The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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marduk1507 said:
well, yeah, a certain healthy amount of selfishness is necessary. So, coming back to the point, the ability to love and be happy comes only through openness to other people and through willingness to change. Waiting for the world´s appreciation of who I am and what I have achieved wont help a bit.

You read my mind. I have to say that, like you, I'm convinced hyena is another person in real life. I cannot say much more and all I did here was sharing my personal point of view because I wanted to help her feel better. I think I know how she feels for I was like that before and, although its only an impression, I believe that if I have been able to get out of this situation and change for the best, well, so could she. Therefore I used here what I've learned and I can only hope it'll help. Never did I believe that selfishness is the key, it's not. Self-confidence is.
i'm getting confused about who my web self and my real self are, thanks to you all. :p probably that's also because i'm half-asleep from a long day at work and two hours at the gym.

thanks to everyone who replied. oh, and replying to online whineage is kind and considerate, but the one who classified it as 'caring' was in the wrong - it's an act of attention and interest, yes, but from where i stand caring is something that can be verified in the long haul. of course no offense meant to those who replied: again, i am grateful and i thank you. oh, and there are a few people on this forum who actually do care. you know who you are.

self-love of a variety different from masturbation: nah, i think that if anything i have too much of that. i kind of believe that i am the epitome of what people should be, if only because i reach out for people like me (minus the very bad temper). rampage sword questioned the value of other people's judgement - i think that this is a simplistic approach, which can only help us through our teenage years. when you grow up and you go out in the world, who you are is who you are, end of story. what frustrates me to no end is that most people have a double standard: they might acknowledge the public persona, but this has no effect on personal interactions. in my book this is the definition of idiocy, if not outright schizophrenia (i like to value people for all of their beings, not some supposedly superior interpersonal quality that they might have even if they are chronically unemployed and addicted to mince pies).

i would have more to say, but dinner's ready and i'm about to pass out for the lack of food, so i'll run to the oven and stuff myself with mexican beans and sausage.
hyena said:
they might acknowledge the public persona, but this has no effect on personal interactions.
if this has anything to do with love matters (sorry, i'm tired too), then you might want to consider any relation it might have with this:
hyena said:
a very good, likeable guy fell for me and was looking at marriage, yet i can't bring myself to like him in a way different from friendship.
Like I had about 4000C fever, my nose is runny, I'm coughing like a bitch in
heat and my tea intake is going thru the roof.

Other than that, happy I survived the fucking 10 hour trip back from Finland
today. Why is it that the public transport sucks in Sweden?
hyena said:
the one who classified it as 'caring' was in the wrong - it's an act of attention and interest, yes, but from where i stand caring is something that can be verified in the long haul.
I think that this is only a matter of degree. Of course I had interest in your situation and decided to try and give you my personal views but, I couldn't say that I did it because I deeply care about you. What I meant is that at least these people are willing to give advice instead of only saying "you're an idiot" "I don't like the way you think" "I feel bad for you". Now I couldn't say I'm caring as much about you than I do about my closest personal friends. All in all, I'm happy you took the time to read all that stuff we wrote...Finally about the approach of questioning other people's judgement, well, I somewhat disagree with you. However I see no point in going further into this because it's only a matter of opinion and since we already know our positions, why continue? That said I am now going to have a bowl of Froot Loops and put on my happy face because I think this forum has "something" others don't since we all have some common interests (sry marduk, I know you have a copyright on this :lol: )
Siren said:
I"m drunk. :)
You were home alone and drunk on new year's eve? :erk:

New year's eve was great :cool: Though it looked bad last week because my sister's husband was in the hospital and nearly died, but he got home for new year's eve and me and my boyfriend and lots of other people went over and drank and ate and had fun and watched fireworks :)
marduk1507 said:
Whatever. :lol: Im also tired of the whole thing. Lets move on.

Exactly what I meant about sustained interest in the long run. Duh. :Smug:

nf: kind of tired, but glad that i received a letter of apologies on the part of someone.
Hello, |ngenius speaking. Typping. Rambling. You name it.

Hi, there, fellow forumers. Long time without posting, and I can't say I'm doing bad if I wanna honour the truth (and Truth is a beautiful woman named after a popular leader hippie from the sixties, so I'm gonna honour and probably court her mercilessly).

Past year I've enjoyed the friendship of some of my co-workers, I always fit better among women, and they've been quite loving and caring all this time. I keep working at the same place, get paid (relatively) well, and my timetable is quite flexible. So... in terms of cultural standards, I'm doing absolutely well. If I marry someone in no more than two years from now, I will be the paradigm of cultural fulfillment. Of course, that is as long as I don't move to Morocco, where I should embrace Mohammedan faith and recruit an harem, which would be interesting now that I reckon about the second part.

