The Food Thread.

Not entirely true.

Maybe not mentally, lol.

As you get older your metabolism slows down and you put on weight easier with the same fuel intake.

Let's say you have a V8 and 4 cyl. If both cars fill up with the same amount of fuel and drive the same distance the 4cyl will have more fuel left in the tank - it's more fuel efficient.

You could be right in some 'energy is neither created nor destroyed'/first law of thermodynamics way though. It's too early in the morning for me to wrap my head around right now.

I've been thinking about the calorie / muscle thing though.

Bodybuilders have very low bodyfat and let's say you starved one on a desert island, their body would resort to the muscle for fuel so muscle would have to have calorific value.

You know where corn grows? Mexico...


It can grow in whatever temperature, once it's picked it degrades regardless.

The boiling point of water is 100 deg, many people boil veggies so is it 94 degC you're talking about? Putting vegies in 38 degree tepid water is basically eating them raw.

Anyway when you boil the veggies the nutrients escape into the water so if you're seriously that concerned just drink the water after it has cooled down.

You think it doesn't go above 38 degrees Celsius on some Mexican summer days? You're own body is above that heat as well isn't it?

A healthy body temp is between 36.5 - 37.5 degrees - missed it by 'that' much. :lol:

Also fats in a pan don't turn into "venom".

Artistic licence, please :lol: I saw a kid once call the first slice of bread in the bag 'poison' PMSL - it's staler than the rest and everyone digs down to the next slice - it literally isn't poison.

Being a Metal forum using the word Venom is perfectly acceptable.

Carcinogens are linked to cancer

Carcinogen literally means 'cancer causing'.

drinking my lunch, can tuna+1cup mixed vegetables+alf of sweet potato.... blended, tastes/feels good man.
Sounds really bad brah.
And thick too...I assume you thin it out with water or milk?

I'm going to take notes of all the shit im eating, and try to really plan out my meals ahead. I want to get writing up some of the recipes I've been doing...with keeping the gym completely in mind.

Anyway, if you're going this route, try blending some tofu now and then? No taste, high in protein.

It can grow in whatever temperature, once it's picked it degrades regardless.

The boiling point of water is 100 deg, many people boil veggies so is it 94 degC you're talking about? Putting vegies in 38 degree tepid water is basically eating them raw.

100F = 37.7~C so no that is not what I was talking about. He is explaining Raw-veganism, which is complete bullshit. Boiling vegetables will take out a large amount of nutrients, thats true, nutrients and pigments will leech out.

Sweet yellow corn, the kind we are all so accustomed to, mostly grows in the Southern US and Mexico. It was favoured over all forms of wild corn, because...well its not shit basically.

Anyway when you boil the veggies the nutrients escape into the water so if you're seriously that concerned just drink the water after it has cooled down.

Because drinking weird, greenish water with a really off taste is disgusting. Why not just cook your vegetables properly, have all the nutrients without having to down a glass of dirty water?

A healthy body temp is between 36.5 - 37.5 degrees - missed it by 'that' much. :lol:

The thermometer we used when sick as kids was in F, so I know 98.6 is solid :p, but not used to C.

Artistic licence, please :lol: I saw a kid once call the first slice of bread in the bag 'poison' PMSL - it's staler than the rest and everyone digs down to the next slice - it literally isn't poison.
Being a Metal forum using the word Venom is perfectly acceptable.

Its not staler, it just has the crust on it, anyone who avoids that piece is a 6 year old at heart and needs to harden the fuck up. No, I will not allow such fagotry. It's 2010, you're old, hair metal has gotten so old, that you can't play it without being called a gimmicky revivalist.

Venom is a poison from an animal >8(

Carcinogen literally means 'cancer causing'.

I'll give you that one :/
cliff, you're now in my ignore list, for not having ignored S and for quoting his posts, therefore making it readable.
Sounds really bad brah.
And thick too...I assume you thin it out with water or milk?

I'm going to take notes of all the shit im eating, and try to really plan out my meals ahead. I want to get writing up some of the recipes I've been doing...with keeping the gym completely in mind.

Anyway, if you're going this route, try blending some tofu now and then? No taste, high in protein.

I love the taste and texture of tofu and it's a light meal, no need to blend. But all that other shit takes me a long time to eat, so I just throw it in the blender with some water and blend the shit out of it. It's kind of like a soup, taste fucking great to me honestly. Has perfect balance of carbs and protein, great mid-morning/early afternoon on-the-go meal.

