The ENSLAVED thread

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The Hubster said:
Its a tough call!

I have to say probably Heir To The Cosmic Seed, mainly because that song seems to take Enslaved in a more "stratospheric direction". I feel its very different for Enslaved.

Then again, I could go back to the title track itself and have that as my favourite... its a hard choice!

yea Cosmic side does kick a ton of ass. Loving Api-vat too!!!
Man im so interested already to see what the next CD will sound like.
I wonder if they will ever tour Australia/New Zealand?:kickass:
"the question..." grutle fucking destroys, end of story
metal_wrath said:
I will keep my praise of Enslaved to myself thank you, and what in the fuck does Decapiated mean you illiterate douche

ooooo I missed out one letter, call the police!!!!!!

So you come and post in the Enslaved thread but your gona keep opinions on the band to yourself???? Yep, your a grade A fucktard alright!!
metal_wrath said:
Suck my dick, I don't even know who's in Thy Serpent, because I don't even like them that much, but get it in your head, I know who Jimmy Page is

yea your right, thats why you had a giant picture of them for your signature..

......Unless you just liked the look of them which seems the more viable option see as your always telling other males to suck your dick :yuk:
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