The Food Thread.

wondered how the trend of protein/creatine powders started somewhere but still looks like people who don't use them get the same results with just milk and bananas and stuff.. some like to say the powders will end up killing your liver and are just business. But I'd like to think they should make recovery faster at least.

I do use that powder stuff sometimes (occasional periods when I go to gym regularly) but usually settle with some banana and 0,5 - 1l of milk (with organic cacao and maca root) and I use hemp seeds, sesame seeds (and some other 'superfoods'.. virgin coconut oil, pollen, goji berries 'n all that) for boost and experiment with versatile smoothies.

Powders are just more protein, you need protein to build up the parts of your body you just tore down. With the amount of lifting and moving I do when I exercise, eating a normal balanced meal would not be enough. Also, when the high-protein meal (whey, milk, whateva) is liquid, it will go into your body much faster than if it was solid (meat, ect)... So one of these shakes immediately after a workout is perfect.

Calories in > Calories out and you'll get bigger. Exercises and nutrition just decides where those calories go. So lift big, eat way more protein than you should, and you'll gain alot of muscle.

As for Creatine... You're supposed to use half a scoop, I used a full one. I worked out 2 hours that day, went out clubbing and drinking, slept 4 hours and was wide awake the whole next day and night. I will probably not use it again... It just makes your muscles swell up with a lot of water, and gives them a ton of energy to lift more than you could before...thus more tears, thus more protein, thus more gains.

As for your superfoods. Coconut oil is higher in saturated fats (the bad kind) than butter, by a good amount. The idea of "Virgin Coconut Oil" kinda makes me laugh, but I suggest stopping with that if you want to get rid of a beer gut. The rest I've not really heard of (other than cacao, which is just raw chocolate).

Definitely the best hobby physically and spiritually. And if one does only gym workout, I'd recommend going to swim once a week for all-round excercise and positive mind. But ma in between weight lifting days can result in blood veins snapping in the ma practices and some severe lactic acid(?) attacks (especially shoulders, elbows..) in case you've not recovered in time.

"I'd recommend going to swim once a week for all-round exercise and positive mind." If you don't get this out of every workout, you weren't doing it hard enough.

Lactic acid doesn't hit the joints. Lactic Acid is your muscles getting tired after a while, so that burning soarness you feel in your legs after a long sprint. You're body should clear it away in about a minute of rest. It more sounds like you are lifting wrong, and fucking your joints up... I strongly suggest going down a weight class and working on your form, you could fuck yourself up bad.

oooo I'm all excited to get back into this stuff, I should take all my medication at once so its over and I can go tomorrow.

Edit: Also swimming doesn't put out that much, calorie wise, its just low resistance for people with joint issues. Its an exercise for feeble old men.
As for your superfoods. Coconut oil is higher in saturated fats (the bad kind) than butter, by a good amount. The idea of "Virgin Coconut Oil" kinda makes me laugh, but I suggest stopping with that if you want to get rid of a beer gut. The rest I've not really heard of (other than cacao, which is just raw chocolate).

I agree with all the rest you said, but I've actually digged into this and coconut oil the is the only healthy type of hard fat (don't know the English terms). Your body doesn't store it, but uses it as energy right away. And the important thing is the balance of different fats. Same with calories; there are good calories also, not just bad ones, it's not very wise for old people to take drugs that kill all the calories. Coconut oil is a miracle product for many purposes. I had a debate about it with someone a while ago and I can say the truth is this stuff is different.

As for the raw organic cacao, it's said to rank around top 3 of healthiest stuff you can find in the nature, ridicilous amounts of health ingredients. Obviously a whole different thing to the chocolate and shit they sell in stores. Every now and then there's a newsflash: you know what, chocolate is actually healthy! and then people go and buy that brown sugar grease shit. The misinformation is brutal.

The list of "superfoods" I have in my kitchen
organic cacao (with milk)
pollen (got everything you need for living except water)
maca root (smoothies, milk)
goji berries (bare, smoothies)
linseeds (omegas)
hemp seeds (awesome oils for sports)
sesame seeds (calcium etc)
sunflower seeds (fry with oil and salt for salad.. this is not a 'superfood' tho)
rose salt (ancient salt mined from Himalaya when the mountains were under sea.. they even sell this in jewelry shops)
wheat sprout(?) (the green stuff you mix with lotsa water)
that coconut oil

Some call it religion, I call it healthy but somewhat expensive hobby.. just for occasional extra boost.

