The Empire Shall Fall (ex Killswitch, Jesse Leach vox) New Track to MIX!!!

Hey, here's my quick go at it, I feel it could still improve a lot, needing automation in various parts, it's a work in progress obviously. Anyways here is my first preview, looking forward for those vocals to take a dip at it :D

I read you wanted drums as natural as possible, there's just a really slight blend on the kick, rest is all natural, nicely recorded, except for the floor tom (lots and lots of bleed)
Jaymz this revised sample rate version sounds pretty solid man I dig where its heading... there is an issue with the bass being out of time in a few spots... Did you do some edits on it and move it by accident?? Your first version with the wrong sample rate the bass was lined up fine... Take a listen again and its def noitceable at the end tapping part...

Sptz this version sounds good as well... Def kept the drums having a natural sound... WIll be good to hear the final version...

Also I wont be able to have the vox up till tomorrow as we are having some issues sending the vocal files from Jesse through email... I'll try my best to have them up after class tomorrow later afternoon... sorry for the delay and great rough mixes soo far guys!!!
OK the vocals are up on the ftp site -->

There are 2 versions of each vocal, one dry and one with fx.. So you can choose which ever ones you want that work best in the mix for you... They are not labeled unfortunatley as Jesse had to bounce them quickly for me today but they will coincide in pairs in the rar file... example: (21812.wav and 21812_1.wav are are dry and fx of the same file... 21812(1).wav and 21812_1(1).wav are a pair and so on etc...) Obviously when you import them into your DAW you will be able to hear and see which ones are which but sorry for the inconvenience...

Once again you can hear a totally raw (uneqed, no comp, etc) rough mix of the song at this link to use for reference if needed...

Also I believe the spoken word vocals at the end of the song were taken out soo if you don't see them in with the vocals files that is why...

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask and looking forward to hearing all the killer variations and mixes for this song!!

Thanks again,

Marcus (TESF)
ah, a pity there are again no DI tracks...drumsounds are pretty usable (ok, other than the immense amount of cymbalblled on the floortom)...
would have loved to reamp the guitars though
ah, a pity there are again no DI tracks...drumsounds are pretty usable (ok, other than the immense amount of cymbalblled on the floortom)...
would have loved to reamp the guitars though

haha yea we had to set up quick in our space and only had an extra cheap MXL condensor to use for the floor tom hence the crazy cymbal and overall kit bleed from that bad boy... Def has to be replaced in the mixed as it may even be tough to gate properly at times...
Hey Marcus, it's not that hard to gate the floor tom, I just had to delete the "unusable" parts, and was still able to use both toms without replacement. But yeah the bleed could cause some trouble with just a gate
Hey Marcus, it's not that hard to gate the floor tom, I just had to delete the "unusable" parts, and was still able to use both toms without replacement. But yeah the bleed could cause some trouble with just a gate

same just cuts the tail on the last tomhit more than I'd liked but still better than sampled toms...all natural toms (and snare)
here's my first take at it....
I only had like 2 1/2 hrs and most of that time I had to use to organize and consolidate all those tracks ;)
so it's far from being perfect, I still have to do editing (fades and gaps etc), fine-tuning, automation, levels , didn't do any fancy stuff etc (hope I'll find the time for that)....

anyway, here you go:

LSD Roughmix

when is the deadline btw?
Not positive on the deadline yet possibly Sunday nite/monday at the earliest but we may give everyone a couple more days since I just got up the vocals and there is a decent amount of tracks to organize... I'll talk it over with the guys and see what they think... Does anyone else need more time after this weekend to work on it??

p.s. LSD and Sptz i'll be listening to your mixes later today when I get a chance to be near some speakers... looking forward to it...
p.s. LSD and Sptz i'll be listening to your mixes later today when I get a chance to be near some speakers... looking forward to it...

I'll PERHAPS find 30-45 min tomorrow..if not I won't be able to work on it before somewhen middle of next week (got a band here)....
so if the deadline is before that I'll just apply with my first roughmix...that's not perfect but in case you like it in general you can still give me the chance to improve it ;)....
if you don't like it at all fine-tuning alone won't help anyway ;)