The Food Thread.

Yer mum tastes like shit

I have to stop wearing my CoB shirt around, I constantly get compliments on it and don't know how to respond without being a dick.

"Woah, nice Bodom shirt!"
"yeah...I dont like them anymore.."
"Whhyy not!?!?!"
"They're new stuff is really gay...."

No one who only likes old CoB comments on CoB stuff D:

Anyway, Snowy is correct, even if his mom did taste horrible, KFC would be right there on par with that horribleness.

Edit: Oh, and someone presented a project on foods from Holland today and brought in food.
Its all shit I've had due to a very Dutch family, so I was the only one not fooled into eating salted licorice. >8D

The gouda and spicecake was highly appreciated though.
I made a meat pie, no idea how I'll eat it all by myself. The pastry's a bit weird, couldn't find any shortening in my parents' cupboards and couldn't be fucked buying any for one meal, so I used vegetable oil instead. A bit less and it would have been better methinks. Delicious overall though :D
The Butt, is your chipwagon in Jasper?
I'm going to find it by summer's end.

You probably wont realize its me, but I'm going to stand there critiquing every bite. Constantly referring to it as "shallow, and pedantic."
I wont even throw it in the garbage, I'll just place it back on the counter, for you to deal with, and you'll come here posting about it.

*YOUR chipwagan
what the fuck is wrong with me!
^Make your own food >8(

My Basil PLant is dead :/
I ransacked it for whatever leaves were left and brought them up north for the weekend, mainly just topped sandwhiches and tossed it into salads and everyone was super impressed :p
Wild Parsley was also growing all over my cousins property, which is basically like a really nice cottage on an island in Lake Superior. Was badass, they didn't even know what it was. Wild carrot was also growing all over but wasn't ready to be picked.
hey Eli, can you give us a recipe of a typical home made Italian pizza dough? i'm planing to finally make my dream pizza.

dough > tomato sauce > mozzarella > smoked Ham > Parmigiano > bacon > gorgonzola > pepperoni > oregano

Hey Vikkie! :)
Sorry so much for the late in replying, I wasn't around in the past days but now I'm back.
And hm, I must say I read Mick's answer and I think he gave you a good help too, to be honest.
But here's my contribution, the way I do it when I want it.

Ingredients for 4 pizzas:
- 600 ml of water.
- 1 kg of flour, + the small amounts you need eventually (you'll see what I mean).
- 50 gr of dried yeast or brewer's yeast.
- more or less 6 spoons of oil (better if extra virgin olive oil).
- till 20 grams of salt.
- 2 not full spoons of sugar.

To begin preparing the pizza dough, you put the flour on a pastry board (or a pretty big bowl) and make a hole in the center of the flour, like a volcano or something like that, to give ya an idea.
Get a glass bowl and pour in it: a glass of slightly warm water, a tiny bit (not much) of sugar, then crumble in the cubes of dried yeast or brewer's yeast and stir everything accurately; then, add that in the hole you made in the flour before.
In another glass with warm water, dissolve 20 grams of salt; add that to the flour too, adding the oil right after and... NOW COMES THE FUN, BABY! This is the most important part, because the secret to a good pizza, is the dough itself, not the toppings only.
Now keep on using the fork for this first knead phase, knead the small amount of flour that got wet by the ingredients you just added, and go on kneading letting the wetness spread and "touch" the whole flour quantity, and eventually add some little warm water to let the flour "make bond" and be ok to be manipulated... now you can start kneading with your hand, this is important, use the hands and knead till the dough get the right consistency (soft and elastic).
When the dough is ready, there's a trick: try to beat it a bit, and not gently much... how? (I should make a vid of this, it's pretty hard to explain with words only and I'm not able to talk and say useless things...) You grab the dough and stretch it a little bit (by lettin' it roll on the pastry board few seconds), then grab it and beat one of its extremity on the pastry board, almost as if it was a whip; beat this way both extremities for at least two or three times, then stop and gently let the dough get back to its former shape and make a ball out of it... you're going to lay that ball in a large bowl (large because that the dough will double in volume), well dusted with flour on the bottom. Add some small "dust" of flour on top of the dough, and now cover the bowl with a clean cloth and store in a warm place away from drafts.
Wait until the dough has doubled in size (it can take from about 1 hour till 1 hour and 1/2) and then proceed to draw up the dough in the baking tin.
And before spreading the dough in the tins, put a small amount of oil on the bottom. After doing that and puttin' the dough in the tins, add your favourite toppings... first tomato sauce, then origano and then the other toppings you like, at last a small and quick bit of oil (very small). Oh, remember that if you're gonna use ham, it's better to add it after the pizza cooked for a while, and same goes with the mozzarella and cheeses in general: add some more of it after the pizza cooked for a while... that way, they'll be less dry.

Here's a pic of how it turns out when we make it. I took this long ago, but that's not the point.

(I know, looks like there's no plate, but there is, I swear... the pizza was just really big...)

And sorry for writing too much... but since today, I got classified as not normal anymore, so that means I'm crazy and do weird things... and in this case, please forgive me... crazy people have no fault for their mind insanity, do they...
Well, hope I forgot nothing in the recipe... and hope you're going to have a good time making the pizza, Vikkie. :)
Sorry for not being able to do more.
I've seen quite a lot recipes till now, but none of them was so enjoyable and lively to read. Thank you Eli :)
Don't you want to post some more recipes in here...? ;)