The Food Thread.

It is awesome when used in shit like brownies and shit.




lololololo found it on /ck/
Beef and pork loaf, yummy. Though we don't have any sweet mustard which would make it even better....
why not, while I'm here.

Never tried lamb before, and it was SUPER cheap, so I decided to make stew.


Sorry for the blur.

Browned the lamb up, then added potatos, whole onions (my roommate doubted me on this, what a my pals), leeks, carrots, celery, covered in beef stock and a can of Guinness, then spiced with rosemarry and thyme.


Its all I've really eaten since Thursday, Ive given a lot away, and I'm not half-way done yet :(
Its fantastic, but theres soo much :p

Edit: and some radishes actually, but you can't even tell they are there, they look more like bits of potato went a bit pink.
@ Ryan: Sounds great!
@ Ess en: (your username always makes me think of food, anyway :lol: ) You should try to have some diced roasted chicken breast in a sauce made of diced sweet red peppers, lots of red pepper paste and powder, some chicken stock and a bit cream, and rice as side dish. Easy to prepare, but SO SATISFYING yesterday, I can hardly describe it :) Definitely one of my favourite dishes.