The Food Thread.


The Happy Meal that even bacteria reject

Fuck raisins.
Mmmmno. :blush:

raisins are great.
Mmmmyep. :cool:

Also, chocolate is waywayway better eaten alone, in epic amounts, while raisins work great in combinations and cakes and sweet cheese pies and whatnot. :notworthy

But yeah, when it says "Chocolate chips" and it's in fact just raisins, they should rename it to "Raisin chips" and I'd still buy it. :p

On another note, I'm gonna try and fix a pizza tomorrow. With homemade dough, that is. Gotta do research. :erk:


I love coffee. It tastes good(if made properly), and gives off a very nice smell, and wakes me up in the morning.

Only one problem; it gives me massive shits.

30 to 60 minutes after a cup is ingested(has to be the first cup in the morning), I will without fail get the shits. My stomach roars like a lion and stomach-quakes ensue, I have no more than 1 minute to get to a toilet before I literally explode.
Both solid and liquid evacuations from the rear. Why? Why does this happen to me? Every single time?
No matter if I'm at home or away, bought or self-made, without fail it will give me the shits. And it happens ONLY with the first cup in the day.

Anyone else experience this? With other beverages?

Tea and other drinks with caffeine are fine, including energy drinks.

I am confus :(

I love coffee. It tastes good(if made properly), and gives off a very nice smell, and wakes me up in the morning.

a man after my own heart

Only one problem; it gives me massive shits.

30 to 60 minutes after a cup is ingested(has to be the first cup in the morning), I will without fail get the shits. My stomach roars like a lion and stomach-quakes ensue, I have no more than 1 minute to get to a toilet before I literally explode.
Both solid and liquid evacuations from the rear. Why? Why does this happen to me? Every single time?
No matter if I'm at home or away, bought or self-made, without fail it will give me the shits. And it happens ONLY with the first cup in the day.

Anyone else experience this? With other beverages?

Tea and other drinks with caffeine are fine, including energy drinks.

I am confus :(

i hear a lot about this, even in the Big Bang Theory Show Sheldon talks about pooping after coffee. feel left out, never happened to me :(
Did you fellas know a McDonald's hamburger bum won't decompose for a couple decades? And most dogs don't eat it. It's because it's not what microbes or any living being except human etc would perceive as food. Look at the ingredients. Just FYI. I would recommend the movie Food Inc. I'm a health eater and a passionate cooker, apart from the Fridays nights and Saturday hangovers.
Bum? Do you mean bun? Most dogs don't eat cucumber and pineapple as well, i'm sure its because its bad for you :p
Did you know salted meat won't decompose for decades?
Did you know that canned food won't decompose for decades?
Did you know that oversimplifying things and making a movie about unhealthy food being unhealthy food makes a lot of money from dumbfucks that can't figure out that it's unhealthy by themselves?

McDonalds produce food, no matter how much you try to twist and turn it, we digest it and extract nutrients(how little there may be) out of it.
But I'm not saying It's anywhere near healthy, but It's still technically food :p
Check this link out, not QUITE related to this, but related enough :p

Healthy cooking and eating is good regardless though, keep at it.
Bum? Do you mean bun? Most dogs don't eat cucumber and pineapple as well, i'm sure its because its bad for you :p
Did you know salted meat won't decompose for decades?
Did you know that canned food won't decompose for decades?
Did you know that oversimplifying things and making a movie about unhealthy food being unhealthy food makes a lot of money from dumbfucks that can't figure out that it's unhealthy by themselves?

Yeah and some Dogs even eat shit.
Only one problem; it gives me massive shits.
I don't get massive shits but it does fuck with my stomach some, I tend to avoid it. That, and if I want coffee I usually have to wait in line in a Tim Hortons store, which is pretty much the equivalent to standing in a welfare line. You hear nothing about how much the government sucks, how much hockey rules, and how long these people have to wait for their next check from the government that is so terrible.

But yeah, coffee is a natrual laxative, so its normal, you might just have a weak stomach.
Did you fellas know a McDonald's hamburger bum won't decompose for a couple decades?
It's because it's not what microbes or any living being except human etc would perceive as food.

Look at the ingredients. Just FYI.

Preservatives, they tend to preserve things. Its well known that they are generally harmful to people, and if people don't bother educating themselves on that matter then its their own fault.

I would recommend the movie Food Inc.
Its a good documentary, but with all documentary people go overboard with enlightenment, and refuse to think for themselves when they watch this kind of stuff. Its much easier to let a movie think, and make your points for you.

You realize that the film is about the American food industry, and you live in Finland, where the laws, regulation, and even the culture are soo different that very little of what they are saying applies to you? I guess its a precautionary film, but still, its not even that bad in Canada.

