The Food Thread.

I had some leftover vegetables from when I did try to make borscht- so I just boiled them altogether. It's funny, 'cause it's probably more like borscht now than it was when I actually tried to make borscht. It's also lacking a lot of flavor and is pretty much only tolerable 'cause I think I put some cayenne pepper in it, so it's a little spicy. But overall, it sucks. But I'm poor, so I'm gonna eat it!

Tonight: my aunt's crock pot recipe. It's guaranteed to be delicious.
For me it's always a surprise what I'm gonna eat... I have to share my kitchen with 3 other ppl and as a result it's either always taken or it's dirty as hell..

I'm doubting about tonight.. Either steak with baked potatoes and some veggies, or burrito's, or maybe microwave sauerkraut stew..
I make him look like a dude boiling mcnuggets in grease.


do I get it right? you think you're a good cook because you can boil ( I think you mean fry you splast) some mcnuggets in grease?

and if you tried to be funny, you failed again. You must have a shitty life, I'm so glad I'm not you.

do I get it right? you think you're a good cook because you can boil ( I think you mean fry you splast) some mcnuggets in grease?

and if you tried to be funny, you failed again. You must have a shitty life, I'm so glad I'm not you.

No. I said I cook so well it makes Jamie Oliver look like hes making garbage food in comparison. And yeah, it was a joke, I dont cook quite that well, but I cook ok.

You really dont know me and have just decided to loathe at me. This stereotype of Joonas will never disappear from this forum. Its funny how most of people who know me consider me a cool guy dont you think. However Ive just about had enough with this forum of losers.
Dude, even the food thread became a flaming/bitching place. :(
Also, today I'm gonna have a traditional romanian dish, which looks like this:

Italians have pasta, Japanese have sushi, Turkish people have kebab, and all we could come up with was that ^ :lol:
Well, you basically boil some water, put some corn flour in it and after it starts looking like it does in the picture, you add some cheese and sour cream and that's it. Some only have it with milk, some have it with cabbage, though I'll never understand why. :lol:
Well, you basically boil some water, put some corn flour in it and after it starts looking like it does in the picture, you add some cheese and sour cream and that's it. Some only have it with milk, some have it with cabbage, though I'll never understand why. :lol:

Sounds bizarre :lol:... I'll have to try it sometime :)
i image the texture taste awful xd
Well, without the cheese and all, it's tasteless, rather than awful. It's like you're chewing some sort of thick paste with no smell and taste. :lol:

Sounds bizarre :lol:... I'll have to try it sometime :)
Yeah, well actually I wasn't recommending it at all, I was just trying to show how ordinary our "signature" dish is. :lol:

/edit: AND trying to get back to the food topic too.