The Food Thread.

┼Victim of the Night┼;8808567 said:
My pasta addiction is taking over again. :cry:

Do you folks in here have some good salad recipes for me? :D
I don't know if you meant salad as "something to go with the main dish" or as an appetizer, but my mom does an uber-fabulous one now and then, which contains boiled potatoes, onion, mayonnaise, smoked fish and some pickles. You gotta chop the potatoes randomly, slice an onion and all the rest, it's pretty easy. It works best with home-made mayonnaise though, and I'm not good at giving directions for that.
Anyway, it's gonna end up looking like this:

You can do the same without the mayonnaise and the fish, adding vinegar instead, boiling two or more eggs, slicing and adding them to the salad and also some olives.

Also, there's the tuna fish salad, you take a green salad and slice it, add tuna flakes to it, olives, onion, vinegar or lemon juice and sweet corn.

You need more salad than in that picture though.
On the contrary, from what I gather, the people who regularly eat food like that tend to be rather soft and squishy or on their way to becoming that.
On the contrary, from what I gather, the people who regularly eat food like that tend to be rather soft and squishy or on their way to becoming that.

Your assumptions differ from mine.

Having the jaw strength and having a body able to consume all the energy in that food is a real sign of hardness, if you consistently eat food like that then you will end up looking like a Pro Football Lineman.
Your assumptions differ from mine.

Having the jaw strength and having a body able to consume all the energy in that food is a real sign of hardness, if you consistently eat food like that then you will end up looking like a Pro Football Lineman.

I made veal strips in cream sauce with fried grated potatoes filled with spinach cream (didn't make those myself though).

echhh I'm back to making myself strange food combinations in order to try and stay relatively well the end of last semester I made a weird oatmeal and tuna thing that turned out nasty as hell.