I think swimming is particularly stimulating with a kilometer in the water and the sauna on top, especially during the Finnish winter when 5pm till 11am is polar night. I for one am mentally dependant on doing at least some sports weekly, and I can't complain about the fresh feeling after swimming.
Yes, it's best absorbed best when your body has an insulin spike so drink it with glucose or orange juice and drink soon after adding it to liquid. It does deteriorate.

Read up if you can on Creatine, how much you should take according to your weight, loading periods and cycles. I'm not sure if the long term effects are known but it shouldn't be used continuously I believe.

Protein powders weren't that effective for me but it did increase the size of my turds.

The body gets used to it.
I hear sticking to a solid routine for 3 weeks then vary it for the next 3 weeks so your muscles and mind don't get bored.

ma in between weight lifting days can result in blood veins snapping in the ma practices and some severe lactic acid(?) attacks

Snapping? You may want to try less days/hours of gym or less sessions of MA?

Also swimming doesn't put out that much, calorie wise, its just low resistance for people with joint issues. Its an exercise for feeble old men.

Have you seen the physiques on olympic swimmers?



AHHHH what the fuck is wrong with Australians!?!?!

Lol, that is basically a treat for pre-teens, usually in sandwich form between two slices of buttered bread to stop the 'sprinkles' falling all over the place. I'm a little bit suspicious about the culinary licence used in that photo, I've never seen the single coloured versions.

I'm surprised you find that odd but then again I guess we find peanut butter and jam to be a horrendous combination.

AHHHH what the fuck is wrong with Canadians!?!?!

you know what, chocolate is actually healthy! and then people go and buy that brown sugar grease shit. The misinformation is brutal

I recall reading to get any benefit from chocolate you have to get the darkest one you can find with no sugar added. Dark chocolate is very bitter so most commercial varieties put in a lot of sugar to make it tasty.

So when you find the darkest most sugarless chocolate, you then have to limit it to no more than 7g per day on average which equates to one little square of chocolate 2-3 times per week.

The effects start to diminish and then counteract the good it does if you have more.

Yeah right, like anyone can stick to one square and it only works with dark chocolate because milk in chocolate interferes with the absorption of whatever's good in it.

...and then there is articles like this:

Sweet news, chocolate may be good for the heart.

I agree with all the rest you said, but I've actually digged into this and coconut oil the is the only healthy type of hard fat (don't know the English terms). Your body doesn't store it, but uses it as energy right away. And the important thing is the balance of different fats. Same with calories; there are good calories also, not just bad ones, it's not very wise for old people to take drugs that kill all the calories. Coconut oil is a miracle product for many purposes. I had a debate about it with someone a while ago and I can say the truth is this stuff is different.

I've read different. The solid stuff at the top of a can of coconut milk, what you cook with. Its high in the bad kind of fats, like butter...much higher though. But whatever, I cook with it. Saute some cilantro root in coconut oil with curry paste for an awesome sauce.
I've read different. The solid stuff at the top of a can of coconut milk, what you cook with. Its high in the bad kind of fats, like butter...much higher though. But whatever, I cook with it.

Trust me, if you can convince me what I've read is wrong, that they're actually marketing poison grease as wonder drug, I'll tear those sites down with some passionate comments. I want to research that because most people believe it's unhealthy, so gotta get to the bottom of it. I've read stuff from credible sources with chemical patterns etc explaining why it's not bad, and it's a common false belief that it's just one of 'em bad kind of fats.

And yeah, one of the pros is it won't turn to venom on the pan like most other greases when frying stuff.

Saute some cilantro root in coconut oil with curry paste for an awesome sauce.

I use that coconut milk for the curry-flavored chicken/vegetable/fruit foods, here's some I did, hope the pics display. The chicken is underneath :D Coconut is good with citric and hot, in curry and paprika flavors and all that thai stuff.. And rum also. Should really learn to cook something special they do in the East. And on a sidenote, I add most vegetables only after the cooked stuff has cooled down, because the entshymes die in +38 celcius or something.


