The Food Thread.

Hotdogs! You know what they're made of, Chet? Huh?

Lips and assholes!

I don't eat hotdogs. I'll eat sausage, but finer quality sausage, and I know the guy who makes the sausage I eat and have asked him what parts go in. Suck it.

The only reason to use a lot of that meat is because it would be wasteful not to. To boast that any of it is good meat, is just crap, its not. You can do a lot to it to make the dish fantastic, but it won't be as good as a dish made with a fine cut of meat.

Not that I condone being wasteful, but theres a reason most of that shit gets ground up into dog food.

what is this "tripe"? short answer, please


make me one, please *pretty smile*:D

Tripe is the end part of the intestinal tract. So as I said, its the asshole...
But to be fair, I've had it in Thai/vietnamese soups, and its pretty good :p

And I did, I'm so thoughtful, when are you coming to pick it up?
I always thought offal was medieval food

Not at all, but what's wrong with mediaeval food?

It's wasn't eaten only during famine, they would utilise the beast as much as possible, skin for clothing, bones for tools, etc. even when they were abundant. They were not wasteful.

Go to any delicatessan and offal what you will find in just about all the meat products. Cold cuts can contain lungs, livers, you name it. Black Pudding is cooked blood in an intestine. Haggis (heart, liver & lungs) is eaten regularly these days too.

It may be an old wives tale but my mum would tell me as a kid that eating organs will keep your own ones healthy. It makes sense that if you eat liver you will intake the right nutrients for your own liver.

I don't eat hotdogs.

'Lips and Assholes' was a famous Dan Akroyd quote from The Great Outdoors.

The tripe my mum buys is stomach lining, in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, the literally translated tripas tends to denote small intestines.

The skin on just about all sausages/hot dogs is intestine.

Meat pies contain blood plasma and organs/meat from a range of animals - camel, goat, rabbit, etc.

I eat cats and dogs, preferable the ones that were once pets. I get more satisfaction when the little children cry for their pets. Mainly because animals are unfeeling vegetables, and I don't feel any sentiment towards anything.

Lips and Assholes' was a famous Dan Akroyd quote from The Great Outdoors.

The tripe my mum buys is stomach lining, in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, the literally translated tripas tends to denote small intestines.

The skin on just about all sausages/hot dogs is intestine.

Meat pies contain blood plasma and organs/meat from a range of animals - camel, goat, rabbit, etc.


Fuck Dan Akroyd.

You're like 38, stop living with your mum.

I know, hurrr.

I also knew this, they also contain shitloads of spices and seasonings, which is the majority of what you taste (sausage included), because if you were meant to taste that awful meat, it would be a terrible dish.

I'd rather go more for a pot-pie than mince meat. better sauce and veggies, but my mom always made shitty ones that had dry, shitty crust so I never liked them as a kid, and don't make them now.
Cold cuts can contain lungs, livers, you name it. Black Pudding is cooked blood in an intestine. Haggis (heart, liver & lungs) is eaten regularly these days too.
yes, i know, i think they're all gross, and no, i haven't tried them. i just don't like the idea of eating those acid-infused parts of other beings, and i have tried liver, it's gross
It may be an old wives tale but my mum would tell me as a kid that eating organs will keep your own ones healthy. It makes sense that if you eat liver you will intake the right nutrients for your own liver.
that's like saying you want to eat someone with awesome powers or a useful disfunction to become them, seen District 9? :p
sounds a bit african voodoo-esque to me
Yes, I'm still upset with you about the whole Paris Opera House fiasco.
?qué? :eek:
you arrogant tart :mad:


I put too much cillantro in my tacos and my roommate ate up all my guacamole :(

Also, when buying lemons from this old Caribbean lady, she kept telling me to make them into lemonade. Like, seriously wanted me to have some lemonade. Even as I was walking away, "ITS BETTER THAN POP! YOU'LL SEE!!!" and everyone thought she said "pot" because shes Caribbean.

Though she gave me some extra lemons to try it, and it was quite tasty. It was better than pop, but I had to add alot alot alot of sugar :/