The Food Thread.

Corn flour = Cornmeal? Never a big Cornmeal fan, I've always kinda disliked the texture.

They look really good though, great colour.
^ That sour creme looks nice and a bit weird for me, might try it once, I mostly just mix smetana and joghurt with onions/garlic/spices

Wat? Its a really easy sauce to make, just keep stirring it or you'll get little lumps which is gross.
Corn flour = Cornmeal? Never a big Cornmeal fan, I've always kinda disliked the texture.

I see your point,but this flour has a really fine texture, just like wheat flour :)

They look really good though, great colour.

yay thanx :D

Wat? Its a really easy sauce to make, just keep stirring it or you'll get little lumps which is gross.

Ah, its not that, its just ingredients are a bit weird for my taste and probably for most ppl here :o
I see your point,but this flour has a really fine texture, just like wheat flour :)

Ah, its not that, its just ingredients are a bit weird for my taste and probably for most ppl here :o

Ahh, good, cause I hate corn lol. Wheat tortillas ftw.
What ingredients are weird?! :O

I want to make some stock on sunday, make the house smell like gods vagina. Need to start telling people to send me their bones.

So send us your bones.

You and your pancakes are cheating

Ill make you a sammich if you dont say it to anyone .

What ingredients are weird?! :O

The fact that you mixed chicken stock with joghurt :lol:

meh,cuisine here is not full of mixing of different flavours,as a matter of fact most ppl here hate that. I remember last year when I made a chinese pork with oranges for a family celebration and everybody liked it but when i told them what is it, everybody stopped eating it immediately and my grandma asked me am I crazy for mixing pork with fruit :lol:
Its a classical french dish! >8(
I think.

Anyway, its more mixing creme with chicken stock, then adding yogurt to that.
Creme + Stock = godly.

Now that I'm fairly good at segmenting whole chickens I think I'll just buy them. I like how whole chickens are cheaper than 2 breasts.
"lol that soup mix pack looks like a condom....oh"

We did something similar in class, we flattened a chicken breast and stuffed it, and rolled it in plastic wrap then boiled it.
We didn't use condoms :/

Head's too big, might not fit in the oven.

By the way the earliest ovens are noted to have been used since pre-historic times by cultures who lived in the Indus Valley and pre-dynastic Egypt.

It is known that settlements across the Indus Valley were the first to have an oven within each mud-brick house by 3200 BC. As for the use of the oven in each respective culture, people in the Indus Valley used them plenty as the hardened mud ovens were found in almost every household. The obvious explanation for the popular use of the oven in the homes would most likely involve it's use for cooking food.

However the name Australia was popularised by the explorer Matthew Flinders, who pushed for it to be formally adopted as early as 1804. When preparing his manuscript and charts for his 1814 A Voyage to Terra Australis, he was persuaded by his patron, Sir Joseph Banks, to use the term Terra Australis as this was the name most familiar to the public.
Head's too big, might not fit in the oven.
Also wouldn't cook evenly. (legs and head would be done looong before body)

Yay I got my school Exam shedule.

We get one day to do all the prep we can, thennnn the next day all plating and cooking.

start 1pm
Butternut Squash soup at 1:30pm

Caramelized Onion Bacon Risotto 2:15pm

Forcemeat stuffed Chicken Supreme
With ratatouille, tournee potatos, white wine sauce. 3pm

Chocolate Mousse Genoise 3:30pm.

I plan on taking pics of all of them because they will rock shit.
Prior to that it was known as New Holland, named by Dutch explorer Abel Tasman. Tasmania is named after him.


Genau! Und Tasmanien liegt zwischen 40° und 44° südlicher Breite sowie zwischen 144° und 149° östlicher Länge. Die Insel liegt auf der Südspitze des australischen Kontinentalschelfs und ist annähernd so groß wie Irland. Sie ist die weitaus größte der über hundert Inseln des Bass-Archipels.

Die Vegetation wird im Nordwesten von gemäßigten regenwaldähnlichen Wäldern bestimmt. Im Südwesten und Norden finden sich aber auch Buttongras- und Moorlandschaften. Auf den weitläufigen Hochebenen begegnen uns alpine Moose und Blumen. Durch die isolierte Lage vom Festland sind etwa 20 Prozent der gut 1500 vorkommenden höheren Pflanzenarten endemisch. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen klimatischen und geographischen Verhältnisse differiert auch in Bezug auf die Flora die Westhälfte der Insel stark vom Osten. Im Westteil finden sich vorwiegend regenwaldähnliche Wälder und Vegetationsformen, die in Teilen jenen von Südamerika und Neuseeland ähneln. Im Osten Tasmaniens herrschen trockene und lichte Wälder australischer Prägung vor. Letztere sind gekennzeichnet durch hunderte verschiedener Akazien- und Eukalyptusarten, die wie in Teilen Australiens die gesamte Restflora dominieren. Wie die gesamte australische Flora weisen auch sie eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher evolutionärer Anpassungen auf. Der Wald australischer Prägung lichtet in den Höhenlagen zunehmend aus. Oberhalb 900 Meter im Norden und 600 Meter im Süden gehen die Wälder häufig in ausgedehnte Moorlandschaften über.

Ein ebenfalls sehr bekanntes Beispiel einer für Tasmanien endemischen Tierart ist der Tasmanische Teufel, welcher auf dem australischen Festland bereits ausgestorben ist.
