The Food Thread.

healthy life is a 21 century invention, most your parents and grandparents never cared about it, and live a long life. My grandmother eats greasy food almost everyday since her teens, and she's turning 90 year old.

Yeah, besides what's so unnatural about us eating meat? Its natural for tigers and shit too isnt it

No, it's the government's propaganda that lets us think that tigers eat meat.
Actually they climb trees to get some yummy nuts and leaves.
So I'll say it, meat IS unhealthy and unnatural.

Well,meat is not unhealthy,shitty food preparation is.
Lean beef for example is very healthy and it doesnt have a high fat content. The only real difference between a cure and a poison is a dose,and the same goes with food.Eating pork every day is obviously not healthy,but meat contains more iron than most foods, and it is more easily utilised by the body than from vegetables.Red meat is one of the best sources for zinc and for B vitamins which are found only in animal foods, so is it natural to take shitty suplements instead of taking it from a natural source?

My grandmother eats greasy food almost everyday since her teens, and she's turning 90 year old.

Same goes for my grandpa.He never liked how my mother used to cook a lot of vegetables and how he used to say that carrots wont help us to grow up :lol: He died when he was 93.
Hey Mick! :wave:
Wow, out of them all I didn't expect you to be one who eats soy-based foods and all that... I liked to read what you said, I won't quote all you wrote because it was much but 'cause I pretty much agreed on all you said.

Oh, and this:
If you need more resources I can provided them to you. Not just on animal rights and what I consider to be common sense, but on proper nutrition (liking getting the proper daily amounts of vitamin B, what foods with protein to eat, healthy fats such as omega, and what to avoid.)
Yes, I'd like it if you could do that. Very much appreciated! :)
Same goes for my grandpa.He never liked how my mother used to cook a lot of vegetables and how he used to say that carrots wont help us to grow up :lol: He died when he was 93.

Well, some people smoke their whole life and die in their 90ies some catch lung cancer at 14.
if everything works out, i'm gonna die of alcohol related disease by my 50's

btw, now I'm curious my cooking fella,
where do you buy your meat?

For beef and pork a farm just outside of town called port dover, about an hour away. Chicken and eggs from a farm near Shakespeare Ontario, they also do pork but I'd rather get it from the first guy since he gives me a discount now that I'm a cullinary student. :cool:

Veg will come from all over Southern Ontario, I uuuusually only buy in season produce, but not always possible. I bought a bunch of herb plants but they're dieing :(

healthy life is a 21 century invention, most your parents and grandparents never cared about it, and live a long life. My grandmother eats greasy food almost everyday since her teens, and she's turning 90 year old.


Unhealthy living is a 21st century invention :p.
It was normal to eat steak, eggs and potato for breakfast, because the average worker was on his feet using all that energy. Now, the average worker travels by car, sits at a desk, and eats processed food that is terrible for you.

if everything works out, i'm gonna die of alcohol related disease by my 50's
Who the fuck wants to be 60? :erk:
an opinion


inb4: Vegetarian backlash. I like Vegetarian food, just not vegetarians :lol: :p
Are you serious with those links or just foolish?
I did say 'after a quick google'. I do recall reading about negative affects of soy from daily newspapers and googled some examples for quick reference. Yes I should've read them properly, they did seem propagandist I must admit.

As for Tigers and other cats, they do eat greens but not always direct from the ground. Cat's will often eat the stomach of their prey and since their prey are usually herbivorous the cats end up eating vegetable matter.

Animals have an innate sense to eat what is lacking in their system. I recall hearing of an experiment with 10 year old boys (no not done by priests) where they were put in front of a smorgasbord of healthy food. The boys all chose food with the right nutrients that their bodies required. When they added salty and 'junk' foods to the mix and did the experiment again the foods they chose were all out of whack with what they needed.

lol @ the cat thing, so we're kinda vegetarians because we eat cows and cows usually dont eat meat :lol: of course we have to deal with the result of our food's food but w
ah fuck that
*reported *
The sad thing is you are so conditioned to think that these "horrible images" are nothing to consider or take into account. You are a very close minded person. When it comes down to it, the whole point is to respect other sentient creatures, especially those with a central nervous system and with an obvious ability to feel pain and suffering.

too long; didn't read: I encourage anyone to become a vegetarian. If you don't want to that is fine, just don't say it is propaganda and create bogus arguments for your habits. Vegetarians live healthier lives, on average live longer, experience more energy, and don't suffer from a guilty conscience.

I don't quite agree with all of what you say, or even most of it. I was a vegetarian for a few years because my Dad had some bowel condition and not eating many animal products helped him for a while. My parents decided it would be a whole family thing and since I was too young to cook for myself properly I went along... I have to say those were not the best years of my life as far as being satisfied with my food. I fucking love meat now, although I am aware that not all meat is equal with regards to how the animals are treated and try to take that into account. As for my parents, they don't seem to have liked being vegetarians much either, as they now have a pretty average omnivorous diet. My sister's the only one who rarely eats meat, and she claims it's because she doesn't like the taste or texture. I think meat is a good source of nutrients, and if we really shouldn't be eating it we wouldn't be able to digest it properly. (Sort of like my Dad in his veggie phase)

I'd be curious to know how many of these vegetarians who claim untold health benefits actually were vegetarians for a significant portion of their lives....

I have to say, in general both vegetarians and meat eaters piss me off equally XD I don,t really care what other people stuff down their throats as long as they leave me alone.:lol::lol::lol:

I think we now know why your name is Altitudes :p
"Vegetarians live healthier lives, on average live longer, experience more energy" lol, tell that to a girl I knew who was TOLD by her doctor to stop being a vegetarian - because it was killing her. And yes, after she went back to eating dead animals she was fine thanks.

Also, I don't feel guilty at all *grabs some processed artificial chicken nuggets*