The Dreams Thread

Here's one of mine I wrote down a couple years ago:

I found a strange artifact in my brother’s bedroom -- an oddly-shaped, cylindrical glass container which could filter all the air in the earth’s atmosphere through itself and alter the sound heard inside every single conch shell in the world. Instead of hearing the ocean inside a conch, the listener would hear the sound of static and a strange voice which would taunt them from within the shell. The voice would say things like, "Look at me! I'm the ocean!" and make whooshing noises to imitate waves breaking. I was disturbed by the awesome power of this device, and by the bizarre purpose for which it was used. I left my brother's room briefly, and as I walked around the house I noticed that all the air around me was gently blowing toward the room, and there was a faint noise of static wherever I went.

The noise generated by the device also brought all the cockroaches in my brother's room out of hiding (though our house has never had cockroaches in reality) and sent them racing across his floor in panic. I quickly grabbed a newspaper and attempted to kill the cockroaches. One of them was massive -- about four inches long and two inches wide, half the size of the palm of my hand. It was hard to hit because of its speed, and the first direct hit I landed on it only injured it, but I finished it off with a second hit.
The way it started off, I was all set for an epic tale of mystery and adventure. But then...battling roaches? Disappointing in a way, but also quite funny in that the high point turned out to be just a mundane domestic chore. :p
last night i had a dream, well more of a nightmare, that V5 sent the wrong cd's from our trade deal. he sent the brian posehn cd, instead of the bal-sagoth cd. i woke up screaming and in cold sweats... "BUT I ALREADY HAVE THAT CD!!!"

ok, so i didnt wake up screaming, but the dream is true. i'm a giant nerd
i think i read that everyone dreams, but you have to be woken up in the middle of a dream to remember it
I had a weird dream not too long ago where I was in a car with my mom and brother driving through the city. The cityscape soon turned into a sort of moonlit field filled with silver lined elephants. Slowly, these herds of elephants overwhelmed us as we were driving along until one jumped out in front of us causing us to crash into the nearby ocean (apparently we were driving really fast). The car began to fill up with water and I could not escape so I just embraced the death by opening my mouth allowing the water to flow in. Instead of dying though, I awoke.
last night i had a dream, well more of a nightmare, that V5 sent the wrong cd's from our trade deal. he sent the brian posehn cd, instead of the bal-sagoth cd. i woke up screaming and in cold sweats... "BUT I ALREADY HAVE THAT CD!!!"

ok, so i didnt wake up screaming, but the dream is true. i'm a giant nerd
We are all dreaming about each other. We probably shouldn't be on the forum so late.
i had a dream that a woman was in an old run down attic and she ripped off her skin, and then she was just muscle and had no legs, just a flesh flagellum, and her and her skin started yelling 'poor me poor me" and then she sowed it back together and put it back on, but it didnt fit right and you could still see flesh around the mouth, and she got a gun and fired a shot in the bathroom and almost hit her metrosexual boyfriend (it was just a dream, i knew it was the boyfriend because its happening in my head) and then they dowsed her in gasoline and lit her on fire to try and kill them both,but the boyfriend escaped and the building burned down and then something like an Metal Gear Solid military base with masked gunners.

or somethiing like that, real wierd.