So when you find the darkest most sugarless chocolate, you then have to limit it to no more than 7g per day on average which equates to one little square of chocolate 2-3 times per week.

They just state a limit so some addict won't eat a kilo and die, ruining the business in the process when the media starts bragging about killer chocolate and labeling "superfoods" as second worst thing to drug marketing.. But it's quite fine powder and light, I only use as much as is natural for a 0,5l of milk.. just pour it in the milk and don't worry about limits :D If you have a really hard day ahead, I'd imagine taking a good handful would help you get thru better.

And yeah, it's not as good in taste, nor does it even dissoul into the milk due its dryness, but health goes a notch over taste in importance, that's what many don't understand. It's not hard to make tasty food. Just pour in strawberries and ice cream in the blender and mix some liquor in... The challenge is to make stuff that's healthy, tastes good and is reasonably priced (cheap). That's why it's also kinda rewarding to get something done right.. and cooking is fun too.
Calories in > Calories out and you'll get bigger. Exercises and nutrition just decides where those calories go.

Not entirely true. A calorie is a unit of energy. A Joule is the metric term and commonly referred to by the thousands with food, i.e. kilojoules (kJ). You burn up kilojoules throughout the day, with exercise and even while sleeping. Whatever you don't burn gets stored as fat.

Fat = stored energy.

Our body's survival mechanism stores fat to get us through periods of famine.

Calories in > Calories out and you'll get fatter.

Just like when you fill your car with petrol, you burn it as you drive, whatever you don't burn is stored in the petrol tank for later usage.

Getting to Know the Good Fats

"Coconut oil that is primarily saturated and contains medium chain fatty acids is definitely one of the good fats. Its 92% saturated fat content raises concern over the adverse effects it may cause on one’s health. Recent discoveries however prove that coconut oil has a 62% concentration of Medium Chain Fatty acids (MCFAs). This is coconut oils’ unique characteristic that is not present in other saturated fat. It may even be healthier than most saturated oils. Unsaturated fat have a high concentration of long chain fatty acids unlike MCFAs which are easily absorbed by the body as it require less energy and fewer enzymes, thereby improving digestion."

"Short and medium chain fatty acids are transported directly to the liver where they are immediately converted to energy. Modern researches also discovered that MCFA can prevent and heal a lot of sickness because of its antimicrobial properties. Aside from its ability to improve the immune system, MCFA also aids in the absorption and retention of magnesium, calcium and some amino acids. "

I guess it's best to take half this and half the good oils.

Coconut Oil can help you Lose Fat

^Here is an article that answers these myths:

– Coconut Oil contains a lot of fat so it must be fattening.
– Coconut Oil contains almost all saturated fat so it must be bad for you.
– Coconut Oil should be avoided by those who are at risk for heart disease
And on a sidenote, I add most vegetables only after the cooked stuff has cooled down, because the entshymes die in +38 celcius or something.

Credibility lost. Thats absolute bullshit. Stop just reading shit up on the internet, go to trained professional (Doctor or a nutritionist). I see corn on your plate. You know where corn grows? Mexico...and its harvested in the fall, after the summer. You think it doesn't go above 38 degrees Celsius on some Mexican summer days? You're own body is above that heat as well isn't it? The whole raw-vegan thing is crap. Human's have been cooking their food since they discovered fire. Steaming is recommended because it doesn't require fats like in frying, and it doesn't involve carcinogens like on a grill.

Also fats in a pan don't turn into "venom". If you aren't that comfortable with English, use the proper words you are supposed to instead of trying to incorporate slang. When fats get to hot, beyond their smoke point, they release carcinogens, and they just start to smoke and taste off. Carcinogens are linked to cancer, just like everything else there ever was, so its not "venom" (or "poison" being the word you want), its just not that healthy.

All this being said, fats aren't bad for you, stop being a pussy.

Edit: and thats a shitty website for Housewives jumping from diet trend to diet trend, enjoy your swim.
No, sorry.. "At about 94 degrees, food enzymes start to lose their effectiveness" and I think that's fahrenheit.

Barbequing/frying/boiling vegetables will kill them and it should be clear the health effect diminishes.

fats aren't bad for you, stop being a pussy.

thats a shitty website for Housewives jumping from diet trend to diet trend, enjoy your swim.

:lol: So much for quality discussion.