The Da Vinci Code

Hates reading --*gasp*

But really, I have two kids, am stepmom to 3 others (not all are in my home),,BUT who the hell has time for that, especially a book about religion? Bah....
oh dude this is not trolling, it just saddens that me people fail to see the magic behind readings books and also how some are so stucked in their own world of l337 tastes and thoughts and despise anything else yet they think they're "open-minded".

If you don't want to read my posts, put me on ignore?
FretsAflame said:
Actually I read Angels and Demons first, then The Da Vinci Code, and I realized that THEY ARE THE SAME FUCKING BOOK.

Then I read two more of Dan Brown's novels and realized that all this man does is write the same book over and over again in different settings with different character names.

I agree, I read two more and while not the exact same, they were less interesting than the main books.

James Rollins is better in this genre.
Souls of Black said:
I agree, I read two more and while not the exact same, they were less interesting than the main books.

James Rollins is better in this genre.

I've never heard of him, perhaps I shall check him out.

Tom Clancy writes a damn fine book when he's not writing the same shit too though ;) Without Remorse fucking owns. Great book.
i can't stand the Christians who think they're open-minded because they read the Da Vinci Code and then always whore out the "it's fiction" response. The Da Vinci Code is based on more fact than the Bible. Get the fuck over yourselves.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
i can't stand the Christians who think they're open-minded because they read the Da Vinci Code and then always whore out the "it's fiction" response. The Da Vinci Code is based on more fact than the Bible. Get the fuck over yourselves.

I was going to say something but you're having a hard time so I'm sensing this ain't the time for friendly debate :lol: :D
AsModEe said:
oh dude this is not trolling, it just saddens that me people fail to see the magic behind readings books and also how some are so stucked in their own world of l337 tastes and thoughts and despise anything else yet they think they're "open-minded".

If you don't want to read my posts, put me on ignore?

I dont mind you or your posts at all mostly, but people are people, and you do tend to mistake alot of the sarcasm in peoples posts here though. Yes there are alot of stupid topics and people make equally retarded comments at times, but thats the internet. Ehn.
For those who're repulsed by the book...

Guess what. There's worse stuff out there (as far as opinion goes), like, um, I don't know... porn, hate rock, whatever.

Protest and complain when YOU feel threatened. How selfish.

Oh, guess what, people chose to buy the book. People will choose to see the movie. If you want to bitch and moan about material that questions your faith, bitch and moan about the fact that people are choosing to consume it - don't bitch and moan about the material. Confront the customer about their choice, not some inanimate object.

Of course, that would take balls.
Oogadee Boogadee said:
For those who're repulsed by the book...

Guess what. There's worse stuff out there (as far as opinion goes), like, um, I don't know... porn, hate rock, whatever.

Protest and complain when YOU feel threatened. How selfish.

Oh, guess what, people chose to buy the book. People will choose to see the movie. If you want to bitch and moan about material that questions your faith, bitch and moan about the fact that people are choosing to consume it - don't bitch and moan about the material. Confront the customer about their choice, not some inanimate object.

Of course, that would take balls.

was that directed at someone on the boards...? >.> :lol:
FretsAflame said:
was that directed at someone on the boards...? >.> :lol:

Not at all.

i'm guilty of reading the main post, then stating my opinion before i read the rest of the thread (if i feel strongly about something).

if it appears directed at somebody, it's just coincidence and I don't mean anything personal, as long as that person recognizes that I'm right ;)
Dead_Lioness said:
talking, and before you know it: the conversation was about Christianity and how people don’t respect Jesus,
and how gay marriage and abortions ruins America…ON THE METRO!!!

How dare they discuss their beliefs in public!

Dead_Lioness said:
which by the way gave her shit about this presentation, telling her she should
never present an OPINION as an essay

But isn't the whole point of an essay to defend an opinion?

Anyway, people will believe what they want. Dan Brown is full of shit, and so is the Bible. I doubt a bunch of silly, made-up anagrams is going to make anyone stop following his religion.
Maybe she did, I spoke from experience. Let's ask Karen. Karen, did she make factoral statements or have any evidence to present her stance against abortion?