The Food Thread.

hey Eli, can you give us a recipe of a typical home made Italian pizza dough? i'm planing to finally make my dream pizza.

dough > tomato sauce > mozzarella > smoked Ham > Parmigiano > bacon > gorgonzola > pepperoni > oregano
hey Eli, can you give us a recipe of a typical home made Italian pizza dough? i'm planing to finally make my dream pizza.

I'm not Eli (I know, sorry :p) but... I do know how to make fucking epic pizza dough! And the best part is, its not even that hard to make once you learn.

Things You Need

  • 1.5 cups lukewarm water,
  • 1 tablespoon yeast
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 tablespoon olive/vegetable oil
  • Pinch of sugar

Add 1.5 cups of lukewarm water in a bowl. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon yeast. Add pinch of sugar (about 1/4 teaspoon). Wait 5 minutes.

Add 1 cup flour into bowl and mix with beater. If you don't have a beater, use a fork. Add 2 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil. Once it is all mixed and 'doughy', add the remaining 1 cup of flour and mix again with beater. Roll dough to form a ball, oil the bowl, and leave the dough in the bowl with a towel over the bowl for one hour, allowing it to rise.

After one hour, punch the dough to compress the air out of it. Do this for a while then flatten out the dough with rolling pin. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of italien herb if you like. Shape it to fit a pizza pan and voila! Put on your favorite toppings and cook your pizza.

You're welcome :)
I made delicious T-bones on my charcoal grill yesterday. I put thyme, herbes de provence, chipotle and ancho chili powder and a ton of garlic on them. They were surprisingly good considering that I cooked them slightly more than I usually like.
i just had one of those new kfc double downs
i am slipping into food coma and will problly have a heart attack
I'm not Eli (I know, sorry :p) but... I do know how to make fucking epic pizza dough! And the best part is, its not even that hard to make once you learn.

Things You Need

  • 1.5 cups lukewarm water,
  • 1 tablespoon yeast
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 tablespoon olive/vegetable oil
  • Pinch of sugar

Add 1.5 cups of lukewarm water in a bowl. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon yeast. Add pinch of sugar (about 1/4 teaspoon). Wait 5 minutes.

Add 1 cup flour into bowl and mix with beater. If you don't have a beater, use a fork. Add 2 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil. Once it is all mixed and 'doughy', add the remaining 1 cup of flour and mix again with beater. Roll dough to form a ball, oil the bowl, and leave the dough in the bowl with a towel over the bowl for one hour, allowing it to rise.

After one hour, punch the dough to compress the air out of it. Do this for a while then flatten out the dough with rolling pin. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of italien herb if you like. Shape it to fit a pizza pan and voila! Put on your favorite toppings and cook your pizza.

You're welcome :)

thanks, i'll try sometime, but the reason i asked Eli, is because she's old school Italian :p
Add some dried herbs :p

I don't understand how people make breakfast without bacon.
How else would you grease the pan for eggs and potato! :O
Add some dried herbs :p

I don't understand how people make breakfast without bacon.
How else would you grease the pan for eggs and potato! :O

I don't understand how someone can eat something like this as breakfast. It would be much too fat and heavy for me in the morning....
I guess it's a cultural thing.
I have not had one, but it is more than likely worth it. It looks delicious.
They're shit. I don;t know how that surprises everyone.
Its two really fucking salty pieces of dried out chicken with a thin strip of of processed cheese and some mayonnaise on it.
My friend got one, said it was so salty he was nearly done his drink before he had gotten half of the thing down.

KFC Chicken is disgusting, tastes like dried soy sauce, greasy as fuck, and half the peicesmof meat have a giant spine-bone going down the middle of it :erk:

That thing should be illegal.

Welcome to 3 months ago.
It tastes liked shit, even that bum in amsterdam wouldnt want to take or eat that chicken stuff when we offered him a half full bucket. At least he kept it so we didnt have to throw it away.
It tastes liked shit, even that bum in amsterdam wouldnt want to take or eat that chicken stuff when we offered him a half full bucket. At least he kept it so we didnt have to throw it away.

Yer mum tastes like shit