I'm a health eater and a passionate cooker, apart from the Fridays nights and Saturday hangovers.

Nah you're a tool. You didn't have a stance on the subject before you saw some movie, and now you're passionate about it. Pls Define healthy eating, because its such a vauge term that people toss all around.

Its good to be educated on the simple facts of nutrition, food sources, and ethical treatment of what you eat...but not everyone has the same morals, ethics, and ideals for waht they want. As Muffin said, McDonalds is horrible shitty food, but its still food. If people hated the place as much as they say they hate it, it wouldn't be around.

Don't you think its kinda stupid to brag about being healthy when I happen to know you smoke...lucky strikes specifically because you're so AmGLaiho!!11
Caffeine sensitivity, I have it also. I'll shit out anything and everything after a cup. That's why I don't drink coffee or tea anymore. Unless I really want to shit, then it's useful. I watched some stupid movie way before Food Inc came out about how animals were slaughtered, definitely was a vegan for a week. Then I realized I was a dumbass and looked into what the Department of Agriculture has done to correct the treatment of slaughterhouse animals and I could stomach meat again. I refuse to watch Food Inc. friends have insisted that I view it sometime, that it will change my mind and enlighten me or whatever.

But this is correct about the whole documentary:
[it]...makes a lot of money from dumbfucks that can't figure out that it's unhealthy by themselves?
that's just how it is in America, only 4/10 people accept Evolution in this country. I'm proud to be in the 4/10 that not only acknowledges the Evolutionary standard but also doesn't piss his money away on gay ass fucking documentaries.
I love coffee. It tastes good(if made properly), and gives off a very nice smell, and wakes me up in the morning.
a man after my own heart
This :lol:
Too bad most people don't have a single clue how good coffee can taste if well made. And too bad I only get that really bad shit in the office, where I'd need a good one most :(

And it happens ONLY with the first cup in the day.
I can pretty much agree in that :D Why doesn't it after having had lunch? :( Guess it's got something to do with an empty stomach and such...

Lord, what a topic.
only 4/10 people accept Evolution in this country.
And an even less number of people know how to simplify a fraction :O

Edit: Oh...

and im going shopping now, I think im going to make thai noodles, coconut milk ftw.
Im also eating this bread that was brought to us. Its really soft, and has cheese, onion, bacon and some corn baked right into it.

my jaw is still fucked from wisdom teeth operation so i have to chew it with my front teeth and then chug water to get it down :(

Edit again: oh, and food inc is okay, its a basic rundown of all the things wrong and some simple ways on how to help fix it...but the thing is it should be common knowledge for the most part :/ I recommend it to people who don't cook and buy alot of processed shit, some see it and learn shit but continue on not giving a fuck, which is perfectly fine.
Don't you think its kinda stupid to brag about being healthy when I happen to know you smoke...lucky strikes specifically because you're so AmGLaiho!!11

Aha.. I only smoke when I drink which is once a week, and I've cut down on that too. Laiho is not among my idols. I have a background to my health interests, and it's not one document. All I remember from that particular one is the way medical industry works; eat shit and buy meds for single symptoms regularly all your life, when you could instead fix your eating habits and not get sick / heal permanently. And they warn to not eat too much vitamins, while immense amount of people die of wrong medication and only a few from vitamin overdose. And I see all the time in media how the locally farmed agriculture products are being marketed as health bombs that contain trendy vitamins, when in reality they are shit and nowhere near the best source of vital ingredients. It's marketing yes, but also intentional playing with people's health. Of course some people like to think with their own brain.

I love coffee. It tastes good(if made properly), and gives off a very nice smell, and wakes me up in the morning.
Only one problem; it gives me massive shits.

30 to 60 minutes after a cup is ingested(has to be the first cup in the morning), I will without fail get the shits. My stomach roars like a lion and stomach-quakes ensue, I have no more than 1 minute to get to a toilet before I literally explode.
Both solid and liquid evacuations from the rear. Why? Why does this happen to me? Every single time?
No matter if I'm at home or away, bought or self-made, without fail it will give me the shits. And it happens ONLY with the first cup in the day.

Anyone else experience this? With other beverages?

Tea and other drinks with caffeine are fine, including energy drinks.

I am confus :(

Yes. I doesn't even take 30 minutes, usually its within 15. Right before I am on my way out the door, and BOOM, I got the shits. Coffee is a laxative though, so it would only make sense :p Sorry for the unappetizing topic in the food thread, but I figured you should know that you are not alone.
Yes. I doesn't even take 30 minutes, usually its within 15. Right before I am on my way out the door, and BOOM, I got the shits. Coffee is a laxative though, so it would only make sense :p Sorry for the unappetizing topic in the food thread, but I figured you should know that you are not alone.

:lol: Nice