The Exterminate white people Thread

Bah, who the fuck cares?!

Seriously, you're a grown man, and you get annoyed when people talk about "who would win"? Jeebus fucking christ on a bike! If this is an actualy priority for you, you need to find more constructive ways of validating your own existence. Try picking up a book.

I cannot believe some of the shit that was said in this thread. :lol:

Btw, Dave wouldn't need even touch you. The power lies in Dave's stare that can pierce your heart and cause instant death. I call it the Shithead Stare of DOOM!
Ok. I'll admit that I intentionally did some trolling in this thread, especially after the first couple pages. Ok, now on to other things.

1. Lay off Big Dave.
2. A lot of people that think like the guy in the video I posted at the beginning of this thread equate European Americans with the KKK. Very few European Americans are KKK, just like very few African Americans are Black Panters. Both suck equally. Just because someone belonging to a certain group did something bad doesn't mean you can blame the whole group.
Most Mexicans are actually a hybrid of white Europeans and Meso-American Indians (Mayas, Aztecs etc...). They refer to themselves as "La Raza" and identify with both white people and american indians.
^ Yes. Some have more Ameridian blood, and some have more European blood, to the point where some are almost purely European and others almost purely Ameridian. I actually dated a Mexican chick before, and she looked pretty south European.