The Dark Knight

While I liked the first Tim Burton film when I first saw it, I daresay it'd leave a bad taste in my mouth now. The others were execrable.

Batman Begins was absolute class, exactly what a Batman film should be.
The first Batman was pretty good, the second was OK, the third was ordinary, the fourth was bad. Batman Begins was great. Yet to see the Dark Knight.

There are rumours in certain parts of the internet that David Tennant (the current Doctor Who) has been approached to play the Riddler in the next one.


That would be pretty awesome! I like David Tennant (although I hope he keeps doing Doctor Who too).

I really have to give The Dark Knight another go when it comes out on DVD... it really missed the mark with me when I saw it in the cinema, and I actually found myself nodding off in places. :hypno:
A mate called yesterday and asked if I wanted to go see it, so I did. I thought it was excellent and that Ledger was fuckin' amazing. I'd like to see the 2005 one now.

Have some of the Batman films not featured the Joker? I don't know who a lot of the characters you lot are talking about are, so I think I should learn.

I got pretty confused by the whole address thing, when the chick and the guy from Thank You For Smoking were in two different places. Might have to check that out again next time.
Got to see Dark Night last ....what can i say excellant . It seemed to damm short, I can see that they could make a few more with the Joker even though Heath has passed away as they could develop the character more perhaps delve into his past before he was deformed... god it was good I found my self laughing right through it... especially when he made the pencil disappear and when we was driving the Guard Truck/Semi, singing to himself "i love my job" ...

Twas good to sit at home a watch it i might add to....

Damm kids and computers huh ....
just got back from seeing it and thought it was great.

Had some annoying technical issues and yes, plot holes but that's pretty standard in these films.
seems that a few key bits were cut to trim it down -at least to my pedant eye.

Ledger really stole the film for me -he was fantastic!
the best Joker ever!
played him to a T -the madness and the lies (all the stories of how he got his scars) and the fact all his wants is to tear everything down.
And the parallels with him and Batman played out well -how Joker is the line that Batman would never step over, no matter.

And glad that they let the Harvey Dent/Two Face play out and not let it hang for the next film -fucking hate how hollywood does that too much these days (lazy fucks! I blame the Matrix as always!).
Not sure if he survived at the end but they can play it off that they hid the fact that he lives to protect him as they try to heal his face and mind.

and like how they went with a good actress and not a pretty face for Racheal -though lots here don't seem to like her.

I think that they can slowly move into the more fantastic elements of the Batman mythos but keep it more grounded in reality and science.
The Riddler is very possible -making him like the gothic hacker from the last cartoon series or a genius madman looking for the ultimate mind to challenge (a later comic reinvention).
But they have lots of possiblities to choose from -since there are a great number of rouges he has faced that never made the campy TV series or previous movies.

If you want dark and twisted, go with Hush as villian or borrow from Frank Millar's Batman Allstars or Post Year One stories.

DC also want to try to set up the Justice League and are working on other major franchises such as Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman or just making a JL movie out right.

lots of things to do but I'm guessing they'll wait to see how the Watchmen movie plays out -which is also a DC property and carrying and especially heavy weight on it with all the popular adpations of later with mainstream media and fans alike.
I hope they stay away from anything fantastical for the next one. Keep it grounded in reality, man.

Well, someone like Mr. Freeze can actually be done in a realistic manner -either cryosuit or just a guy with a chemical freezing agent- but villains such as Clayface (the shapeshifter), Killer Croc and Killer Moth.

More likely they would go for someone like the Riddler, but take away the costume but leave the personality.

Also really hope that they don't do a big team up or multiple villian angle. Sick of films that do that (looking at you Spiderman 3!), unless they do it as lesser villians such as Deadshot (a suicidical version of Bullseye) and other thugs under a ring leader such as The Pegnuin (in his more modern comic version) or Hush (though they should build up to him later if they want to go down that road).

Catwoman can go in if they keep her to the traditional human thief and sometimes murderer (depending on which depiction and continuity she's from) but she wouldn't go well for a whole film.
Same with Ventriloquist and Scarface.

though, in all honesty, I'd prefer to see them stick with more Batman vs the criminal underworld and staying more away from the Super Villains and the like.
Keep the franchise more in reality but still have stuff that allows us our suspension of disbelief.

yeah, these kind of films really do bring out the ubernerd in me.
But after movie studios finally getting superhero movies more akin to right and treating them like films, it does get your hopes up that they will keep up the trend.

Last thing we want is another Batman Forever/Batman & Robin or, Satan Forbid, Nick Fury as played by Hasslehoff
Well, Christopher Nolan has said the Penguin will never be in a Batman film as long as he's the director, so we can safely count him out.
Well, Christopher Nolan has said the Penguin will never be in a Batman film as long as he's the director, so we can safely count him out.

understandable that.

trouble is he may not stay on the franchise or they could do what they did to Bryan Singer and Xmen 3 and stick someone else on when he's off making another (shit) film.

problem is with such an established character and mythology/history is who to bring in next if they want to continue.
because they need someone who can be easily recognised by the general public but also doesn't carry bad baggage (such as what the awful 60's Batman does).
I think Christopher Nolan holds all the cards on this one (think Peter Jackson on LOTR), so if he doesn't do the third then it just won't get made. The Dark Knight has been much more successful than the X-Men movies.

Pretty sure they would have figured out what would happen throughout the whole trilogy beforehand, so I'm sure they have a plan which will be awesome.
I know we had that.

That whole movie was awful, under good direction though she could nail it


pity that the whole production was castrated by stupid studioheads and constant rewrites.

oh, well.

Poison Ivy could actually work in the new films as poison using eco-terrorist, rather than has a human-plant hybrid who controls all flora life.