The Exterminate white people Thread

most black people aint like that hitler wannabe,but i hate it when people make themselves martyrs and i,because i am white,all of a sudden am the fucking roman nailing jesus to the cross. it´s just ignorance.
and this guy should look up the word contradiction in a dictionary
most black people aint like that hitler wannabe,but i hate it when people make themselves martyrs and i,because i am white,all of a sudden am the fucking roman nailing jesus to the cross. it´s just ignorance.
and this guy should look up the word contradiction in a dictionary

Um, ok. Except the Romans were from the mediteranian sub-group.
ive heard people say stuff about how black people will win in fights quite a bit, its always like: black guys will win in fights cus theyre so gangstur man! they'll pop a cap in yo ass! meanwhile whitey ( in some old english sounding voice) will be like gimminy crickets...... and all that crap
I think idiots automatically think the negro wins in the fight because black people are naturally good athletes and have high testoserone levels. But having talent for sports != being a good fighter.
Bah, who the fuck cares?!

Seriously, you're a grown man, and you get annoyed when people talk about "who would win"? Jeebus fucking christ on a bike! If this is an actualy priority for you, you need to find more constructive ways of validating your own existence. Try picking up a book.
Slaves were purchased from other tribes; usually the were conquered peoples, defeated in a war. It's not like the Europeans invaded with their guns and caught them with nets.

I was hoping someone else would catch this, since I didn't feel like dealing with it, but no one did, so:

You've got to be joking here, man. Do you actually think that?
Yes, it's an indisputable fact that the Europeans bought slaves from other Africans. Even African Americans are aware of this. Why do you think it's called the slave trade and not the "mass abduction/kidnapping and enslavement" or something? Either TIACN is trolling, or I'm misunderstanding what he was trying to say. But I thought it was common knowledge that the Europeans bought slaves, instead of capturing them themselves.
Yes, it's an indisputable fact that the Europeans bought slaves from other Africans. Even African Americans are aware of this. Why do you think it's called the slave trade and not the "mass abduction/kidnapping and enslavement" or something? Either TIACN is trolling, or I'm misunderstanding what he was trying to say. But I thought it was common knowledge that the Europeans bought slaves, instead of capturing them themselves.

No one could have gotten through high school without learning about the Triangular Trade Route.

1) Africans sell slaves to Americans to buy manufactured goods from Europeans.
2) Americans sell raw materials (harvested by slave labor) to Europeans in exchange for manufactured goods.
3) Europeans sell manufactured goods (made from the raw materials) to sell to Africans in order to buy slaves.

Yes, it's an indisputable fact that the Europeans bought slaves from other Africans. Even African Americans are aware of this. Why do you think it's called the slave trade and not the "mass abduction/kidnapping and enslavement" or something? Either TIACN is trolling, or I'm misunderstanding what he was trying to say. But I thought it was common knowledge that the Europeans bought slaves, instead of capturing them themselves.

How can something be an "indisputable fact" when it's wrong? Also, learn what trade means.

Its fucking true. Slaves were already slaves once we got there.

No, dumbass. Apparently you think (or want to think that) White men just showed up in Africa one day and some Africans were like "Oh hey we're not using these slaves you can have them". That's not how it worked, buddy.

While it's true that some of the slaves taken to the Americas were slaves in Africa, the notion that Whites were only buying Africans who were already enslaved is absurd. Africans were sent by the White slave traders on raids to capture other blacks for the sole purpose of trading them for guns, cloth, etc. Though it was rare, White men would, at times, capture slaves themselves (yes, with guns and nets and shit), but usually the sent blacks to do it for them because they were too afraid of disease to travel too far from the coast. And either way, they stood to aquire more slaves if they got the tribes along the coast to go inland for them. Oh, and the coastal tribes were often threatened with slavery themselves if they didn't cooperate.

Even if White men only bought slaves from other Africans (which wasn't the case), they were still facilitating a huge slave trade. Weather whites personally went into the jungle to capture blacks or if they just sent other blacks to it for them, it makes no difference.
I was referring to the trans-Atlantic slave trade Zephyrus is talking about, otherwise known as the "Middle Passage." Coastal African tribes would try to sell as many slaves as possible to accumulate as much weatlh as possible (to the benifit only of the rulers). Sometimes this backfired, as in the case of the Congo Kingdom (which spanned from southern Gabon to cerntal Angola), which sold so many people into slavery that the empire collapsed.
To further fuel this debate, Africans also captured European ships and made them their slaves. Also, Arabs were heavily involved in the slave trade as well.