The Food Thread.

I was a cheese noob too, until my mom forced me to try chicken breasts filled with gorgonzola. At first i was like "ehhh", but then i "nom'd"
I met the "cheese guy" in the city. So I can't wait :D
Theres also a really cool cheese shoppe by my friends place but its a bitch to get to, but they guy is super friendly and gives out samples of pretty much anything.

Fuck I wish cheese wasn't so expensive :(
I've never had cheese with all that blue stuff on it :/ what does it taste like?
like fungus... 'cause that's what it is

Fuck I wish cheese wasn't so expensive :(
make your own, can't be that hard :/ migt have to wait a while though

I made pakistanian curry yesterday, it wasn't that good :mad:
today I made goat's cheese in some kind of dough I don't know the translation of, i put some grinded pistachios, koriander and these in it:

wasn't that good either :/

meh :(
What do you guys think of eating stuff like fish eyes, chicken livers and other offal... and I don't mean in a Bear Gryllis raw kinda way.

In Aus. fish is often served with the head cut off and I think it's ludicrous - it's the tastiest part!!!!

I think modern times has made humans too squeamish and was reminded of picky eaters after reading this:

Picky eaters may be suffering from an eating disorder - psychologists

But picky eaters have no control over what they like and could be suffering from an eating disorder, according to psychologists.

US researchers are considering giving picky eaters an official classification for the first time - calling them "selective eaters" - and plan to put them in the same bracket as those who have anorexia and bulimia.

Being a picky eater does not carry the same health risks as conditions like bulimia, but doctors worry that it could lead to nutritional deficiencies and cause bone and heart problems.

Although considered by many to be a phase that children go though, thousands of adults are picky eaters and place strict limits on what goes into their mouths.

Research into the reasons why has been inconclusive although it is thought textures and smell could account for it.

Scientists have also speculated that a mild form of obsessive-compulsive disorder may play a part.

In the US, such is the level of interest that researchers at Duke University and the University of Pittsburgh have just started the first national public registry of picky eating, which will allow people to log in and report on their unusual eating preferences and habits.

Picky eaters tend to gravitate to certain foods, including blander products that are often white or pale coloured, like plain pasta or cheese pizza.

For reasons that aren't clear, almost all adult picky eaters like chips and often chicken fingers, health experts say.


What do you guys think of eating stuff like fish eyes, chicken livers and other offal... and I don't mean in a Bear Gryllis raw kinda way.

In Aus. fish is often served with the head cut off and I think it's ludicrous - it's the tastiest part!!!!

Learn to form paragraphs.

Also, no thats not Ludacris at all. Skulls are made of bone, and bones are usually unpleasant to eat. How often do you order a steak and complain you didn't get any knuckles, or a bullcock or some shit? You put those parts aside and boil them to make a stock. Organs are the same sorta. My dad has has had beef heart, sliced up fine. It's just like eating really, really shitty meat. They're generally used to to flavour other dishes, rice and whatnot.

Edit: Oh, and I went shopping today :D

Some Pastrami roast beef, and had a nice conversation with this butcher about his cows and where they're from, followed by buying awesome strip-loins :D.

also, 7yo cheddar and some fucking tomatos! :D
Skulls are made of bone, and bones are usually unpleasant to eat.

You don't eat the bones, :lol: though I guess with sardines you do.

Edit: You just reminded me of this guy I knew back at school, when asked what he thought of prawns (shrimp) and he said, "they're ok, but too crunchy".

With a large fish you pull apart the skull much like you would pull apart a crab/lobster and eat the internals.


P.s. I always form paragraphs.
What do you guys think of eating stuff like fish eyes, chicken livers and other offal... and I don't mean in a Bear Gryllis raw kinda way.

In Aus. fish is often served with the head cut off and I think it's ludicrous - it's the tastiest part!!!!

I think modern times has made humans too squeamish and was reminded of picky eaters after reading this:

Well, I'm basically a 'Why not try it out?'-person.
I like lights, though no liver. But I tried them.
I love steamed musslels, so if I have too much money one of these days I might try snails (can't taste that different, can they?).

Though, I have to be in the mood for trying out new things. Trying out new stuff while actually lusting for something different just doesn't work.

Besides that, we made vegetarian moussaka yesterday:

(not my pic, but ours looked basically the same).

Going to try the 'traditional' meat variation some other day.
I wish I was more surprised at the fact you love to eat asshole, but I'm really not.

I made some bruchetta(sp) cause i was up early, put on toast with some sliced chicken for my lunch :D
What are lights?

Of all body parts I'm not one for tongue, just don't like the look of it.

My mum cooks an awesome tripe soup, something I wouldn't think I'd like when I think about what it is.


Lights is the gastronomic term for lungs. Oh tongue is great (at least that of cows), though preparing is a bit messy as far as I remember.

I have never eaten tripe, that might be one of the things I probably will never try.
Well, I'm basically a 'Why not try it out?'-person.
I like lights, though no liver. But I tried them.
I love steamed musslels, so if I have too much money one of these days I might try snails (can't taste that different, can they?)
I always thought offal was medieval food, because it's the intestins :/ and therefore cheaper, so in times of famine, they'd eat basically anything...

Also, the word 'offal' sounds "aweful"ly like the Dutch 'afval', meaning something like 'filth' or 'trash'. I don't like the idea of chewing on organs anyway >_>
and I have a deathly fear of snails, so I'd never come even close to eating one, let alone look at one closely :loco:
My mum cooks an awesome tripe soup, something I wouldn't think I'd like when I think about what it is.
what is this "tripe"? short answer, please

I made some bruchetta(sp) cause i was up early, put on toast with some sliced chicken for my lunch :D
make me one, please *pretty smile*:D