And if you want to plan your shit, use this:

Fitday, just use the serial/name provided. You can use the default foods or use the food label info and enter it yourself. Great for tracking exercise/food/gains/losses/etc... been my best tool for pre-planning my shit.
drinking weird, greenish water with a really off taste is disgusting. Why not just cook your vegetables properly.

In total agreement there.

Its not staler, it just has the crust on it
In that instant the crust had I assume, been eaten long before as the loaf was 3/4 finished and yes it basically was a 6 year old - I found it funny as hell.

hair metal has gotten so old, that you can't play it without being called a gimmicky revivalist.

Venom - hair metal??

Secondly, don't give a fuck about what other people think, listen to what you like, if you're worried about what people will call you you're as fickle as they are.

Venom is a poison from an animal >8(

I do realise this.

cliff, you're now in my ignore list

No big loss, you don't post much anyway.

There was some body builder, fuck, i think it was just an article I read in magazine about a power lifter. This mother fucker would blend 2 whole pan seared chicken breasts with a glass of water and gulp that shit down. That's fucking gross.
I love the taste and texture of tofu and it's a light meal, no need to blend. But all that other shit takes me a long time to eat, so I just throw it in the blender with some water and blend the shit out of it. It's kind of like a soup, taste fucking great to me honestly. Has perfect balance of carbs and protein, great mid-morning/early afternoon on-the-go meal.

And if you want to plan your shit, use this:

Fitday, just use the serial/name provided. You can use the default foods or use the food label info and enter it yourself. Great for tracking exercise/food/gains/losses/etc... been my best tool for pre-planning my shit.

Put it together in a different way, and that is a basic puree soup.

Add 1/2 an onion to that, chop everything you have really fine, put it in a pot with a bit of olive oil (or whatever), good untill onions are soft, add in half a stick of cinammon, some thyme, curry, allspice, maybe some honey, brown sugar would be great but its not/fit/. Sweet tasting stuff will work great with the potato... boil untill soft, add in tuna can and blend.
There was some body builder, fuck, i think it was just an article I read in magazine about a power lifter. This mother fucker would blend 2 whole pan seared chicken breasts with a glass of water and gulp that shit down. That's fucking gross.

That is gross. Should have steamed them.
How is boiling chicken? (How would i steam them? also) Sometimes it's late and I don't feel like filling the kitchen up with smoke, I'm thinking of dicing them up and, yea...
and i dont wanatalk to scoentsist yalll fikcloujgn li<ign an getinf msi pssided!
How is boiling chicken? (How would i steam them? also) Sometimes it's late and I don't feel like filling the kitchen up with smoke, I'm thinking of dicing them up and, yea...

You'd steam it the same way you'd steam vegetables? We have a pot with a steam tray thing.
Boiling chicken will give you about the same results as steaming, but with a steamer you can stick chicken on some lemon slices, stick some garlic on it, and season the thing as it steams.

My mom would boil chicken for chicken salads and the such. I would finish it on a grill or in a pan for a stirfry or something, but using two cooking methods isn't very good when the goal is time saving. So yeah, it will be like rubbery airplane food, but less processed. Add some veg, sauce and spices and it will probably be pretty good.

and i dont wanatalk to scoentsist yalll fikcloujgn li<ign an getinf msi pssided!

Fucking coffee, how does it work?
Maybe not mentally, lol.

As you get older your metabolism slows down and you put on weight easier with the same fuel intake.

Let's say you have a V8 and 4 cyl. If both cars fill up with the same amount of fuel and drive the same distance the 4cyl will have more fuel left in the tank - it's more fuel efficient.

You could be right in some 'energy is neither created nor destroyed'/first law of thermodynamics way though. It's too early in the morning for me to wrap my head around right now.

I've been thinking about the calorie / muscle thing though.

Bodybuilders have very low bodyfat and let's say you starved one on a desert island, their body would resort to the muscle for fuel so muscle would have to have calorific value.


dulli, ich meinte nur das man nicht grade effizienter wird wenn man auf die 80 zu geht, oder denkste n 80 Jahre alter Typ is durchschnittlich genauso fit oder was auch immer wien einer der 20-50 ist?
dulli, ich meinte nur das man nicht grade effizienter wird wenn man auf die 80 zu geht, oder denkste n 80 Jahre alter Typ is durchschnittlich genauso fit oder was auch immer wien einer der 20-50 ist?

Yes, you are referring to 'efficiency' in a different respect.

Speaking of 80 year olds, this guy is near 79, still grandmaster, still teaching today and dealing pain to much younger guys.

I can't promote maintaining fitness and diet any better. You want to be this agile at his age for sure.

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