The Food Thread.

Gonna make this beautiful entrecôte piece i have, medium raw
some hash browns
and make up a sauce using delicious gorgonzola

fuck yeah

edit: oh and Italian mushroom, yummy
I didn't take a picture of the grill yesterday D: The burgers I made EASILY stole the show from the big rack of ribs I had going too, we were struggling to find something good to top them with, experiment was a massive success.

1/2 lbs of beef, 1 shallot, 2-3 cloves of garlic (I used one big one), a good splash of sherry, and some Worcestershire sauce.
Mix all that up with you're ground beef. make 2 large hamburgers, and 2 small ones, ratio should be about 3:1 for sizes.

Shred some swiss cheese. Press little craters into the big hamburger to make a pocket for the cheese, then use the smaller hamburger you have as a cap, and sort of just pinch, and work the seam so its one solid hamburger. Put a good amount of salt and pepper on the outside of the hamburger, will help it get a nice crust when you toss it on the girll.

We then topped them with some onions that were sauteed in some butter and more cherry, lettuce, tomato, and dijon. A good BBQ sauce would have been good, but was unnavailable. Ridiculous, we have a BBQ and no one had sauce, just this half bottle of shitty Kraft 'chickn and rib' bullshit.
My friend invited me over for ribs his parents slow-cooked in a crockpot all day in order to "show me how good ribs are done".

Id make everything in a crockpot too if I had one :(
T'was my stepmom's birthday, her favorite dish is horse tartar..and I'm good at it. So here's how I do it (for 4 individuals... you do the maths) :
-600 gr. of raw grounded horse meat
-50ml Worcestershire sauce
-one and a half ogorek kiszony
-some shallots (the more the better)
-uncrushed pepper (no black grains)
-Half a big white onion, half a big red onion
-some capers (at your taste)
-2 un-cooked eggs
-tabasco and mustard at your own taste

Slightly cook in a pan all vegetables with olive oil (no butter!) until the onion are almost transparent (more or less 3 minutes at medium). Then put every ingredients in a bowl and mix with your hands (cleaned, of coursee!). Make it like a ball and serve with sidedishes (melon salad, spicy cabbage o even sweet horseradish...anything light in the stomach actually).
T'was my stepmom's birthday, her favorite dish is horse tartar.

aww dude, c'mon :erk:

I do want to try steak tar tar some time, I really don't think I'd like it though, so I don't want to end up wasting that much food :p
I've never even had sushi (other than grocery store shit), or rare tuna, which I really want to try soon. Raw meat is pretty hardcore.
I actually don't mind horsemeat. Not so different from beef, although I can tell the difference. It's usually hella cheap though so I tend to buy it whenever I see it.
I just had a buffalo burger at Harry's Roadhouse in Santa Fe.

The waitress told me it was local buffalo too.

Medium rare and it tasted great

Butter, garlic, shallots, sherry, shrimp, finnish with a splash of lemon.
all dat topped onto some broccoli, was pretty good but I did too much butter :/

I never used to cook with butter, so I still don't know how much to use. :(