The Food Thread.

Coulda sworn I'd posted here yesterday, apparently not... Anyway:

I only had two posts, yet almost four pages of replies telling me to fuck off. So who is the unreasonable one on the high horse again? I have no problems with any of you, but apparently you guys do have a problem with me. I know it must be difficult to be unable to intellectualize any rational or logical points (no one besides cliff even bothered trying to refute what I said), so I understand where this angry mob-like mentality towards me steams from. I have nothing against people that eat meat (I eat meat when offered as a guest to someone’s house), but I have a problem with people that haven’t given the subject much thought and recite bogus arguments. I love you all, and haters gonna hate. : )

For your consideration:

Since a bunch of those replies were from different people, maybe they have a point... You're right to some extent though:lol:

I don't think eating meat or not is right or wrong, I've tried both and prefer eating meat. Fuck the annoying extremists of both camps :)

Quote me were I say that? I don't, do I have to spell it out? Here is an analogy: Just because you and everyone else beats their dog doesn't mean I think I am changing the world by sparing mine.

Jesus christ you guys are really misrepresenting my position...
What do you mean by 'jojo'? I get that bulge after a big meal too now :p Its hot.
Up until untill about 6-8 months ago I never had any torso definition, just a big round soft trunk. That shit is pretty neat. :p
i seem to get that 'blob' quite bad :p i think i chew too little, and i've heard eating before the tv ain't that good either >_>
and yes, i need toning too, but i hate sports/fitness/anything alike :(
i need some more definition in my abdomen and do some hip thingies :(
I think she means going up and down in weight by 3kg, lolz. You know, like how a yoyo works :)
yes, that's what i meant.
Exactly, my sister for example is a vegetarian because she just cant stand the idea of eating a corpse
meat is indeed pretty nasty... i eat it, but i don't particularly like ribs or the legs of a chicken or so... moreover, you mostly eat that with yar hands 'cause it's easier, makes me feel like a ravenous beast :/, i'm too arrogant to be a ravenous beast
Quote me were I say that? I don't, do I have to spell it out? Here is an alalogy: Just because you and everyone else beats their dog doesn't mean I think I am changing the world by sparing mine.

In all honesty I didnt read much of this discussion, I just assumed you were hippie about it.

Besides, isnt "beating your dog" slang for something else? I bet you beat your dog just as much as any of us then
┼Victim of the Night┼;9237507 said:
Mick is no idiot and doesn't say "hippy bullshit", first thing (besides, not that there's anything wrong with hippies anyway? XD).
He said all he did just like everyone here says what he/she thinks... and it's everyone's right, isn't it? ;)


Now, not to be Mick's or anyone's advocate, but honestly, he is allowed to say things he believes in, but I'm sure he couldn't care less if the others here don't share the same opinion as his about food.

Anybody who claims that "meat is unnatural/unhealthy/wrong", and badgers other people to not eat meat, for that very reason, I would indeed call an idiot.

Feel free to not eat meat, I can respect people's opinions. But when somebody starts being disrespectful towards me, tearing into MY eating habits, I don't feel the need to show any respect back.

You, I respect... cause you haven't basically said "fuck you guys for eating meat derp". Mick, on the other hand, can take these tickets to see the Fuck Offs I bought for him. I heard they're playing an extended set tonight.

I only had two posts, yet almost four pages of replies telling me to fuck off. So who is the unreasonable one on the high horse again? I have no problems with any of you, but apparently you guys do have a problem with me. I know it must be difficult to be unable to intellectualize any rational or logical points (no one besides cliff even bothered trying to refute what I said)

Holy fuck. Have you even read what you posted? Do you have the reading capacity, to even read what you posted? :err:

I see:
  • A bullshit point equating eating animals to abuse.
  • A point equating raising cattle for food, to raising people for slaves.
  • A bunch of points that basically equate to "BAWWW WE'RE GONNA PLAY THE CRUELTY CARD FOR EVERY ARGUMENT"
  • A strawman point that's COMPLETELY LAUGHABLE, equating saying "don't tell me to not eat meat" to "don't tell me to beat my dog".
By the way, do you happen to know what a strawman is, by any chance? Or a "logical fallacy"? I ask again, son, can you read written word?

Because if you could, you'd have looked at what you posted before you posted it, and thought "wow, this doesn't very much support my stance at all, it's actually really fucking dumb, and full of logical errors."

so I understand where this angry mob-like mentality towards me steams from.

There is no mob mentality. You're just being a goof.
The point is that this discussion is kinda senseless since not everybody(=almost nobody here) shares your point of view regarding animal rights. Most people think they are just creatures made to be eaten and that their only right is the right to be tasty :/
That's where it starts. And I'm outta here now :D
^ I wish more people where like you two. If more people were, we could actually have a constructive dialog, instead of throwing around crap like "Fuck your hipp bullshit"...

I'm more debating than argueing, though there is very little difference. I've done my best to make my points, and I've done my best to pick apart your points and tear them apart with basic logic. You made another post with no logic or facts backing it, nor have you bothered to argue any specific points. You're just standing there going "HURRDURR ITS HEALTHY CUZ ITS LOW FAT", and it makes you sound like a middle-aged housewife falling for some kind of diet-fad.

