The Exercise Thread


Active Member
Jul 4, 2002
So who here gets away from the keyboard once in a while to go down to the gym?

I have been going to the gym now on and off for over a year. I try and do both weights and CV. In terms of weights, I've been trying to take it more seriously for a few months now, been going 2-3 times a week, but I'm getting fairly dismayed at my lack of progress. I can certainly lift more, but it doesn't seem to do much appearance wise.

As for CV, I used to run 5 or so miles also 2-3 times a week, but lately I just cannot motivate myself to do any CV at all. Going to go for a run later though in between the World Cup games. Should be interesting, seeing as I haven't ran in weeks.

Since I joined my current gym (about 3 months ago) I've actually put weight on! As much as I'd like to say this is muscle gain, isn't. Basically motivation is my main problem. I can also honestly say I haven't seen one really hot chick at this gym in the time I've been there.
when I used to lift (very informally and unprofessionally) I definitely saw alot of strength gain way before any change in appearance. After a while I was more toned but I never had the discipline to do more than that.

anyway fuck gyms with foo foo stuff to attract women. give me a grungy gym that smells like urine and linement (sp) oooooooorah
i used to do about 30 minutes a day on this crazy elliptical machine that's in our garage, i'll probably start that up again. I get my excercise from hippie sports like ultimate frisbee and hacky sack (don't laugh, it takes a ton of endurance and practice to become really good- and it's an excellent workout!)
CV? I assume that's the same as taking a run in the woods? :) Anyway that's what I do to keep the flabbyness away, but most importantly to feel good. I don't know many things, if any, that can beat fealing of having completed an 8 km (5 miles) jog.

I used to work out at a gym but grew tired of it and the culture surrounding it, though I wouldn't mind gaining some bulk and strength. Now I settle for push ups and some stuff I learned in the military. But the main thing is I do NOT want to gradually grow fatter to end up a bag of lard by the time I'm thirty :erk:
spaffe said:
CV? I assume that's the same as taking a run in the woods? Anyway that's what I do to keep the flabbyness away, but most importantly to feel good. I don't know many things, if any, that can beat fealing of having completed an 8 km (5 miles) jog.

I used to work out at a gym but grew tired of it and the culture surrounding it, though I wouldn't mind gaining some bulk and strength. Now I settle for push ups and some stuff I learned in the military. But the main thing is I do NOT want to gradually grow fatter to end up a bag of lard by the time I'm thirty

Sorry, CV = cardiovascular.

You sound exactly the same as me, haha. And yeah, the feeling after a run is great, and no other cardiovascular workouts have the same effect IMO. It's just getting started that's the worst part, I hate that first mile or so.
I like to WALK around on ön... I used to walk about 10 km every morning but someone smittade me with the lazy these last couple of weeks. And then I do funnylooking stuff like pilates. And as soon as I get my iksu membership Im going to start with bodypump and even more funnylooking stuff yay
My exercise consists of playing soccer at the local park every couple of days. At around 6, the field can have up to four games going on at one time :loco:
Everything is easygoing, and you can always find someone to play with(the younger crowd or the 40+ game). Never cared much for lifting weights or anything like that. Its boring to me, and like spaffe said the culture surrounding it is :puke:
i really need to get more exercise

lots of beer + lots of munching + little strenuous exercise = i can't believe i'm not pudgier than i am

i spend lots of time outdoors but walking around in the hills is not the same as a game of football
The two-week Swedish class I took these past two weeks were an hour's walk from my apartment... so that's 2 hours a day.

It was a 1.5 hour walk to the jobs office today.

Screw gyms.

My feet hurt.
Doom said:
So who here gets away from the keyboard once in a while to go down to the gym?
whut? not me, I have to spend the bulk of my time networking and building legions of fanatically devoted followers for the Fourth Reich
Doom said:
I've been trying to take it more seriously for a few months now, been going 2-3 times a week, but I'm getting fairly dismayed at my lack of progress. I can certainly lift more, but it doesn't seem to do much appearance wise.
Lifting more weight, requires more muscle. So if you can lift more weight, your muscles have grown. However, most muscle growth/the visible appearance of muscle requires a good diet. As I've heard it said, "you can't cardio off a bad diet". The appearance of muscle, or "definition", is based largely on body fat percentage. If your body fat percentage is over 20% (most people have a BF in excess of 20%), you won't see what you're looking for. Additionally, if your not getting enough protein, it will be tough to stimulate and sustain muscle growth. Ideally, you want to consume between 1.0 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Doom said:
As for CV, I used to run 5 or so miles also 2-3 times a week, but lately I just cannot motivate myself to do any CV at all.
You're doing too much CV if muscle growth is your goal. Do 20 minutes, 3 times a week Anything more is catabolic, and will impede muscle growth. Do your CV either at the end of your lift day or on non-lift days.

Doom said:
Since I joined my current gym (about 3 months ago) I've actually put weight on! As much as I'd like to say this is muscle gain, isn't.
That's probably true. When most people start to exercise, they get hungrier. And most of what led them to the gym, was the fact that they were out of shape. You were probably out of shape because of a bad diet, and your diet probably didn't instantly get better because you started to lift. You should be taking in calories at the following rate:

40% Carbs
40% Protein
20% Fat

You can raise your fat and lower your carbs by 5% if you find that works better for you. However, you should be eating between 15 - 18 calories per pound of LBM (lean body mass). You can find out how to calculate that at various sites on the net.

Doom said:
Basically motivation is my main problem. I can also honestly say I haven't seen one really hot chick at this gym in the time I've been there.
Fix your diet, get your ass in the gym, cut down your cardio, and add some creatine into your daily diet. There's only two directions to go; backward and forward. Don't go backward.

I've been training for 6 years, since I'm 14, and yeah, for the OP, you notice appearance changes after 2 years or 3. If you want to see changes fast, you need to train at the very least 3 times a week. Everyday would be the best but motivation is mainly a problem. I got a hard time doing my 3 times a week, cause my job is pretty demanding physically wise, but I try. CV is very important, if not the most important thing when training, and that's ironically the only thing I never do cause it's just boring. But, like my dad said, only training muscles without doing any CV is like getting your car the best look ever, but still having a crap engine running it.

So yeah, if you got a Ipod or something, bring it with you and motivation will come back a bit. Try to be motivated by bringing some friends to train with you, alone it can be a pain in the ass.
Hell, from most of these posts, one would infer that you're all NOT a bunch of 250lb males that spend 18 hours a day on a message boards

Thanks for the very informative reply Zod! Honestly though, I'm not commited enough to take it too seriously, but I will take on board some of those tips.
I am into the weight training / body building, and have been for nearly a year. Its so satisfying yet frustrating and addictive..

Ive put on around 20kgs of muscle on with minimal fat gain..( really clean bulk, no cardio, 300grams of protein a day etc etc)

Fairly happy with how its going

Good to see some others on here who hit the weights and do the diet also :)