The Fitness Thread

Any of you guys fool around with branch chained amino acids? Seems like a pretty good investment for building muscles, but it is sort of pricey. Looks like around $30 avg for a bottle of 180 capsules. Not sure how many you're supposed to take a day but it could last you maybe 2 months depending on dosage.

And also Endothil CR? Some reviews claim noticeable difference after just two weeks, but this stuff is extremely pricey. Looks like $45 avg for 30 pills, but most likely will pay $50 and up! $$$$$ But get what you pay for?

you take to much shit man
You might be overdoing it dude. Stick with a good Multivitamin and take it DAILY, every morning. Protein, Creatine and a steak and potato type of diet should get you where you need to be. You are trying to bulk right?
Snacks and cookies kill me. My mom keeps buying that shit and I tell her to stop. She has such a sweet tooth (and I get it from her!). I don't find fast food a problem if you portion it out correctly. Get salads instead of burgers, for example.

Never had this problem, I hate fast food and I hate chocolate/sweets etc. Weeeee. ;D
You might be overdoing it dude. Stick with a good Multivitamin and take it DAILY, every morning. Protein, Creatine and a steak and potato type of diet should get you where you need to be. You are trying to bulk right?

Yep, and I really don't even need Creatine. Eating after you lift and the multivitamin seem fine.

Trying out different stuff isn't bad, but doing that much shit could lead to some unfortunate occurrences.
Which do you all find more effective:

Lifting weights for a while and increasing the weight gradually


Lifting weights and increasing the repetitions using the same weight until you get up to a certain number of reps and then increasing the weight and starting over on reps?

With the second I mean this:

You start at 50 pounds and go to 55 after a few weeks or whatever or do you start at 50 with 10 reps, then go to 15, then 20, etc until you get to a certain amount of reps, then go 55 at 10, 55 at 15 etc
I do both. Some days when I'm feeling great I just burn out on reps, but some days I go up. Depends. You don't want to do the same things every time, you have to shock your system.
Increase as you go up.
Say it's bicep day for you, start off with a light weight (20-25lbs for a warmup) then with your first set start with something heavier than what you warmed up with. Gradually increase with each set and a good rule of thumb is if you are throwing your back into it, its probably too heavy.
Well, I don't go to a gym. I have a weight machine here at home, so I'm limited in the scope of exercises I can do. Right now I'm at 55 reps on 25 pound weights for biceps and I do two sets of those only once a week. Soon, I will up it to 60 reps.

Once I get my own place, I will most likely get a gym membership somewhere

EDIT: I'm thinking about getting those Bowflex weights where you just dial in the desired weight and then use it. I need to do some research on prices.
Not if 55 reps is still difficult for me to do. I can't go up in weight anymore since the heaviest dumbell pair I can use is 25 pounds, so I'm stuck. I mean, doing 55 reps with 25 pounds is the same amount of weight as 25 reps with 55 pounds anyway.
the only thing id recommend with your dumbells is that you do your 10 reps realllllllyyyy fuckkkkkkkkkinnngggg sllloowwwwww because 55 reps is like what a girl does to tone their body and not gain mass.
Yeah, but what do I do when it no longer becomes a challenge for me? Up the reps to 12 instead of 10?

I mean, I don't have 55 pound dumb bells or I would be going that route.
Go for more. Get some adjustable weights. With my bench press I also got a bar about a foot long and the weights for the bench also go on it so I can adjust. Right now I'm doing 10 reps of 30 and then 50 reps of 15. the 30 is for strength, the 15 is for tone. if you're doing 55 of 25 you should have really toned biceps.