Haha I expected you guys to say that.
I guess it's hard for me to get the point across, maybe because it's a bit of an abstract concept.
I totally agree with you guys on the health benefit aspect, enivironment aspect ect...personally I think though one wouldn't need to stop eating meat, greatly reducing the consume would be enough.
Eating less but better meat basically...I think I allready wrote that in the last post though.
But I'll try write my thoughts on what you guys wrote, so you maybe understand my standpoint.
Some people believe in religious bullshit like "we were created by God in his image 6000 years ago and we are perfect creation" which makes them think that there is a huge difference between them and animals.
According to science, humans are nothing more than animals with poorly evolved bodies and highly evolved intelligence.
Same thing, just different stages of evolution, different roads taken in the race.
We took the road of intelligence because we with our weak and soft bodies sucked so much at living in the wilderness (researchers think that there was a major planet wide cataclysm that reduced our numbers to just few thousand and forced us to change quickly or die while our cousins neanderthals went extinct because they were much dumber).
Should we kill the losers (animals) only because we are the winners ?
But why even are we the winners ?
If you know something about evolution, you must know it mainly depends on environmental conditions, so it is not our merit that we won the race to creating a civilization and ruling the panet.
I don't quite get why you write that (even if I understand the following paragraph), but I know that a lot of times I don't get your posts

My thought on that is: if we evolved to meat devouring killing machines well...either it will work or it won't. I also think it won't work cause it destroys as and our planet in the long run, but I'm pretty pessimistic on the rationality of humanity as whole. People don't even manage to stop killing and harming themselfes everyday, how do you expect a majority of them to see that it may be a moral dilemma to kill animals to get their meat?
Why am i talking about all that stuff ?
Because if science says that humans are animals and if we think that eating humans is not a good thing, then we can try to expand that rule to at least animals that are quite similar to us like all mammals for example (not a law of course, just a rule).
In most of civilized world we already use that rule for chimpanzees, gorillas and other primates or even domestic cats and dogs...
I don't have a problem with eating all kinds of animals, domestic or not.
Ape I don't know, maybe would feel a bit weird.
I don't think one should differ between animals if you are ok with eating them in general. The only reason we don't eat cats and dogs too is that they are more usefull running around alive (shepert, chasing mice and stuff) and don't give as much meat as a cow or a pig.
I always hate it when people bash other cultures for eating or not eating specific animals/things.
Plants don't feel pain, they don't experience anything, they just convert chemicals into their bodies and thats it.
It matters whether an organism is sentient or not - tearing your dogs ear is not like cutting a branch from a tree even if both will survive that operation.
See, that's what I meant with hypocritically viewpoints on the topic.
Sentient or not doesn't matter because you still ending life.
A bolt to the head is far too fast for the cow to notice the pain, so if it was because of inflicting pain to animals then you shouldn't have a problem eating meat from a happy farm cow. My guess is that that cow had less problems and pain in it's life than the both of us together
If it was only about the pain then what if we start breeding cows that don't feel pain? Ok to eat them then because they don't feel pain and are like plants?
So it is ok to eat the legs of a man in a wheelchair cause he can't feel the pain when you cut off the leg (leaving the cannibal aspect aside now though lol) ?
Don't compare animals and plants or i will start talking about how rocks are alive because they move and vibrate at their elementary building block level...
hehe, yeah moving unfo isn't enough, elsewise viruses would be organisms too
I finally understand and agree with Mutant!
To put it simple Marco, if it doesn't matter to you that's your opinion, but you must know there is a huge difference between plants and animals: the capacity to have feelings (at different levels depending on the species, but it is scientifically proven) and the capacity to suffer and feel physical and psychological pain. Plants have no central nor peripheral nervous system so they don't feel or suffer, they just react to the environment pretty much.
See my response to mutant!
By eating meat, you already made many times more plants suffer than if you simply eat the plant (due to the cow that was bred and over fed exclusively for human consumption, and it's no secret cows eat MUCH more than us)
true! but it doesn't change a thing about that for me it's a debate on principles.
Even if they are treated humanely during their life, you are still indirectly killing it simply because it's tasty.
Yes, you're killing it because it's tasty and you want to eat it!
Same goes for a potatoplant!
Put it this way: if you ate exclusively meat, you would die, and it wouldn't take long. People who eat exclusively plant based foods (no eggs, milk, butter, honey, etc) not only survive, but live longer and healthier with much lower risk of heart disease and cancer.
I'm pretty sure you would die if you only exclusivly eat single things.
Eating only potato also won't get you to an ancient age I think.
So I don't think it's a fair comparison, but I get what you mean.
Looking at our physics it's also more logic that we only get to eat once in a while and not solely.
And with eating amounts of meat that is reasonable eating it isn't an issue to the body (body is not as much of a pussy as you may think). Especially if you don't need to pump a whole lot of hormones and antibiotics into the animals because you don't need that much of an amount of meat.
Read The China Study or watch Forks over knives, or do both, the China study lists all it's sources and has been peer reviewed countless times, it's fact.
I know and I don't deny that!
Sooooo I guess I come across as the crazy plant lady now lol
But hopefully you guys got what I mean.