The Gaming Thread

:lol: must be the m98b. that thing is a fucking cannon. think i might pick it back up. been using the g3a3, turned the assault class into another sniper class :lol:. was out in metro countersniping people glitching to the tops of buildings with it earlier
i know, i took it out of my ps3 today to play megaman X, in 3 hours i beat almost all of it :(. i remember it used to be so hard (thatswhatshesaid)
The earlier Megaman games were the hardest. Though I am surprised to hear you say that as whenever I revisit an old title from my childhood I have a harder time with it than I recalled, Megaman was one I simply fear going back to because of that XD.
I just bought the Witcher 2 last night (because I've had a Witcher 2 boner since I saw the previews) and played for a bit...I suck :lol: It's complicated.
The earlier Megaman games were the hardest. Though I am surprised to hear you say that as whenever I revisit an old title from my childhood I have a harder time with it than I recalled, Megaman was one I simply fear going back to because of that XD.

well to be fair... i bought the megaman x collection (1-6), so i played through 1 and 3 about a year ago (3 has anime cutscenes from the PS version, people hate them for some stupid reason but i think theyre awesome :lol:), so i suppose it still is a bit fresh in my mind. but the last time i tried them all, they fucking obliterated me

this time i knew where all the secrets were so within like 2-3 levels i have upgraded armor and double health :lol:

I just bought the Witcher 2 last night (because I've had a Witcher 2 boner since I saw the previews) and played for a bit...I suck :lol: It's complicated.

nice id be interested to know how it is, i played the witcher 1 and it was probably the most boring game ever :lol:, BUT i hear the witcher 2 is better in every way
I just bought the Witcher 2 last night (because I've had a Witcher 2 boner since I saw the previews) and played for a bit...I suck :lol: It's complicated.

yeah it's very complicated... i've only played through the prologue pretty much, and when i two months later decided to pick it up again i couldn't remember the controls :lol:

Only because my ex-wife still played it a couple years ago and showed the world how irrationally angry she could get.

there's nothing irrational about getting angry over rayman :erk:
I just bought the Witcher 2 last night (because I've had a Witcher 2 boner since I saw the previews) and played for a bit...I suck :lol: It's complicated.

Yeah that game looks seriously awesome, I really want to play it but I can't bring myself to play a direct sequel without beating the original when it's an in-depth RPG. The thing is I have the same problem as Niki, I simply CANNOT beat Witcher 1. No matter how many times I try (3 times now) I cannot get more than a few hours into it without getting bored and dropping the game entirely for something else.
I don't know exactly what it is about The Witcher but I can't get into it even though it's the exact kind of game I love. Large open ended, complex game with lots service to nerds by being more complicated than it needs to be:) I love that shit, but something about The Witcher does not sit with me. I think a big part of it is the combat (which is completely upgraded in Witcher 2) but that's not enough to drive me away normally.
Hey I've been reading a lot about the game "Kindgoms of Amalur: Reckoning", apparently it's a large scale RPG in the vein of a Fable/Skyrim hybrid, but it's very action focused and plays more like Dark Souls or Fable in combat, while having a shitload of complex quests and story lines. I don't know why but this game completely slipped under my radar until a few days ago. Anyone else here watching this game?

The name kind of made me skip it I think, for some reason it makes me think of something lame like WoW which I hate. Anyways I decided to give it a look at random the other day and it actually sounds pretty badass. Fable was too shallow but had fun combat, and Skyrim is deep as fuck but combat is pretty shallow. A good mixture would make for a nice RPG
^ive been seeing it on steam and my first thought was "generic, pass" but the more i see on it the more im convinced it will be amazing. im about halfway sold on it :lol:

and yeah ive tried the witcher 1 about 3 times, even started completely from scratch to get into the story. my theory is it only APPEARS to be a complex game. when really it is just a huge empty world with boring *click on enemy to kill it* gameplay, a less than gripping story, and a complete lack of items
unless you happen to be the one person who enjoys the alchemy section of games, i mean i love smithing, trying to find some neat stuff to get the best sword or armor, but alchemy is so boring :lol:. stat bonuses, lame paralysis traps and poison potions were always overshadowed by the overleveled overpowered monsters that largely populate my main parties. it dont need to do 10 poison damage per turn when my main charecter does like 210 :lol:
oh yeah, and theres only like 4 fucking swords in the game.....seriously look it up. like give me 2-3 swords to choose from a dungeon. this aint ocarina of time, and i aint 10 anymore :lol:, i want to look increasingly badass every level.