The Fathomless Mastery Reviews - What do you think about it?

PURE mediocrity... i did NOT love it... so i'm sticking to the 1st 3 records for my bloodbath listening routine... this sounds wannabe-istic...

I love so many parts on the whole album, but Hades Rising definitely contains several of them, absolutely killer track.

I also listened to it today reading the lyrics along with it, contains some sick stuff haha, awesome!
Well to be honest, the first time I listened to it, I was surprised to learn I wasn't even paying attention and was already on the 6th song. I was like wait.....what?! Then I listened to the rest. Earthrot stuck out. The rest didn't.

The 2nd listen I appreciated it more and actually listened to the songs more but it was still disappointing. Unblessing the Purity BLEW me away. I was pissed because Peter wouldn't be doing vocals but Mikael's crushing vocals and the amazing music on UTP was just great. I listened to that 4 times in 1 day at school the next day after it came out. So this was one of my top anticipated releases of the year.

I don't know.....I've only heard the album 3 times but nothing really grabbed my attention or stood out to me besides Earthrot. It's still a good album, but nowhere near as good as UTP or the best album (imo), Nightmares Made Flesh.

Oh well :rolleyes:
Ok, I'm in Romania Bucharest visiting my parents (Dad is working it the football club Rapid).

I just bought my brand new Sony Walkman.

Some Sony propaganda:

Its color goes nice with the The Fathomless Mastery cover :D

I've been listening to the new album everyday all day, and what I expected happen: It is a grower, and a damn good one. This album is right up there in the top 3 for me now.

The intro song is so evul I love it, then comes Process of Disillumination and man the first 39 sexons and the melodic mini solo are amazing.

There is one Meshuggah and one Nile part that blew me away, the album outro is fantastic, the slow fading away effect with the melodic guitars is a nice add.

The drums sound better than UTP's and it's amazing how every album and EP has been produced differently and everyone of them manages to sound very very well (Breeding Death is my least fav. production).

I'm happy I finally enjoy this album, I usually am a slow listener, but I think the older I get the higher my expectations are, which at times can be a bad thing, it's deceiving and unreal.

The Romanian mini vacations are a success.