The Exterminate white people Thread

I must say, I can understand how someone can dislike a whole group of people based on a small number of individuals belonging to that group that they see (sometimes falsely) as representative of the whole. However, such thinking is guided by emotion and not logic or rational thought. I have noticed myself making such generalizations before, but I was able to recognize it for what it was. I dislike some people that do certain things or have certain views, but I don't hate a whole race because of it. I do firmly believe that humans as a whole are generally ill natured and mean spirited. I have met countless white assholes in addition to assholes of every other race.

This applies to every race... except those goddamn dirty dutch bastards.
William Blake said it best (and it applies to this thread):

To generalize is to be an idiot. To particularize is the alone distinction of merit—General knowledges are those knowledges that idiots possess
It was at a club. He was dancing with a chick and bumped into me, while I was just standing on the side of the dance floor. Then he told me to "watch where I stand," and then I told him to fuck off, and that is when he threw a retarded roundhouse punch at me, which I for the most part blocked (it glanced off the side of my forehead). So a lot of people saw the altercation. It got broken up quickly and we both got kicked out by the bouncers, but I had knocked him down and his face was bloody.

Sounds very familiar.
I wouldn't do anything to someone who's done nothing to me but bitch and whine about inconsequential matters such as race, no. Frankly, I think it's fucking retarded that the thought would even come to you to kick some old black person's ass if you ever came across him randomly in the street.
I agree to an extent. It's kind of analagous to a black person kicking a white person's ass for using the "n word." I think it said that more just to show how much I disagree with the guy.
Yeah, the majority of people in Ohio don't give a fuck about anything. I hang out with a guy that almost got in a fight about 4 nights in a row once. It was pretty ridiculous. Someone looks at him funny and he gets pissed off and wants to start a fight.

He's leaving for the Marines on Halloween too...
I hate such uniformity. It's just a breeding ground of ignorance. And it's true of uniformity of any race, not just whites, like my old high school which was predominantly hispanic.
I don't know, here in Sweden the places with the least immigrants are very tolerant and open to other races and cultures and all that while the ones who live in areas where alot of immigrants has come to are not.
Yeah, the majority of people in Ohio don't give a fuck about anything. I hang out with a guy that almost got in a fight about 4 nights in a row once. It was pretty ridiculous. Someone looks at him funny and he gets pissed off and wants to start a fight.

He's leaving for the Marines on Halloween too...

he'll fit right in

i hate marines. ignorant meatheads...
You wouldn't beat up someone who wanted to exterminate your race?

No, if all they had done was talk rubbish I'd probably laugh at them.

Get out of my thread.

Make me.

Do you have nothing better to do than follow me around and make wise comments about my posts?

I don't need to follow you around. I had a look in this thread and your idiotic comment stood out like a sore thumb. I mean really. "That wouldn't be the first black guy I've beaten up"??? Wow. Awesome. You must be really tough, not to mention a credit to society, what with putting all those black guys back in their place and all.

Loser. I'm putting you on ignore.

Ok see ya bye then.
Did you know the most educated group of immigrants to come to the US is the Nigerians? They have the highest scores on the MCATS in my brother's MBA program, and the Nigerians in his program outscored the Harvard Business School average. But Nigerians are vastly different from African Americans, and come from a different culture. I don't really view them as black. I had some friend who were Nigerian and they were pretty cool.
No, if all they had done was talk rubbish I'd probably laugh at them.

Make me.

I don't need to follow you around. I had a look in this thread and your idiotic comment stood out like a sore thumb. I mean really. "That wouldn't be the first black guy I've beaten up"??? Wow. Awesome. You must be really tough, not to mention a credit to society, what with putting all those black guys back in their place and all.

Ok see ya bye then.

@ the "That wouldn't be the first black guy I've beaten up" comment, didnt he (he meaning life sucks) say that because he was talkin about how everybody in the US thinks that black people allways win in fights?
@ the "That wouldn't be the first black guy I've beaten up" comment, didnt he (he meaning life sucks) say that because he was talkin about how everybody in the US thinks that black people allways win in fights?
Yes, that is the ONLY reason I mentioned it. I've seen countless idiots say something along the lines of "if a black guy and a white guy get in a fight, there is no way the white guy is winning." It irritates the FUCK out of me whenever I hear this, so I thought I would just mention that I had won a fight against a black guy before to dispel the MYTH.