The Drink-o-Meter


The Wallonian Redneck.
How much of a drunk are you ? This should really apply to euros and bar drinking since we don't have to be 21 to drink.

I got the Homer Simpson rating and some 8500 drinks consumed which could be true if I consider that my last trip to Hellgium had me drink an average of 10-15 beers a day and have been drinking beer since I was around 13. Still $30,000 spent on beer over 8 years, reckon it is a british site and beer is way more expensive in England than it is in Hellgium.
Ahahahhahahah! How much I like these posts! I knew was something sick on! After the excesses of last saturdays night Im ready to go berserk against the whole universe!!! BEVETE FORTE!!!
This test doesn't like 16 year olds...Its allowed to buy alc legally with my age here, so wtf?!(a reasoen why its good to live in Germany:loco: ) :bah: Man, do I hate that when drinking is allowed with 18....
that test sucked..... 16 not allowed? cmn! In Israel its only illegal to sell/serve boose to minors. However once I bought it..... Theres no law that says that I cant buy and/or consume it..... hhhhhh
I did one for the five or six years of college and high school when I did some real damage, it gave me an Ozzy rating. But seriously $75,000 dollars? They obviously don't have Keystone, or any kind of malt liquor for that matter
NO I am not having anymore to drink, last night I had 8 beers and half a bottle of Sambuca, had to be carried back to my appartmen...I even have blood stains. Anyway, just woke up now when the Sun is going down and at least I learned from my lessons...
Ah, old danish devil! So you went over my saturdays night steps!!! One day we will meet in the Valhalla of the old retarded alcoholic ones!!!
christcrusher said:
I don't think there is a scale for how much I drink...Fucking wastoid I Tell YOU! I seriously do not know how I function sometimes...OH well, I manage, and get good grades, amazingly, as well!

I'm drinking now..won't get up tomorrow. i usually dont go to class, sleep my hangvers away. bu ti buit im more healthy now, working out and stuff...i only drink a few times a week these days...
Shit, Patric. I have to go to class or I cannot get drunk that night. That is my motto, and my treat for going to class. I only drink like 3-4 times a week which is fucking chill compared to this summer. I think I didn't drink one day out of the entire summer while I was in India and here. Fucking insane! My battle wounds are now permanent scars from my drunken conquests! woohoo, yeah me!
oh yeah...i bury shit, have a nice time, make my poetry..i admire you with the class though! everythns so chill here i can stay away for a week straight and no one noticed which is good.....for i never stoned the crow, i've always been a drinker! yeah!