In the last few days I even bought a new car and got blackmailed after hitting someone who invaded my side of the road and blocked me in a curve, something that gives me little faith in humanity. All that humanity that try to blackmail me after provoking a car accident, so far.

But when it comes about how do I feel, I must hit on Truth again, say how charming she is and how dirty our sexual life would be, and confess I roam miles away from my grace state. Well, I guess that if we were able to find that proverbial statem too soon, life would get quite boring...

|ng (Here and there...)
Hiljainen said:
i will never understand the need to party (thus the sadness of not partying(i'm a genius, i wrote "parking" twice :p )) at new year's eve, it's just another day :err:
There's no need to party, but it's a lot more fun to party than sit at home alone. And not just on new year's eve, but any day :p

nf: I can't be bothered to go to the gym, but i'll never stop getting fatter unless i go, so i must force myself. Urgh.
i dont want to come back home ;)

During the next 2 week i have 9 exams and i havent studied yet. How fun its gonna be :ill:

Did you remember that expensive train ticket i had to buy to go to Germany?
Here is what happened to it:
As i arrived in the train in brussels at 6:15am, 2 guys were acting like they were going to sit on their seat. I put my laptop just next to me, om my seat. While i was taking off my wintercoat, the guys stole my laptop... even worts, the train ticket was in the laptop bag. I didnt even se them seize the laptop, even if it was right next to me... must have been very experiensed thieves. I only noticed my laptop was gone too late, the guys already were out of sight :yuk:
Then now the Deutsche Bahn want me to pay again my ticket, because i bought it in Belgium and thus they dont have any proof i really bought my ticket before. The ticket is even more expensive because it´s like i bought the ticket on the same day i was leaving (if you buy that kind of ticket like one week before the day you leave you can get them for nearly half the prize they would cost if they are bought on the same day you leave). So i have to pay for that ticket a seconf time unless i find the other one back, which is very unlikely to happen. Nevertheless i will try to mail to teh Deutsche Bahn the proof i paid the ticket (its on my bank account statement as i paid with a card ). And i will see what happen after.

Also i had a websitet o realise for one of my classes but as i do not have my computer any more i womt be abe to turn in the assignment


Pretty nice to travel sometimes :grin:
Human Desert said:
There's no need to party, but it's a lot more fun to party than sit at home alone. And not just on new year's eve, but any day :p
Nah, i don't agree with you. This new year's eve i could have gone out, but i prefered to stay in, cause the company would have made me feel uncomfortable. And believe it or not, i had a great time doing the things i like and talking with my friends. Not to mention that technically i wasn't even home alone. ;)
this thread about feelings?

hi, i feel a little hyper and stressed out because my employment outlook went from pretty neat-o to semi-non-existent over the past week. i have a major writing assignment to complete (fortunately, this is for money), but i am distracted by my need to find more work... i am trying to work on some freelance music writing stuff, wishing some cds to review would arrive in the mail and give me more to do, and really looking forward to february when the swedes invade again. i havent been to too many great shows lately - opeth in nov., and timbuktu/looptroop in dec. (the swedes here know who i'm talking about) is about it. also i am permanently depressive and semi-permanently broken-hearted. bored and wishing for a better social life, but also have a lot of responsibilities that i end up not going out and pursuing social life in favor of. i'm not reallly good at being irresponsible or balancing fun & work in the same times. when i have a deadline looming, i am no fun at all (right now). a million things to do, gonna get em all done,but not going to handle them neatly or efficiently. does that about cover it? sorry for the outburst, but thats what this thread is for, right?
@BigFakeSmile: This is exactly what this thread is for. I hope everything goes well and that you manage fine. :)

@Dark Silence: Ah, i know how much situations like that suck. Hope you don't have to pay again. Good luck with your exams!

@Ing: good to see you back here, you sexy robot! if you decide to recruit that harem after all, let me know, i could always provide you with a rabbit that will play metal and keep all those women tame with his whip. :)
I just got back alittle while ago from seeing Wolf Creek and Im convinced Australians have no clue about film editing ;). The movie sucked, lately Ive been very disappointed in movies. I know this belongs in the movie thread, but this will also bleed into how I feel. Im pretty happy b/c my brother and I have been hanging out much more as of late, even if it is seeing shitty movies :).

Edit: Goddamnit Im so fucking tired :D

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