the GAY thread

Had to bump this up again :grin:




:lol: :lol:
requiem said:
Can this forum get any worse? I've been floating around since this place opened, and yeah, it's great for certain people to socialise, but really, man food? This kind of stuff has been going on for months.

Can't we discuss Anathema, the music and life issues that arise from it? Especially as we have band members (and ex band members plugging their new band) regularly contributing.

For instance, I'd really like to know what you all think about the rock elements that are creeping into the sound. Does 'A Fine Day To Exit' change your perception of the band for the better or worse?

Personally I've always felt that the wider they go laterally, the further my horizon to enjoy them broadens. I can listen to 'The Silent Enigma' next to 'AFDTE' and feel the same magic occur. Many people dislike the latest album... I'd be interested to read how other people view the different styles in the context of the whole.

Do you perceive two different bands, or the same band in different clothes?

I believe this belongs here.
' This forum has hit the rock bottom quite some time ago and that's why I quit moderator job. Since people want to keep this forum their playground and virtual meeting and chatting place for people they know in real life as well, I will let them do so. It is a fine day to exit indeed this place as well... '

This does too !