Active Member
I think it's pretty cool the way they managed to two environments to the game in one DLC really. The storyline is pretty good too, and there's plenty to do once it's done.
Twilight Princess down
Dark Souls
I bought a Wii, it was $50, and I plugged a USBHD into it. Apparently all you need is a 2gb SD card and you can softmod a Wii.
SO Twilight Princess down, Probably mario Galaxy next. Really hate the lack of HD on Wii though. I'm also being offered my friends PS3, when I can afford it. Dark Souls, God of War, Heavenly Sword, Some Calls of Duties, and Little Big Planet.
I really don't go out or do much lately :/
I borrowed a Nintendo Wii for two times, one was for Twilight Princess and the second time for Skyward Sword. Since Ocarina of Time stole my heart in '97 I had to get the sequels. It went too much puzzle-oriented but these games are so much fun and excitement to spend some evenings with, just like Christmas time as kids. These games don't really match Ocarina of Time (Skyward Sword came pretty close), but there's epic moments (the ruins of Gate of Time in the forest taking you to the Temple of Time with the gregorian chants, the nostalgia was indescribable... after more than ten years, it was like the biggest deja vu.) I hope atmosphere and artistic mind doesn't completely vanish from games so I can enjoy the few good games even in the future.
I have a PS3, I don't play much but I've played a dozen of games (not many good games exist really), and I have to say Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are amazing once you get a hold of them, for the challenge, depth and artistic vision. It never even occurred to me what to do with half of the items, you get no second chance to use your items, and you need to decide which properties to develop in your character... I consider myself a semi-pro player and these games were ridiculously hard to beat, you face bosses so overwhelming it seems there's nothing you can do to prevent dying. You learn each detail by dying. The game combines the best aspects of modern game technology to the challenge and depth of old-school games. Once you manage to finally kill them you lift your fist in the air in a sensation of victory. You end up several times not knowing where the hell to go or what the hell to do, but luckily there's the youtube walkthroughs... However, saying you've defeated Demon's Souls and Dark Souls will be merit to carry proudly and cause silent fearful respect in regular gamers, cos if you do beat them you can't be too stupid.
The first boss of Demon's Souls, guaranteed the gamer ever makes it so far, will make most gamers look for contact information for the game developers just to tell them how much they fucking hate them for making such an unfair boss fight. A dozen archers and a mountain-size knight against a regular character? Most will give up and never play again, but if you're intelligent and just think calmly and explore for possible weak spots, you'll eventually find a way to overcome the challenge. But then eventually comes the second world boss that was probably the most difficult and daunting boss I ever faced in any game. And others will follow in the games. You can't waste your shit cos you'd be forced to restart the game if you're out of healing items, weapons etc...
I started Dark Souls 7 months ago and have now proceeded to the last boss I think, about 85 hours of gameplay, when a casual game takes some 9 hours. Really good experience if you want a serious adventure game. I'd prefer it to be a bit easier and instead have more atmosphere. You only have ambient nature "music", but the feeling intensifies in the boss fights when you actually have music some of which is pretty epic, and some of the bosses in general are epicly creative (man eater, dragon god, the great wolf, maiden, gravelord, gaping dragon...) You wander freely in the world so there's no story format, you decide what happens along the way... most likely you'll wander astray from the ideal proceeding order and find yourself spit in an underground pathway full of dangers with nothing but the security of a weak weapon and miserable stats, you have to fight your way through with immense courage and learn every step through dying and doing it again.
Music from an epic boss you encounter in a deep deep catacomb...
Other games I played on PS3 and recommend:
Silent Hill Homecoming
Silent Hill Downpour
Modern Warfare 2
God of War 3
Siren Blood Curse
Dante's Inferno
Resident Evil 5
Then there's the racing simulators and martial art games etc...
Did anyone play Deadspace 3? I want some feedback on this shit.
You could see his face in the 1st game x) right at the start. So I finished Tomb Raider and I gotta say that it's GOTY material. The storyline is so damn good, the gameplay is just like Uncharted, it's perfect. In order for you to experience the game, you gotta play it on the hardest difficulty. The island is huge and there are plenty of skills and weapon upgrades. Amazing single player experience.Holy shit, how could I forget this. Dead Space 1 & 2 fucking rocked. I played DS2 through three times in a row. I love the combination of dark atmosphere and the technical functions and the weapons. They fucked up the atmosphere in the latter half of the second game, with all these gay plot twists. They shouldn't have revealed the face of the protagonist, especially as he turned out to be an annoying, clichéic American character. The original idea gave freedom of imagination as they didn't show the face of the protagonist and he never spoke, this way you felt as if drawn into the game yourself (with people contacting you through radio all the time) instead of watching a B-class movie.
I haven't checked the third game yet, but it already seems unoriginal, I can sense it from certain things. The element of claustrophobia and lonely dark atmosphere is gone, I read on reviews. But these are games you must get.
Holy shit, how could I forget this. Dead Space 1 & 2 fucking rocked. I played DS2 through three times in a row. I love the combination of dark atmosphere and the technical functions and the weapons. They fucked up the atmosphere in the latter half of the second game, with all these gay plot twists. They shouldn't have revealed the face of the protagonist, especially as he turned out to be an annoying, clichéic American character. The original idea gave freedom of imagination as they didn't show the face of the protagonist and he never spoke, this way you felt as if drawn into the game yourself (with people contacting you through radio all the time) instead of watching a B-class movie.
I haven't checked the third game yet, but it already seems unoriginal, I can sense it from certain things. The element of claustrophobia and lonely dark atmosphere is gone, I read on reviews. But these are games you must get.
Telltale's games have always been good (at least for me). They did an excellent job with TWD. You've got to play the Monkey Island episodes which they also made. Now, I saw the new TWD game - Survival Instinct, which doesn't even come close to Telltale's masterpiece. It's a silly excuse for a game. Just milking cash from the loyal fanbase. Otherwise than that I don't see who else will buy this trash.You were upset the main character in an American franchise was American? Did you expect a Haitian? Never been a fan of the genre really, but my chef was playing the first one and has told me he refuses to play more because it freaked him out. I told him to play Amnesia then get back to me... I recently hooked him up with a genesis emulator and pack of 750 games. He's loooving it.
The atmosphere in Telltale's Walking Dead is incredible, if you want a strong storyline, play through this one. I wasn't sure If I was going to like the style of game... almost all the action is played through quick time events, and point-and-click puzzle solving... but the story and the dialogue is so professional, and soo well done, that even though you are basically watching a long episode of a TV show (its based on the Comic/Show, but has its own story/characters), but its a really badass fucking episode.
Bioshock Infinite, just beat, so awesome.
I don't fully agree.
[No spoilers]
The story and plot mechanics are set up in a way so that the devs have an excuse to make a shitty and broken story that doesn't have any choice.
Songbro was the best thing in the game. And story is confusing since it gets dumped all up in your face in the last 10 minutes.