The Game Thread

Got bored of Deus Ex and Dishonourd reeaaallly fast :/
Fable 3 will be given a go, its okay... The gnomes are hilarious, the rest of it is kinda lame... except the interaction with Dog, holy shit thats the cutest, most loveable computer rendering of animal companionship.
The Fable games are always good fun for a bit even if they did drop the ball with those games in recent years. The first Fable game is one of my favorite games ever. Great soundtrack, story, and atmosphere that is very original.
The Fable games are always good fun for a bit even if they did drop the ball with those games in recent years. The first Fable game is one of my favorite games ever. Great soundtrack, story, and atmosphere that is very original.

Using a mouse and keyboard means I have to sit up, and I seriously have been avoiding it at all times. I actually avoided Fable 1 because It didn't have xbox controller for windows mapped out :/
That sucks. The other 2 games are okay I guess, but I honestly have no desire to go back and play them. Fable the Journey was terrible supposedly. Never played it but I've heard nothing but negative things about it.
Post or PM your Steam IDs. Im going to delete a bunch of unrecognizable ones. Going to start actually buying games more often too I think.

Steam ID is the same as my username here. I only play a few games though really: Guild Wars 2, Battlefield 3, Team Fortress 2, Borderlands 2, League of Legends and... That's it really. Pretty much in that order too. I have other stuff, but I never touch them.

And I agree Ensi, that whole soundtrack to Fable 1 was fucking epic. Going to go DL it now actually lol...

Also, how do you guys feel about the new consolols?
new xbox reveal was dildos

tv tv tv tv tv tv tv call of duty tv tv tv tv

not even fucking backwards compatible

I really wish I didn't love Halo so much-literally the only thing stopping me from going full PC.
new xbox reveal was dildos

tv tv tv tv tv tv tv call of duty tv tv tv tv

not even fucking backwards compatible

I really wish I didn't love Halo so much-literally the only thing stopping me from going full PC.

I agree completely. I haven't seen an idea this bad in awhile. There is not one redeeming quality about the console yet. Microshit are literally buttbucking their community. Halo is the only title I even care about and I will not be buying an xbox One so I guess Halo 4 is it for me.

Nothing can sum up how shitty it is better than this picture.

Also, how do you guys feel about the new consolols?

Ask again in a few years, I bought a Wii last November and a Ps3 last night. Ha.

So on my list I have to add Dark Souls, God of War 3, Heavenly Sword, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and some more in the stack I got I can't see. Yay!
I'm downloading FC3: Blood Dragon after my exam today, and blasting through that shit with my best friend tomorrow after our last exam. Want to get my hands on Dark Souls this summer too.

I agree completely. I haven't seen an idea this bad in awhile. There is not one redeeming quality about the console yet. Microshit are literally buttbucking their community. Halo is the only title I even care about and I will not be buying an xbox One so I guess Halo 4 is it for me.

Nothing can sum up how shitty it is better than this picture.


Holy shit, is that a Se7en .gif? :lol:
I agree completely. I haven't seen an idea this bad in awhile. There is not one redeeming quality about the console yet. Microshit are literally buttbucking their community. Halo is the only title I even care about and I will not be buying an xbox One so I guess Halo 4 is it for me.

Nothing can sum up how shitty it is better than this picture.


Fantastic, missed that post.

Co-worker said some shit about Xbox/Ps4 being years ahead of current PC graphics and I nearly sliced my fucking arm off laughing, still doesn't believe that Xbox one isn't as powerful as my current PC.

I'm debating getting a new mobo/cpu soon, but will probably wait a year. CPU is the only thing that could be considered old on my PC, AMD PhenomIIx4. Still runs Crysis3 on recommended settings, and basically everything else on full resolution max settings (bioshock, Dishonourd, Deus Ex, and Skyrim w/mods).


Simple people.
Just finished the main "campaign" story of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and holy shit, that was the most fun I've had playing a game since Skyrim came out. Even games I liked more, eg Mass Effect 3, were just nowhere near as fun. The final end section was everything that I expected/wanted and so, so much more.

GOTY 2013 for me (don't buy many games, but this was 100% worth its price)
Just finished the main "campaign" story of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and holy shit, that was the most fun I've had playing a game since Skyrim came out. Even games I liked more, eg Mass Effect 3, were just nowhere near as fun. The final end section was everything that I expected/wanted and so, so much more.

GOTY 2013 for me (don't buy many games, but this was 100% worth its price)

Its stitting on my desktop next to FC3 at about 70% completion. Great games, but I'm fucking terrible at them :erk:

Also how is ME3, is a playthrough of ME1 and 2 necessary? I played the first one a bit, and didn't really like it. Many of the games I just got with my Ps3 will be traded in/sold for updated ones. Been playing Heavenly Sword, and really not liking it, especially compared to DMC made by the same guys recently, which was awesome...

Out of all the games with my PS3, I've been playing this indie game off PSN called Outland. 3D Side Scrolling platformer/action. Super fun!
ME is one of my favourite series of all time but if you play it just for the gameplay you'll be sorely disappointed. Story and characters makes it, need to play all 3 IMHO. First game's combat is full retard, the sequels improve on that massively to make it somewhat more playable.