The Divine Wings Of Tragedy

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It's still been less than 377 posts since I last participated in this thread..... what?
I must've played at least 379 different Line 6 models programmed into my amp. :danceboy:
That's 382 times the chain's been borken. And it's 383 times worse because it lacks :danceboy:
Tubbs Mcgee said:
AHAHAHA! That's actually my favorite song by them! How hilariously contradictory! :heh:

I've already laughed 384 times about this.


I knew you would like that song for some strange reason. I actually don't hate it, but the second part of my post still stands.

Or do you disagree 387 times?
Well, I think some of their stuff is crap 391 times.

Reverting to a normal conversation, I don't like alot of Gorgoroth because the extreme Satanism and anti-christian stuff. I don't mind some, but they take it way overboard, in my opinion.
Well, with songs of that stature, I usually just ignore the lyrics and pay attention to the music itself. That way, I can basically listen to anything without having to complain. I think it's better this way because some songs are just ruined by the lyrical content but have excellent musicianship otherwise, so listening to stuff the way I do would probably be more efficient. Of course, if the lyrics are normal, then there's no need to complain about anything, unless the lyrics are really poor or something. Hmm... have I been rambling on about this? I just have a feeling that I wrote too much. :erk:

+392 btw

Sometimes it is hard for me too ignore stuff like that, when it's blatantly obvious that they are satanists. I've gotten alot better over the months that I've listened to them, but still.
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