E3 2013?
Microsoft pretty much shot themselves in the foot. Having timed exclusives which will eventually come out on the PS4. TV TV TV.
EA delivered. Showed plenty of gameplay.
Sony pretty much won the whole E3 by showing plenty of games, supporting used games and indie developers. Not to mention that $399 price. Both PS4 and Xbox One look like crap tho.
Nintendo showed some a new Pokemon game (cool I guess, since I own a 3DS), new Mario game which didn't surprise me enough. It didn't look better than Galaxy for sure. Mario Karting? Looks the same like the last one, didn't get me there. New SSBB - not bad. And pretty much the same with the new Donkey Kong game. We had one like some 1-2 years ago. The reason why I'm not excited about any of those games is because they don't even bother to make a new IP. They've been milking this shit for such a long time that now it's all the same to me.
Square Enix announced Kingdom Hearts 3 which made me pretty happy. Also FF15 looks slick, glad they renamed it after realizing what flop 13 is, so I guess they don't want anyone to associate it with that.
Cool, let's talk some games now. I personally cannot wait for MGS5, being the MGS fanboy that I am. I was expecting those fucks to finally show Zone of the Enders 3, but no, not this year as well... Destiny, my god I am uber fuckin excited for that game! The demo looked good, overall the world and the gameplay appeal so much to me. It's gonna be fun to play this with friends for sure. I want to conclude with The Witcher 3. Witcher 1 & 2 having a badass lore and gameplay, I think that cd projekt red will do even better this time around. I kinda wonder how the open world will work. I have the same thoughts about MGS5, because it will also have open world.
Well that wraps my E3 experience. I'm sure there's plenty to talk about, so share your E3 experience. Which games are you guys excited about? What are your thoughts about the press conferences? Let's get this shit going!