^ive been seeing it on steam and my first thought was "generic, pass" but the more i see on it the more im convinced it will be amazing. im about halfway sold on it
and yeah ive tried the witcher 1 about 3 times, even started completely from scratch to get into the story. my theory is it only APPEARS to be a complex game. when really it is just a huge empty world with boring *click on enemy to kill it* gameplay, a less than gripping story, and a complete lack of items
unless you happen to be the one person who enjoys the alchemy section of games, i mean i love smithing, trying to find some neat stuff to get the best sword or armor, but alchemy is so boring

. stat bonuses, lame paralysis traps and poison potions were always overshadowed by the overleveled overpowered monsters that largely populate my main parties. it dont need to do 10 poison damage per turn when my main charecter does like 210

oh yeah, and theres only like 4 fucking swords in the game.....seriously look it up. like give me 2-3 swords to choose from a dungeon. this aint ocarina of time, and i aint 10 anymore

, i want to look increasingly badass every level.