Did you notice that when Batman fired his little doohickies on his arm armor into the Joker's face, giving him the upper hand in their fight, Joker was uninjured..
I loved "The Dark Knight" except for two things: the fake deep "Batman voice," and why weren't the convicts on the ferry shackled or otherwise restrained?
his voice was no different in Begins and they were shackled, the guy...had handcuffs
But those are two very minor complaints. This was one of the finest ensemble casts I have ever seen in a movie; Heath Ledger deserves an Oscar, but so do Aaron Eckhart and Gary Oldman. No matter what movie actually wins the Oscar next year, or what actors win, "The Dark Knight" will be talked about and remembered for years to come.
Heath Ledger did an amazing job. I couldn't even recognize him in that role, which says a lot for how well he did the voice and the movements.
Heath Ledger did an amazing job. I couldn't even recognize him in that role, which says a lot for how well he did the voice and the movements. He really was psychotic. Amazing.
Nope. Salvation is supposed to be a restart of the franchise ignoring everything that has occurred in the last 3 films. The series left off from T2 and simply ignored everything in the third film.
Unfortunately McG tied to the movie gives me little hope. At least the horrendous story that was rumored is supposed to be fake.
Salvation is supposed to take place post T3.
The TV show (Sarah Connor Chronicles) ignores T3 and is an 'alternate reality' type of thing.
The first three Terminator films showed glimpses of a post-apocalyptic future, but this will be the first chapter in the series to be firmly rooted in a time after the bombs have gone off and the machines have taken over. Explaining his approach to the film, McG said, "Naturally, the first three pictures were contemporary with Terminators coming back from the future and this picture does indeed take place 10 years from now. That's the new beginning. It's reminiscent and very much honors the mythology and I've listened very diligently to James Cameron and for that matter Jonathan Mostow, and we're going to respect that mythology, but begin again very much in the spirit of what [Christopher] Nolan did with Batman. "
It's a bit of a sequel and a prequel because it tells the story of how we got there. But none the less, it's in the future so it's interesting and challenging."
Unfortunately McG tied to the movie gives me little hope. At least the horrendous story that was rumored is supposed to be fake.
Is this the same McG who is involved with the show "Supernatural"? If so, then count me in... that show is amazing.
I think it's less that I didn't recognize him and more that I didn't associate the character and Heath. It's like Viggo Mortenson in any role he's ever been in.. when you're watching him, you don't think "oo, Viggo!" because you're so enthralled, vs, say, Morgan Freeman, who seems to be the same character in every movie.
But I agree, HL could fucking ACT. It's so disappointing that the acting world lost him so quickly.
It's the same McG who was director for both Charlie's Angels movies. He's producer for Chuck & Supernatural.
In other words, his projects are hit or miss, and his directing is poor.![]()
Forget about dark humor, there's nothing funny on this movie is a drama (even a thriller/police drama)
IMO there cannot be a next Batman movie at least not by Nolan and surely not under these standards, Nolan is an storyteller that drag us into a known character (Batman) showed us how he born ("Batman Begins") and now what his faith will be.
Absolutely brutal, higly recommended for thinking people. Oh even if it is not graphic as a Tarantino movie has disturbing imagery, so go advised this is not some fun ride, it's a glimpse at the cauldron of decaying the human being is and may leave you an aftertaste isn your mouth, it did it for me.
P.S. I guess I know whe Ledger commit suicide, this movie can leave someone scarred.![]()