The Food Thread.

look at its scrotum.


The poor things are suffering some sort of endemic disease at the moment, they get facial tumours eating away at their jaws, etc. It could wipe out the species.

The Tasmanian Tiger got hunted to extinction


Scientists are doing Jurassic Park type experiments to try to bring it back.

Excuse the wiki, these guys were also hunted out.


The last four "full blooded" Tasmanian Aborigines. Truganini, 'The Last Tasmanian' is seated far right.

Nah, I'll man up... I was spamming posts trying to distract myself form puking. I have an iron gut so I'll be ok. Int he morning I blend a cup of 1% milk, 2 scoop protein and 1/2 cup of oatmeal together...

And while the nutrients were welcomed but not needed, it was for calories only... all my other meals are jam fucking packed and I was under by ~200 cals so the only place I could squeeze in more food was breakfast, but I have NO time in the mornings so I gotta have something quick and liquid :lol:

Congrats, you're off my ignore list. You stopped trying to be funny and weathered the storm of hatred. Exactly the way I joined this board. You have earned my correspondence :)
I used to do whole 4 eggs into a glass and gulp it down. But your body doesn't digest it as efficiently as if it they were cooked. I started drinking raw eggs in like, 7th grade and continued till I was a junior in high school and never got sick once. Everyone used to tell me, nick, you're gonna get salmonella poisoning and die. Fuck them, I hate them, I'm a fucken stud now.

You want a good mass gainer, check out Optimum serious mass or Tru-mass. There's A LOT of science pointing to protein digestion with raw eggs of only 50% and them being cooked up to 98%. And yes, it's the closest thing to taking a horse's load next to actually blowing a horse.
:lol: For some reason... I just made scrambled eggs (two whole eggs and some milk) and then after cooking it, threw it in a blender with some warm water and pureed that shit. Drinking it was... a neutral horror. It didn't taste that bad, but everything else (texture, etc) was a fucking nightmare :loco:

I think that I will cook them from now on though, just because the digestion shit you pointed out.
Everyone used to tell me, nick, you're gonna get salmonella poisoning and die.

That's from eating raw chicken not eggs.

Salmonella poisoning is bad shit, literally, lol. I shat so many times in the first week it was coming out liquid and green. Went to hospital twice that week (for a few hours each time), they stuck a drip in my arm and I was wheeling that thing to and from the toilet every 10 minutes.

I was off work for about a month & lost so much weight I almost looked like a POW.

I believe I caught it from some undercooked fish.

There's A LOT of science pointing to protein digestion with raw eggs of only 50% and them being cooked up to 98%.

Got any references?

There are opposing views here:

My top 2 blended meals that I have everyday are:


2 Scoops Protein
1 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup of Oatmeal (uncooked)


1 Can Tuna (in water)
1 Cup Mixed Vegetables
1/2 a large Sweetpotato, cooked

Hoping to add more to the roster.
Its actually the enzyme avidin in an egg that binds to biotin that prevents its absorption. Boiling or Cooking the egg white prevents this problem

1. Mix your tuna with a banana.
2. Baked chicken breast

I knew a semi-pro/arena football player growing up, and after his workout he'd mix his protein powder with a melted down quart container of butter pecan ice cream and drink the whole goddamn thing. He trained hard as fuck and was still below probably 8% body fat. He was black though, and I think they're immune to diabetes and every disease not as hardcore as fucken Aids. That's something to aspire to ya know...
He trained hard as fuck and was still below probably 8% body fat.

Any steroids in the mix?... but yeah some black dudes are highly athletic with good control of body fat.

I think they're immune to diabetes and every disease not as hardcore as fuckin Aids.

I know they ain't immune to diabetes, have you seen how fat some of them get? I think the Afro-Americans are more at risk.

Funnily enough they have found a tribe in Africa where the women have a natural immunity to Aids.

Also, one example you may know, Magic Johnson seems to have survived well with HIV.

^ possibly ruined the joke but .... what's positive about Africa?


2 Scoops Protein
1 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup of Oatmeal (uncooked)

Blend/grind the oats so they are a finer grinds.

Mix it all up in a large water bottle and shake to mix it. The blender I have will aerate my protein shakes, so they are all foamy and thick, so you get tons of gas when drinking them :p

I do a scoop of whey, spoonful of spirulina mixed with water just as a breakfast now, as I can take it and walk to work while drinking it.
Never made this, but someone on the dutch bodybuilding forum posted this, I'll do a quick translation

whey bar
180 g oats
- 4 scoops whey (vanille)
- 130 g peanut butter
- 120 ml/g water

Other possible variations/ addings
-Raisins (30-40g)
-nuts (whole or crushed)
- Bran (for extra fiber)
- Linseed


- Put the oats and the whey in a bowl, (+ addings if used), mix.
- add water, mix

- Add peanut butter, knead till it's firm


- Put it in a plastic tray and push it flat

- Put it ca 30-40 minutes in the freezer to make it firmer and less sticky

- Cut into howmany pieces you like

- Save in the refridgerator

- Nutritive value per piece, if you cut it into eight pieces

Kcal: 230
Prot: 15 g
Fat: 10
Carbs: 21 g

In 4th pieces:

Kcal: 460
Prot: 30 g
Fat: 20
Carbs: 42 g

Nutritive values are estimated, depends on which whey, peanut butter and oats you use.
Kcal: 460
Prot: 30 g
Fat: 20g
Carbs: 42 g

The fuck? I'd rather eat a shitload of cookies. I guess if I was bulking this would be ok, but 500 cals, 42g of carbs and 20g of fat? That's almost as bad as a Big Mac. I'm sure the fat is all Sat from the Peanutbutter...