The Game Thread

You get gold bonus if you build roads/railroads, but otherwise if you send caravans you only get food or production between your cities. Your best buddies who have no negative modifiers with you, decide to all the sudden embargo you, that's the best scenario :lol:

I'vebarely played so I have no idea what you're saying :Spin:
XCOM is loads of fun though.
Picked up Halo 4 again today after months of not having played it... Let alone turning on my 360.

343 really should have just waited for a new console to make that game. It would be so damned good if it weren't for issues caused by the 360 sucking balls... Failing to render armor on characters, textures on maps, extreme frame rate drops... Such a shame, because that game brought so much cool shit to the table too (Spartan Ops, a solid campaign, good fucking graphics, better balancing, good controls). Hopefully Microsoft will quit being cocks and just start releasing the games on PC as well because they're really shooting themselves in the dick lately.
1. Lol you know they won't start simultaneously releasing them on PC anytime soon

2. Spartan Ops was one of the biggest mistakes in the history of the franchise, magnified by the fact that it replaced Firefight, its greatest success in years.

Been replaying Halo 2 campaign, fuck me THAT is what Halo should be like.

Like, characterisation of the Elites even-


Spec Ops Cmdr: "That new armour suits you. But it cannot hide that mark."
Arbiter: "Nothing ever will."
SOC: "You are the Arbiter, the will of the Prophets. But these are my Elites-their lives matter to me, yours does not."
A: "That makes two of us."

H4 (not even in the campaign, relegated to SpOps):


Well, that's the covenant in the campaign, not the sanghelli as a whole. Hopefully in the next game the arbiter will make a return. And I'm glad they got rid of Firefight for Spartan Ops because at least it kept the story going after the campaign was over and was actually fairly interesting in that aspect. Firefight in ODST was top tier and in Reach they managed to make Firefight suck donkey sack. I think the main story that they wanted to get across was well written, which was the bit between Chief, Cortana, and Didact. The Covenant bit was vague, but I think they did that intentionally to allude to bigger plot points later on. Still, I prefer the gameplay of Halo 4 to Reach any day by far.

I do agree with you though, nothing will top Halo 2 in that series I don't think. 3 is my favorite campaign I think, but in terms of progression of gameplay and story, Halo 2 is easily the best the series has seen, and probably will ever see.
Jul'Mdama is one of the COOLEST fucking characters the series has ever had and he is given barely anything meaningful to say, at least currently. Feels like a waste.

Also fuck you, ODST Firefight is king yes but Reach retained that specific mode (for customs, I mean who the fuck did Firefight matchmaking, that's your own damn fault) and allowed you to make ridiculous hilarity modes (fighting waves of Elite Zealots and Hunter kill teams armed with bottomless clip Needlers with no weapon pickup anyone?)-forsaken for some pithy missions with little to no replay value strung along with some admittedly very impressive cinematics that would have been better off repurposed and integrated into the campaign. And AFAIK there's no sign of Spartan Ops Season 2 anywhere on the horizon, so the "time added" to the game after the campaign was roughly the same as if not less than the average player's multiplayer lifespan.

I hope that with H5 343 ensure that you don't have to have read all the tie-in literature to make sense of the damn thing. At this point the series can either:

-Take a spectacular turn back to the H2 level of story depth and galactic scope with the H3 level of epicness-and for the love of god utilise the X1's hardware and ERADICATE all those fucking soft kill barriers and give us huge Halo 1-scale levels (unlikely imo)
-Go south and just become a complete clusterfuck (also unlikely imo)
-Worst of all, just be mediocre and bland (most likely imo)

I'll stick around for at least one more, to see where it goes. If they start bringing back characters the fanbase actually gives a shit about (Arbiter, Half-Jaw, Lord Hood (or from the novels; Blue Team, the S-IIIs, Parangosky)) then it could actually end up being really cool.

edit: I will defend H4's core gameplay, I have no love for armour abilities or those retarded COD-armour upgrades or whatever, but the return of H2/H3 jump height/run speed and inclusion of sprint as a base trait (THANK GOD, wanted that shit since H2 days)-especially coming from the fat-chick-in-the-cakes-aisle agility of Reach was a fucking godsend
First post in this thread. Questing to 20000G before I start my course, can be done, only another 1700 to do and I have five potential games to do it out of. Which is why I am point whoring GTA4, which is not one of them. Taken me a fucking age to get these poxy pigeons, basically I have got 199/200 of them and cant find the last one for shit/don't know where it is. So, then I have the making all my friends like me which will be a task and a half considering I had my phone on offline since I completed the game, so they have about 20% like for me and then the stunt jumps and that'll be the last 200G I am missing. Wont bother with the multiplayer, game has started to bore the fuck out of me.

I intend to take that game and a few others down to CEX when I return to the UK and chop them in for GTA5. Goodbye social life.
CEX is the fucking shit but the one nearest me closed down a couple of years ago :(

Getting GTA V in half term, played it and holy fuck it is so good