... pushing this crap at an academic bookstore.
lol you're so cliché