Lets continue

Imagine saying to someone, “If you don’t want to beat your dog, that’s fine. But, don’t tell me not to beat mine.” While we are entitled to believe what we like, we are not entitled to treat others—especially those weaker than us—however we like. If we are responsible for harming others, people have every right to ask that we stop.

Again, its a respect thing. The animals I eat are killed properly, not just by some hillbilly with a sledgehammer and a crooked eye.

By adopting a vegetarian diet, we can dramatically reduce the amount of suffering we cause in our daily lives.


Just because someone eats beef, doesn't mean they are some redneck who sticks firecrackers in frogs, and throws puppies off of cliffs.

The "hippy bullshit" was just a joke, its COBOT, you've been here for a long time, you should realize shit like that.

Most people think they are just creatures made to be eaten and that their only right is the right to be tasty :/

NOt me
Just because someone eats beef, doesn't mean they are some redneck who sticks firecrackers in frogs, and throws puppies off of cliffs.

What if I dont wants to stop doin thats then, hyuk!!!

After all, I eats de beef!

Be right back, off to beat my dog, sonnah boy!
We bought this spikey as fuck thing called a Durian at the dirty asian market(I just googled "spikey asian fruit weird" since she didn't tell us what it was). It seriously smelled like someone ate only raw onion for a month and farted in your face. Then the taste was like, that guy who ate all the onions farted on your banana, and his pants were off and some juices sprayed on, and no one told you, and you took a bite, and the ass-acid (assid) melted the banana on a molecular level so it melted and spread though your entire mouth.

Then the heat of your mouth activated the onion-ass particles and they evaporated into your nose and eyes. I could probably go on with this but I think you all get the point. It was a fruit that tasted like rotten onion and banana.
^thats something im definitely not going to try :p
Also I made chicken with mushrooms and bakon for lunch today but i added too much rosemary and salt so it wasnt so good. I allways add too much spices :(

We bought this spikey as fuck thing called a Durian at the dirty asian market(I just googled "spikey asian fruit weird" since she didn't tell us what it was). It seriously smelled like someone ate only raw onion for a month and farted in your face. Then the taste was like, that guy who ate all the onions farted on your banana, and his pants were off and some juices sprayed on, and no one told you, and you took a bite, and the ass-acid (assid) melted the banana on a molecular level so it melted and spread though your entire mouth.

Then the heat of your mouth activated the onion-ass particles and they evaporated into your nose and eyes. I could probably go on with this but I think you all get the point. It was a fruit that tasted like rotten onion and banana.

I realllllllllly fucking want one. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we don't have many immigrants here so I wouldn't know where to go.
We bought this spikey as fuck thing called a Durian at the dirty asian market


I think I've tasted it or a jackfruit, it does smell like ass and takes a few tastes before you get used to it. I think the hard part is because of the smell you expect it to taste bad so apprehension is there. It's a bit custardy.

After a quick google to see what the difference is I found:

The durian's odor is similar to rotten feet, the jackfruit's odor is similar to rotting onions.

Jackfruit is a sweetish fruit kind of pineapple-y. Durian looks like a body organ and smells like death.

We bought this spikey as fuck thing called a Durian at the dirty asian market(I just googled "spikey asian fruit weird" since she didn't tell us what it was). It seriously smelled like someone ate only raw onion for a month and farted in your face. Then the taste was like, that guy who ate all the onions farted on your banana, and his pants were off and some juices sprayed on, and no one told you, and you took a bite, and the ass-acid (assid) melted the banana on a molecular level so it melted and spread though your entire mouth.

Then the heat of your mouth activated the onion-ass particles and they evaporated into your nose and eyes. I could probably go on with this but I think you all get the point. It was a fruit that tasted like rotten onion and banana.

We bought this spikey as fuck thing called a Durian at the dirty asian market(I just googled "spikey asian fruit weird" since she didn't tell us what it was). It seriously smelled like someone ate only raw onion for a month and farted in your face. Then the taste was like, that guy who ate all the onions farted on your banana, and his pants were off and some juices sprayed on, and no one told you, and you took a bite, and the ass-acid (assid) melted the banana on a molecular level so it melted and spread though your entire mouth.

Then the heat of your mouth activated the onion-ass particles and they evaporated into your nose and eyes. I could probably go on with this but I think you all get the point. It was a fruit that tasted like rotten onion and banana.

I hate that stuff too.
The horrible smell permeates the entire house in just minutes.
My mom likes it though.
We bought this spikey as fuck thing called a Durian

They had them for sale at the supermarket this morning so I got one. As I went to pick it up one of the bastard things spiked the top of my finger - it drew blood.

I put it in my bag, then when I went to get something - spiked again! :bah:

When they're really fresh they smell sweet on the outside, a little bit pungent when you cut them open.

The taste is nutty but sweet, it does have a hint of onion smell but not enough to put you off.
