The Dreams Thread

[Wrest Ave.]
That rules.

I can't think of any full dreams I've had recently but I do remember snippets. In one I was driving up some stairs. I also remember one where I was a mobster in a shiny suit with a goatee and I was shot in a driveby in an alley. I lay there in the alley bleeding to death and I kept thinking "I can beat this" and then I "died" and woke up.
why do you guys have such strong feelings for susperia? she was midly irritating but I don't see the big deal.

besides, this board would be boring without a feminazi on here.
More like mildly hot
/never dreams

I guess I just don't fall into a deep enough state of sleep. That or I almost never remember my dreams, which would seem more likely. I only have a couple recallable dreams a year.
I had a dream last night some young internet executives were showing me a new band. It was described by them as "Female Death Metal". I started listening and it was bad melodeath with Arch Enemy style lame vocals. Then I saw the singer (must've been a video) and she was a repugnant, fat English girl with a baby in her arms. You could even hear the baby in the song! Then the band copied the Eagles' guitar part in Hotel California. Anyway I looked questioningly at the executive for showing me such a bad band.
I dug this up looking through my documents from high school because I remember recording a dream for English class this year. I'm surprised I saved it with my files.

"It was a warm summer day as I woke up at some strange beach house in North Carolina. I knew it was the Carolina coast because I recognized the geography when I levitated over it, as if watching some travel commercial. I was there with my grandmother, and a few strange people. The only other person I recognized was my apparent cousin Milo; the same Milo who is a character on the FOX drama 24. In the beach house was a fish tank with two fish in it and a large lobster. One fish was a red snapper and the other a small shark. Both could talk (not the lobster). The snapper was unintelligent but the shark was nice to talk to and I became friends with it. For some reason my strange relatives told me to kill the snapper and the shark and dump their remains into the ocean. I took a large sharp knife and plunged it into the tank, hitting the snapper in the eye. The knife stuck there, so I pushed it further until the whole fish was skewered on it. The snapper died dramatically and the shark was shocked and enraged at me, a friend who had betrayed him. I stabbed the shark but his skin was very tough and I only injured him until he was apparently dead. I took the tank out to the dock and before I dumped it I saw several people walking down to the rocks by the ocean and diving into the water. As soon as they dived, they turned into fully-uniformed Arlington High lacrosse players and they disappeared into the depths. I dumped out the fish tank off of the dock, only to see that the shark had doubled in size and swimming away, alive.
Later that day I went to a nearby outdoor heavy metal concert and saw that Metallica was playing some song I did not recognize. During the song, the guitarist Kirk Hammett was playing a guitar solo and in the middle of it he grabbed some random person from behind the set, which happened to be a shopping mall, and told the man to finish his solo. The man was clueless but he still played the solo perfectly and the audience cheered. After the performance Hammett came back only to tell the man that the solo was pre-programmed into the guitar’s computer. I observed this exchange from the mall behind the stage. I walked down the stairs to see the rest of the show, only to find myself in an abandoned Jesuit school hockey rink, jam-packed with middle schoolers. I was revolted and I woke up."
^ That was pretty cool. So many weird, unexpected twists... And the part about Hammett's pre-programmed solo was hilarious. :lol:
last night i had this really odd dream
i was in this office building, sitting a desk looking at these papers. I was just working and this man who i must have been my boss came over and started to scream at me, yelling that i was incompetent and that i looked like trash. I didnt understand what he was saying, he sounded muffled over for some reason. So i went about working and then i saw this man running to the bathroom so i ran after him. As i pushed open the bathroom door i was in what i later realized to be my 7th grade dance. I was staring at the boy i liked and we'd started dancing. Then all of a sudden i just fell on the floor and everyone was laughing at me. Then i woke up.

it was the most random thing i might have ever dreamed, usually i dream about things i have thought about during the day or stuff thats happened recently, but to dream about my horrific 7th grade dance was just weird and something i'd rather not remember:cry: :zombie: