The Food Thread.

Thanks for replying, I'm glad to know there's someone else besides me!

I like milk soy as well, it's particular, and yes, the burgers aren't tasty that much... it's just vegetables in it and the typical taste of meat everyone's used to is so different... I don't think these foods could be eaten by everyone, one must really like them!

I don't eat them daily, but still kind of often, I'd say so. I like soy sprouts a lot too, by the way.
I have them as a salad, or even with pasta (usually spaghetti) made with a topping of zucchine [being italian, I am used to the italian name, sorry!], onion, carrots, all julienne cut. And in order:
- Put oil in a pan and add minced onion, let it "fry" (though not really, right before it does) and then add the vegetables (but keep the soy sprouts as the last thing to add and add it only when the vegetables are ready, because soy sprouts take something like 5 mins max to cook, not to ruin their nutritional quality), without making them overcook cuz we want them crunchy.
- Add salt and a tiny bit of curry to the vegetable, stir and turn the cooker off.
- In the meantime, boil pasta in salty water and when it is ready, get it out of the water and put it in the pan to let the "vegetable sauce" mix with it. Then eat.

Wow, sorry, I wrote too much! Ranting Eli...

I've never had any soy products i think.. I guess ive never found a reason to substitute meat with anything, lolz
I hear you're not supposed to have too much of it.
Correct, Sir.


I've never had any soy products i think.. I guess ive never found a reason to substitute meat with anything, lolz
I understand that, yeah.

As far as I'm concerned, I found a reason for two facts: the first is that I've never liked meat's taste too much, and the second is this vid (it's got more parts).

But don't watch it if you don't feel like it, everyone make their choices about foods and it's right.
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┼Victim of the Night┼;9232216 said:
As far as I'm concerned, I found a reason for two facts: the first is that I've never liked meat's taste too much, and the second is this vid (it's got more parts).

But don't watch it if you don't feel like it, everyone make their choices about foods and it's right.

Please dont take Earthlings too serious :lol:
It's just a bunch of horrible images attempting to scare/shock people out of their eating habits. It has no truly good information or debates, and it attempts to win you over by using your empathy against you. Propaganda is another word for it. I say this as a thinking woman, not as my carnivorous meat loving self.
Girl, I know what you mean, and I agree to a certain extent.

History teaches that what was not wanted to be known and understood, was tried to be hidden and labelled as "not real"/"idiocy" and many more nice names.

I believe there's much more violence and cruelty, in the world... much more than what they ("they who are bound to govern the world") want us to find out and know. It's not convenient for us to know.
┼Victim of the Night┼ said:
Does anyone like and eat soy-based foods in here?

I do, so I wondered if anyone else does, as I don't know many people who do.

Hello :wave:

Yes, I eat many soy-based foods, such as the milks, veggie burgers, and whole grain breads, sprouts, not so much tufu just because I don't like the taste. Before I go into the rest of my post, SOY IS NOT BAD FOR YOU, no matter the amount. It is very healthy.

I hear you're not supposed to have too much of it. Doing a quick google I found this:


Not sure how serious to take it so I don't have it often, not worth the risk.

Edit: not sure why b is banned here.


I wish I could block you. Are you serious with those links or just foolish? I should have known just be the name of the website, but it lost all credibility when I read Soy is Making Our Children Gay. Not to mention everything said was not even true. That site is a fake resource site. And quit signing 's' at the end of all your posts, its unnecessary.

┼Victim of the Night┼;9232216 said:
Correct, Sir.

Its actually not. Eat as much soy as you want, there are no negative affects. Some of the more common lies you hear people accept on face value is that is raises estrogen levels and for men enlarges breasts or shrinks the testes :lol: This is all not true :Spin:

┼Victim of the Night┼;9232216 said:
As far as I'm concerned, I found a reason for two facts: the first is that I've never liked meat's taste too much, and the second is this vid (it's got more parts).

But don't watch it if you don't feel like it, everyone make their choices about foods and it's right.

That is just the beginning of it. If you need more resources I can provided them to you. Not just on animal rights and what I consider to be common sense, but on proper nutrition (liking getting the proper daily amounts of vitamin B, what foods with protein to eat, healthy fats such as omega, and what to avoid.)

It's just a bunch of horrible images attempting to scare/shock people out of their eating habits. It has no truly good information or debates, and it attempts to win you over by using your empathy against you. Propaganda is another word for it. I say this as a thinking woman, not as my carnivorous meat loving self.

The sad thing is you are so conditioned to think that these "horrible images" are nothing to consider or take into account. You are a very close minded person. When it comes down to it, the whole point is to respect other sentient creatures, especially those with a central nervous system and with an obvious ability to feel pain and suffering.

too long; didn't read: I encourage anyone to become a vegetarian. If you don't want to that is fine, just don't say it is propaganda and create bogus arguments for your habits. Vegetarians live healthier lives, on average live longer, experience more energy, and don't suffer from a guilty conscience.
too long; didn't read: I encourage anyone to become a vegetarian. If you don't want to that is fine, just don't say it is propaganda and create bogus arguments for your habits. Vegetarians live healthier lives, on average live longer, experience more energy, and don't suffer from a guilty conscience.

I never said that being a vegetarian is a propaganda,I just said that movies like Earthlings are.
My dad is a vegetarian for a while and he said that he never felt better and healthier but just because I dont give a damn about animal testing and fur and just because I dont feel any ''guilty conscience'',it doesnt makes me a close minded person.
┼Victim of the Night┼;9230536 said:
Does anyone like and eat soy-based foods in here?

I do, so I wondered if anyone else does, as I don't know many people who do.

All the time, I eat Tofu about every 2-3 weeks or so. I don't like Soymilk, but my roommate often buys tofu products (a taco mix most recently), and I'll sometimes have some. Tofu is great if you know what you are doing. Anyone who says it tastes bland or bad is doing it wrong.

I'm not great with it though, I usually just toss it in some soysauce and lemon juice with some zest, let sit for a few min while a brown up some garlic and onion...then toss it all together in the pan with some gigner, reduce the liquid, nom. Simple, not very cultural, but great with some steamed veg.

I hear you're not supposed to have too much of it. Doing a quick google I found this:


Not sure how serious to take it so I don't have it often, not worth the risk.

Edit: not sure why b is banned here.



Tofu has been known to have high levels of synthetic estrogen, so its perfectly normal for women to eat, and the levels are so low you'd have to eat soy daily to show any effects on men.

I've never had any soy products i think.. I guess ive never found a reason to substitute meat with anything, lolz

Nor should you :p
Tofu is only popular in cultures where there was no meat. Rural Chinese cuisine is known to have like 6oz pieces of meat split between entire families of 12, and whatnot. Scandinavian culture is more based around deer or moose...where there was plenty of meat to go around after a kill.

Vegetarians live healthier lives, on average live longer, experience more energy, and don't suffer from a guilty conscience.

Get the fuck off you're moral high-horse, hippy :lol:. Humans are omnivores, we eat meat, we have teeth designed for tearing and chewing animal flesh. Just because you and the other vegetarians you know, don't know where to shop for your meat other than a faceless grocery store, doesn't mean the rest of us don't respect animals.

You're inability to respect the food you eat is your own issue, and has nothing to do with vegetarianism.

In case you trollin, this is just generally my stance on vegetarianism. I have vegan friends, and I respect that, but the second they try to tell me eating meat is unhealthy or unnatural, I rage.

I never said that being a vegetarian is a propaganda,I just said that movies like Earthlings are.
My dad is a vegetarian for a while and he said that he never felt better and healthier but just because I dont give a damn about animal testing and fur and just because I dont feel any ''guilty conscience'',it doesnt makes me a close minded person.

THIS! We've been trapping, killing, wearing, and eating live animals since the dawn of humanity.
I never said that being a vegetarian is a propaganda,I just said that movies like Earthlings are.
My dad is a vegetarian for a while and he said that he never felt better and healthier but just because I dont give a damn about animal testing and fur and just because I dont feel any ''guilty conscience'',it doesnt makes me a close minded person.

How is the movie propaganda? And you are a closed-minded person, sucks to be you.

Tofu has been known to have high levels of synthetic estrogen, so its perfectly normal for women to eat, and the levels are so low you'd have to eat soy daily to show any effects on men.

Not entirely true but whatever :p

Get the fuck off you're moral high-horse, hippy :lol:. Humans are omnivores, we eat meat, we have teeth designed for tearing and chewing animal flesh. Just because you and the other vegetarians you know, don't know where to shop for your meat other than a faceless grocery store, doesn't mean the rest of us don't respect animals.

You're inability to respect the food you eat is your own issue, and has nothing to do with vegetarianism.

Hippy? You realize many athletes, marathon runners, and even body builders are vegans or vegeterians. Fuck your macho bullshit. You are no more of a man if you eat meat.

Gorillas and baboons have teeth that could bite through a skull even is thick and dense as yours, yet they are vegetarian... obviously you're an idiot to make such a stupid argument. It is also a fact that your body can make little use of raw mammal flesh. Regardless, the ignorant forces of nature provide no intelligent justification for any behavior, making you a mega idiot.

In case you trollin, this is just generally my stance on vegetarianism. I have vegan friends, and I respect that, but the second they try to tell me eating meat is unhealthy or unnatural, I rage.

The highly saturated fats aren't healthy for you and meat in general is not the easiest food for the intestines to digest. So I'll say it, meat IS unhealthy and unnatural.

THIS! We've been trapping, killing, wearing, and eating live animals since the dawn of humanity.

And that's not a valid argument.... AND NOT EVEN TRUE.

2.5 million years ago we weren't even eating meat. How could we when we had access/discovered fire only about 200,000 years ago, if that. And then there is the question what percentage of these humans food intake was meat. 1%, 2%... maybe ???

And with that logic religion is a good tradition. Dumb argument, meat eating and the murder of animals is not a sufficient resource in the long run anways. Wasteful, idiotic, unethical system.

Go back to the little small brain baboon table, and don't come back here until you can philosophize like a big brained human.
I acutally understand most of the vegetarians and I really respect them but when they start to think they really save lifes with their eating habbits... lawl...
How is the movie propaganda? And you are a closed-minded person, sucks to be you.

Not entirely true but whatever :p

Hippy? You realize many athletes, marathon runners, and even body builders are vegans or vegeterians. Fuck your macho bullshit. You are no more of a man if you eat meat.

Gorillas and baboons have teeth that could bite through a skull even is thick and dense as yours, yet they are vegetarian... obviously you're an idiot to make such a stupid argument. It is also a fact that your body can make little use of raw mammal flesh. Regardless, the ignorant forces of nature provide no intelligent justification for any behavior, making you a mega idiot.

The highly saturated fats aren't healthy for you and meat in general is not the easiest food for the intestines to digest. So I'll say it, meat IS unhealthy and unnatural.

And that's not a valid argument.... AND NOT EVEN TRUE.

2.5 million years ago we weren't even eating meat. How could we when we had access/discovered fire only about 200,000 years ago, if that. And then there is the question what percentage of these humans food intake was meat. 1%, 2%... maybe ???

And with that logic religion is a good tradition. Dumb argument, meat eating and the murder of animals is not a sufficient resource in the long run anways. Wasteful, idiotic, unethical system.

Go back to the little small brain baboon table, and don't come back here until you can philosophize like a big brained human.

Holy shit, i had no idea you were such a pretentious cunt :S
Not entirely true but whatever :p
From an article I read, I disregard it personnaly, an entire race of people eat it and they are perfectly fine :p, I'd pull it up but it was a long time ago.

Hippy? You realize many athletes, marathon runners, and even body builders are vegans or vegeterians. Fuck your macho bullshit. You are no more of a man if you eat meat.

Gorillas and baboons have teeth that could bite through a skull even is thick and dense as yours, yet they are vegetarian... obviously you're an idiot to make such a stupid argument. It is also a fact that your body can make little use of raw mammal flesh. Regardless, the ignorant forces of nature provide no intelligent justification for any behavior, making you a mega idiot.

I never said I was macho because I eat meat. That argument never came up, I simply said I know where the meat I eat comes from, and I know how the animal was treated from birth all the way to my dinner plate, and thus have no moral qualms about eating it.

Also, and I speak for myself on this, I am neither a gorilla nor a baboon. In fact, the animal that I am most closely connected to is a chimpanzee. Guess what Chimps are known to eat....Other chimps, for one, as well as smaller animals :p


The highly saturated fats aren't healthy for you and meat in general is not the easiest food for the intestines to digest. So I'll say it, meat IS unhealthy and unnatural.

And that's not a valid argument.... AND NOT EVEN TRUE.

2.5 million years ago we weren't even eating meat. How could we when we had access/discovered fire only about 200,000 years ago, if that. And then there is the question what percentage of these humans food intake was meat. 1%, 2%... maybe ???

You don't need fire to stick you're teeth into an animal. We still, eat animals without cooking it...sushi, steak tartar, ect. Fresh meat is usually free of bacteria and relativly safe to eat (parasites and viruses another story). Also, ever been out foraging for food yourself? What is this savage going to eat, a handfull of berries from a bush, or that Rabbit over there?

Do you think people were born with farms? With the knowledge of "hey, dig at this plant, there is a long, orange, sweet tasting root there..."

Or did they go "look at that rabbit eating the plant, maybe we should eat that plant too."

Or did they go "Hey look, a rabbit, lets fucking eat it."

How did these people cloth themselves and keep warm at night? Did they wrap themselves in cabbage, or deer hide?

As for saturated fats... I go back to the grocery store issue. You don't know where to get good meat. Grocery chains buy their meat from the same places fast food restaurants get theirs. Cows that are overfed large amounts of corn (which is an unnatural food for cows to eat), to fatten them up.

So because the food industy has taken an unnatural approach to food processing, you see it as unhealthy and unnatural. This is again, your inability to respect the food you eat, and ability to find good wholesome foods from trusted people.
We are able to survive very healthy lives without meat, no denial of that, but it is unnatural, and it is in NO way MORE healthy.
How is the movie propaganda? And you are a closed-minded person, sucks to be you.
It sucks even more when you cant talk like an adult and when you have to insult everybody who disagree with you.
They quote some statistics (but no sources) on things that are simply not true.
Also,they they reprimand pig farmers for cutting off pigs tails and ears without using anesthetic. But they downplay the fact that this is done to prevent gangrene and canibalism from happening.It makes it out to seem that every rancher treats his livestock like crap, and it just isn't the case.
I love how they introduce Hitler into the equation too, classic trick .